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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2021 in all areas

  1. Never gave a fuck about the NBA before Lebron, don't give a fuck now and won't give a fuck in the future.
    7 points
  2. The most photographed house in Pittsburg, NH. Yup, it made it another winter
    6 points
  3. Voyageurs Wolf Project 9.87K subscribers Here is a video showing all of the wildlife using a game trail in Voyageurs National Park in northern Minnesota over the course of a year (June 2019-August 2020). In total, this video is the distillation of more than 5.5 hours of footage recorded by this camera! All this to say, the video, clocking in at a whopping 15 minutes, is by far our longest video yet. The reason: an extraordinary amount of wildlife used this game trail. More specifically, this game trail was a black bear highway! We have never seen so many different black bears using the same area in our life! So we suggest you make a nice cup of coffee or tea and enjoy 15 relaxing minutes of wildlife in the Northwoods!
    5 points
  4. The 2000 year old tree of life in South Africa
    4 points
  5. You heard it here folks from the expert on sucking.
    3 points
  6. Yep pull a gun on the cops get shot and the primates still toss shit around there cages .
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. I played basketball, baseball and football, enjoyed all three. I like watching baseball and football, never could stand watching basketball.
    2 points
  9. Lebron is one of the reasons why I will NEVER watch another NBA game again!
    2 points
  10. No doubt LeKaren is a tool. He has helped the NBA lose a ton of fans. He’s a cancer, for sure.
    2 points
  11. where do you come up with this bs?
    2 points
  12. He's a divider, He should've been suspended when he threatened the cop that shot the girl that was about to stab another girl. But no the media lied and then carried his water.
    2 points
  13. Moving pictures, lol
    2 points
  14. If anyone here knows about sucking it would be you!!! Bahaha!! Sorry, I couldn't resist!! You left yourself wide open for that one!!!
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. CNN saying others believe more false news ! Holy fuck that's rich ! Clowns
    2 points
  17. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lebron-james-skip-bayless-drama-king-leaves-game-early_n_60b74e66e4b00a70313a469d As a former Laker's fan dating back to Wilt but up until Lebron came on I am overjoyed the dickhead is out of the playoffs. The Drama King is certainly an appropriate moniker.
    1 point
  18. it keeps with having a crack head drunk as best Mayor ever -- doesn't take much with that bar height Kind of nice not having the most powerful person in the world bashing people on twitter like a 14 year old. My guess is you guys feel that was great leadership - The professionalism of the Presidents Office brought down to the level of calling people names, making fun of disabled people, and talking about how unfair everyone is to me me me. can you explain why this is great leadership? He sucked 200 million from his followers to fight the election results how did you give IRV? what a joke
    1 point
  19. Nba used to be real good in the eras of Bird, MJ, Rodman etc.
    1 point
  20. Tonight's sunset view. Perfect!
    1 point
  21. You’re a fucking banker.....I’d probably not mention that word
    1 point
  22. There is literally no shortage of vaccine in the U.S. that I’ve seen or heard of at this time. My wife’s cousin had her 13 and 16 year olds vaccinated too. Do I think it’s right? Who fucking cares. Get it, don’t get it, it works, it doesnt work, whatever. People are literally being paid to get it, having their jobs threatened if they don’t take it, commercials/ads everywhere pushing it so yeah, it HAS TO BE 100% legit. All of it, right? That’s my hang up with it.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. if he wasn't a scumbag he would not be dead either.
    1 point
  25. Bens right. The guy may have OD'd as well but if he didn't have an asshole kneeling on his neck for 10 minutes, he'd still be alive.
    1 point
  26. No....there is an official autopsy and one commissioned by the defense. The initial coroner found the main cause of death to be asphyxiation due to the obstructed airway and circulation caused by the submission. He also found several exacerbating factors as well such as the fentanyl and other health factors. Regardless...if Chauvin hadn’t done what he did Floyd would have lived.
    1 point
  27. They expire. You may want to use some up. LOL
    1 point
  28. You hate him because he’s a Democrat!
    1 point
  29. You just called Lebron James a fucking communist. You’re dumber than a bag of fucking hammers
    1 point
  30. Ya no just because you gauge a person by there politics not everyone does. This makes you very shallow.
    1 point
  31. Again only people like you blindly support and blindly hate people because of the D or R in-front of their name. I never hated Obama I disliked his politics. You can’t even name one thing policy wise that you disagreed with Trump on.
    1 point
  32. No people don’t like him because he sucks chinas cock and is a shitty human. People on this site that are conservative or republican don’t hate people because they lean left. Everyone who’s a democrat doesn’t support the garbage this communist supports.
    1 point
  33. I'm the same. I even hated playing it in gym class growing up. Just not my sport I guess?
    1 point
  34. If you are hospitalized and live or die of unknown causes it is not record as a result of vaccination even though that is the only thing that changed in your recent health history. If you die are hospitalized and/or die and you test positive wether vaccinated or not it becomes a covid case. Break through cases are just covid cases... not a result of vaccinations. Health issues and deaths from vaccinations are “unknown” causes.
    1 point
  35. What is the diff ? Lol same fucking thing How much money do you think the pregnant woman he heald captive at gunpoint got for her life of mental issues after that little Sunday surprise
    1 point
  36. still celebrating a scumbag and the parents raising a scumbag certainly don't deserve a trip to the whitehouse and millions.
    1 point
  37. You can apply for a patent on your own . If you are a tech start up you already have the ability to access every legal document you need or could ever want . Theses are not race issues by any stretch. You have a idea and no capital you are going to have to go get bent over by the man with the big desk no matter what color you are .this is fact . You think just because you are a cracker the lawyer will give you better advice or the investor is not going to get all they can out of the deal ? That is just plain ignorance if you truly but in to that. Again some could argue in today's world a tec start up or any web based biz is colorblind almost no transactions are face to face .
    1 point
  38. Sheryl is awesome suburb voice, great looking, nice package. wow on the voice for 59 years old.
    1 point
  39. It's been a month since OP even addressed his own thread
    1 point
  40. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew....I was beginning to think that MC was a pants shitting imbecile.
    1 point
  41. Screwing around at my work, cleaning out a corner of shit that's been there for ever. I find a case of these still full..Pretty cool..
    1 point
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