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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2020 in all areas

  1. Obama and GWB almost daily you stupid fucking faggot ass drooling moron
    3 points
  2. wE nEeD mOrE gOVeRnMeNT
    3 points
  3. phoenix and snotty just ejaculated together.
    3 points
  4. what an ignorant comment. The values of core assets (stocks, RE holdings, bonds, etc) grow faster than the value of cold hard cash and that is what the market is a function of. Your comment couldn't be any more wrong.
    3 points
  5. Does anyone else remember the case back in the 80's when the Mpls. cops had 2 drunk Natives in the back seat of their squad car. One of then threw up in the car so the cops tossed both of them in the truck and brought them to detox. LOL The joke going around was.... Why are Minneapolis cops cars faster than all others? Because their cars have 3 Injuns. One in front and 2 in the trunk. LOL I know bad taste but still..............................
    2 points
  6. hey, I get you are scared to death of blacks in real life and are too afraid to do anything about it. I really do. This is your 'safe haven' to feel like an alpha male. Have at it. We will just laugh and point because everyone knows in real life you don't dare say shit to anyone black. Would suck to be so cuck to an entire race you claim to be superior to
    2 points
  7. I was reading the comments on a face book page.A bunch were defending him because he was going to use the boat to get away from the cunt.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. My mentor in this business is a black man. Fantastic human being. I delivered food to predominantly black urban school systems for several years, where 4 cops were at each end of the cafeteria to make sure there was no food fights, or fights in general. I have a sweet little old black lady who is a tenant who is starting to go through dementia. She thinks the neighbor upstairs is spying on her so my reaction is to remodel her bathroom at a cost of several thousand dollars, because I’m such a racist. I just want to makeA little old lady a little more comfortable in her to declining years. I got other ones who OD in their apartments, do drug dealing, stiff me out of thousands, trash my apartments and behave like savages. Some white Dirtbags in there too. I’ve seen good and bad and judge the person. It’s all how they were raised, and when almost 80% are raised in single parent households, the odds aren’t good. Smales lives in a white bread tourist town and wants to call me a racist shitbag? Ben and moto same story live in WhiteVille like Pennsyltucky and want to lecture us on racism? Yeah ok. As far as the video goes, there have been a lot worse than that posted here, so I’m not gonna flip out over it.
    2 points
  10. Meanwhile, Memorial Day in Lake Havasu AZ
    2 points
  11. I'm still waiting for the answers to the questions I posted many moons ago @Phoenix. Please tell the class the answers to the "black" problem? What do you propose be done about it? You rant and rave, post videos of black crime, tell us how blacks are hunting us down, yet offer absolutely no solutions. I mean that should be the end result of your narrative, right? The fact of the matter is you are only here to stir up shit. To get people pissed off and to get others to slobber all over your talking points and agree with you like you need some sort of affirmation from them to feel good about yourself. Blacks hate whites, as you so claim, BECAUSE people like you still exist.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Please Joe PLEASE pick her to be your running mate. PLEASE!
    2 points
  14. If you had any balls you wouldn’t be an anonymous shit eater.
    2 points
  15. It’s astonishing how the left is opposed to any and all measures of possible prevention and cure....other than the ones that are just plain silly.
    2 points
  16. Our buddy tied for first place this week...shame he can’t be here to gloat.
    2 points
  17. This nails alot on here
    2 points
  18. I was sitting pretty by stage 2 then it all went for a shit. 57 for the week, moved up to 63 on the season.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. I heard he was holed up with Franky playing naked Call of Duty.
    2 points
  21. How does he handle the speed of those tractors. He hasn’t rode anything fast in months.
    2 points
  22. I hacked into @Zambroski security cameras and caught him sneaking out of the house during the stay at home order.
    2 points
  23. There are some black sports dudes that are good people. Spot on... He slaps you silly every thread - know your role son...
    1 point
  24. Theres a fan underneath. Start the charcoal burning, then set your temp on the controller, 150-700 degrees
    1 point
  25. New unit put together. Have to peel all that store display crap off. Looks huge, but main cooking grate is only a couple inches wider than my GMG
    1 point
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