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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2020 in all areas

  1. We had a visitor Friday night, dog was going ape shit and I walk outside to this, 10 yards away, 12 feet up. The bear was hissing at the dog, it was awesome.
    5 points
  2. New unit put together. Have to peel all that store display crap off. Looks huge, but main cooking grate is only a couple inches wider than my GMG
    4 points
  3. 4 points
  4. From the guy that was scared shitless when a black man looked at him in a McDonald's.
    3 points
  5. Well if you’re going to go around the world bombing the duck out of everyone expect people to be displaced and expect some to end up here. Place the blame where it lies you brain dead fucking cunt
    2 points
  6. Bratwurst patties, sweet corn
    2 points
  7. Of course you do! But nobody takes edgy contrarians seriously. Because you are all pants shitting, fence riding dolts with not a real solution for anything...just a lot of cry.
    2 points
  8. I heard he was holed up with Franky playing naked Call of Duty.
    2 points
  9. Happens here daily. No outrage about anyone trying to achieve a soft coup. Just an endless rant about Trump this Trump that, Hop right In line and play useful idiot to traitors.
    2 points
  10. chili dogs and onion rings with a cold Mich Golden.
    2 points
  11. Leftover smoked turkey on buttered toast and gravy with hand cut fries in the air fryer. The turkey was just as juicy as yesterday.
    2 points
  12. The best part about sledding off-season is not having to think about how the procross has caused lasting damage to our sport. What an absolute abortion
    2 points
  13. and is afraid to post a pic of himself while being a confirmed fat tub of shit.
    2 points
  14. After today, the wife and I will have over 500 miles for the 3 day weekend. All over the state. People are in a huge fuck you mood right now. It was great.
    2 points
  15. We were up your way riding Friday and Saturday. Friday we went north towards Hayward and there weren't too many people out. Saturday towards Weyerhauser was a zoo. Those trails are so narrow I don't see how two SXS can meet in a corner. Bars and restaurants were open for the most part. All were busy with take out on Friday night.
    2 points
  16. So you want the leftists' band of misfits, retards, degenerates, criminals and losers who hate you, in charge??
    2 points
  17. There will be an interview tonight with Whitmer saying how the worst night of sleep she's had in the last ten weeks is when Trump was mean to her on Twitter. Who's the victim in this one?
    2 points
  18. When the dude asked " do you want fries with that" he bolted out the door.
    2 points
  19. Smoked Turkey breast. The com was from Florida and was very good.
    2 points
  20. Young @Angry ginger ftw
    2 points
  21. 100's of folks at the bar down the road the last 2 days, I counted over 130 ATV/SXS's, it's packed right now, just came thru there on 1 of my wheelers.
    2 points
  22. Beautiful morning at the cottage. Going to be a great weekend
    2 points
  23. so you don't give a fuck about all the people looking there businesses they spent there whole life to build ? you don't give a fuck about all the women getting knocked around because there spouce can't get tge fuck out and go chill out and have a beer. you dont give a fuck about all the people who will never have a job to go back to because there boss could not keep it going . you don't give a fuck about the wave of foreclosures coming in about 7 mo from this and the wave of suicides that will coincidence. why because you are a fucking sheep looking at a tv all day playingvti your fear like a fucking limp noodle. how pathetic for a self proclaimed bad ass . more like a used up cunt .o.4% death rate and most of those,are in nursing homes . good God what a pantie wast to buy in to this fear like you have
    1 point
  24. When Smales does a "hmmmmmmm", he wants to see others react so he knows what position to take.
    1 point
  25. during most flu seasons the tv is not dominated by fear broadcasting in a unbeleveble effort to control the sheep . and I have to tip my hat it is working as planned. I had more faith in the human race but I was wrong most are sorry cunts who yearn for direction
    1 point
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