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Fireball 440

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Fireball 440 last won the day on June 6 2021

Fireball 440 had the most liked content!

About Fireball 440

  • Birthday 08/10/1977

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  • Location
    Northern MN


  • Current Sled
    GSX 1200

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  1. It's the 10mm that goes missing. Just look how many sets of 1/4 sockets I have, mostly all Chinese. I have the extra 10's in that magnetic tray in the lower right. I know they may not make it the year.
  2. Those are 3".... but I understand. lol
  3. The annual organizing of the toolbox. I added 2 sets of deep well sockets, a brake tool, 3/8 torque wrench, and a needle nose vice grip this year.
  4. drove over to Ironwood on Wednesday to refresh my weed supply. Its funny, you drive into the roundabout on the WI border with no snow, and as soon as you come out of it on the MI side there's 4-5 inches.
  5. depends on the state i suppose. When I collected UI during covid the first time it was $1100 per week, 2nd time was $750 per week. 1100 per week X 52 weeks = $57,000. My working income had been just over $60K. So yeah, I should have just stayed home the entire time.
  6. I present to you my Ford Exploder with V8 torque and 2 stroke powerband.
  7. They never even approached the Two Harbors City Counsil until May of this year, so they had around 60 days to throw it all together LOL! So as it turned out the best day for us locals was Monday and Tuesday, the days after the "event" was over. I can't see how any local business got any benefit of all of this. Street parking was closed off in the entire town, and it was like a ghost town. No traffic anywhere, and 50 extra police cars driving around all goofing off with each other. There was a group of 10 cops from all over the place all congregated in front of Holiday laughing and giggling. I drove up, got gas, went in and paid, came out walked right through them, and drove away. My tabs expired June 22. Not one of them noticed.
  8. Attendance this year is like next to none. All of the dedicated parking lots are empty, and all of the pop up parking areas are also empty. I'd say the event organizers totally fucked the duck this year. They didn't even approach the city counsel until sometime in May. Speaking of the duck, they didn't even put it in the water this year.
  9. Kamala is down there straightening things out you just don't worry about a thing.
  10. I did finally get my vendor pass but like everything else I forgot it and snuck in anyways. I volunteer with the LCHS giving tours and info about the lighthouse and train depot.
  11. cannon fire yesterday in Burlington Bay. The event is in Agate Bay. 2 bays = Two Harbors, how the town was named in 1884.
  12. There is also a shipwreck on the other side of the harbor visible in one of those shots. The Samuel Ely was built in 1869 and sank by that far breakwater in 1896.
  13. Here are some drone shots from this morning. Yesterday the big guy shot off his cannon, a warning shot across the Canadians nose. Ore boat and train traffic are right on target making for a busy harbor. This harbor hasn't been this busy since the 1940's. I've snuck into the event 3 times already, I parked my RZR down there with a nice price tag on it. See how clear that water is, it's 40-60 feet deep there.
  14. Still have the REV. I'll let some other members fill you in on how I tweaked it. It lasted 18 hours on craigslist at asking price.
  15. Here's a deal on a great sled if you need one Zam. 2011 Skidoo GSX 1200 LE - atvs, utvs, snowmobiles - by owner -... (craigslist.org)
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