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FBI not recommending charges against Clinton

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2 hours ago, Kev144 said:

You are really getting some serious mileage between the two sites.  Posting the same shit.  Do you even work?

He is a CFO with a boss that provides him with a chopper because he works so hard :lol: 

Edited by Mileage Psycho
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3 minutes ago, Mileage Psycho said:

He is a CFO with a boss that provides him with a chopper because he works so hard :lol: 

Dago penis headed midget posts what? :guzzle: 

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1 minute ago, Capt.Storm said:

How come the gov didn't know about the bitch's server?

Would not her server have a addy that should have tipped them off?

She didn't inform anybody and most all of the "professional correspondence" outside of her staff was sent through her Gov't server.  But, she didn't know what she was doing.:wall:

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1 minute ago, Zambroski said:

She didn't inform anybody and most all of the "professional correspondence" outside of her staff was sent through her Gov't server.  But, she didn't know what she was doing.:wall:

Oh ,ok.

She used the gov server and her's,thanks z.

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58 minutes ago, Mileage Psycho said:

He is a CFO with a boss that provides him with a chopper because he works so hard :lol: 

:lol: because the old site is gone, he can fabricate new lies.  Little does he know the way back machine will still show he's a fudge packer 

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7 minutes ago, Kev144 said:

:lol: because the old site is gone, he can fabricate new lies.  Little does he know the way back machine will still show he's a fudge packer 

:lies:all the Faggot posts :gfight: 

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Who knows what really happened. The Right will scream foul no matter what and the left will say she is innocent no matter what. As far as what Trump thinks, he lost all credibility when he started the whole Obama birth certificate circus. 

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3 hours ago, Mainecat said:

No intent was found.

Now on to Trumps foreign campaign contributions......yeah its OK to have other countries influence us.

So she is really stupid and incompetent?  

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3 hours ago, Mainecat said:

No intent was found.

Now on to Trumps foreign campaign contributions......yeah its OK to have other countries influence us.

I didn't intend to get a traffic ticket a few weeks ago, yet here I am, $136.50 poorer.

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15 minutes ago, racinfarmer said:

I didn't intend to get a traffic ticket a few weeks ago, yet here I am, $136.50 poorer.

You must have been neligent of the traffic law that you got busted for..go see the fbi..they can help you out!

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6 hours ago, 01mxz800 said:

rumprider is probably having multiple orgasms over the FBI recomendations

Is it just me, or has shitrider gone silent?????  If so, I believe we all owe Cappy storm a big thank you!  :good:

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23 hours ago, Mainecat said:

No intent was found.

Now on to Trumps foreign campaign contributions......yeah its OK to have other countries influence us.

Cherry picking again McLiar?




By Dick Morris - 10/09/12 10:49 PM EDT

In September, the Obama campaign got 1.8 million donations from small contributors who did not break the $200 threshold requiring that their information be reported to the Federal Election Commission. They gave the campaign 98 percent of the $181 million it raised that month, a figure vastly higher than its take in any previous month.

Is the Obama campaign financing itself through foreign money funneled in through a website owned by a private businessman, living in China, that uses the name Obama.com?

In 1997, we learned — too late — that the Clinton campaign had relied heavily on thinly disguised Chinese government money for much of its early blitz of issue ads in the 1996 election. The early intimations of funding fraud in the campaign (Al Gore’s exploits with the Buddhist monks) shaved off half of Clinton’s margin, cutting his lead from 14 to 7 points in the weeks before the election. But the full dimensions of the scandal were not apparent until then-Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) held hearings the following year revealing the depth of the campaign’s reliance on foreign money.

Now, in the last month of the 2012 race, Newsweek magazine has raised serious questions about Obama’s fundraising and its possible reliance on foreign donors and outright fraud to generate its funding. 

Newsweek raises questions, in particular, about Robert W. Roche, the co-founder and chairman of the board of Acorn International Inc., a media and branding direct-sales company based in Shanghai. He also owns the Obama.com website, which appears on the Internet throughout the world. Roche’s site links to Barackobama.com, the official campaign site, where it invites people to donate to the campaign. Obama.com gets 2,000 visits a day, two-thirds of which are from foreigners. Is it a giant money-laundering operation to feed foreign money into the Obama campaign?

Despite the disclaimer on the campaign site stating that foreign nationals cannot donate to Obama, the suspicion remains that Roche’s vigilance in assuring that Obama.com is on the Internet throughout the world has led to a significant influx of foreign cash into the coffers of the president’s reelection effort.

It will be too late to wait until 2013 to find out. The House Oversight Committee should immediately investigate, using its subpoena power, to see if there is, indeed, a flow of foreign money, via Obama.com, into the president’s campaign.

Roche, by the way, has visited the White House 11 times during Obama’s tenure, according to the visitor log.

These questions arise because the Obama campaign, unlike Romney’s or, for that matter, Hillary Clinton’s in 2008, refuses to ask donors for their CVV number (the number on your credit card that one is often asked for after giving one’s name and expiration date). The CVV is designed to assure that the donor is actually physically holding the card.

The Obama campaign is no stranger to fraudulent donations funneled in through phony names. In 2008, The Washington Post reported that Mary Biskup was reported to have donated more than $170,000 to the Obama campaign in small donations. But Biskup says she never gave any money to the campaign. Some other donor must have given the money in her name.

Given these past problems and the Obama campaign’s sudden influx of small donors, Newsweek wonders why the campaign does not require CVV numbers to minimize the chances of fraud. 

The magazine noted that the campaign’s past scandals “make it all the more surprising that the Obama campaign does not use … the card verification value [system].” The magazine added that “the Romney campaign, by contrast, does use the CVV — as has almost every other candidate who has run for president in recent years.”

Let’s find out the facts before the election. If a president who promised ethical transparency is using small donations — too small to trigger the federal reporting requirement — to funnel in foreign donations, we need to know. Before Election Day.

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23 hours ago, Mainecat said:

No intent was found.

Now on to Trumps foreign campaign contributions......yeah its OK to have other countries influence us.



Among all the rivers of money that have flowed to the Clinton family, one seems to raise the biggest national security questions of all: the stream of cash that came from 20 foreign governments who relied on weapons export approvals from Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Federal law designates the secretary of state as “responsible for the continuous supervision and general direction of sales” of arms, military hardware and services to foreign countries. In practice, that meant that Clinton was charged with rejecting or approving weapons deals — and when it came to Clinton Foundation donors, Hillary Clinton’s State Department did a whole lot of approving.

While Clinton was secretary of state, her department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to Clinton Foundation donors. That figure from Clinton’s three full fiscal years in office is almost double the value of arms sales to those countries during the same period of President George W. Bush’s second term.

The Clinton-led State Department also authorized $151 billion of separate Pentagon-brokered deals for 16 of the countries that gave to the Clinton Foundation. That was a 143 percent increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration. The 143 percent increase in U.S. arms sales to Clinton Foundation donors compares to an 80 percent increase in such sales to all countries over the same time period.

American military contractors and their affiliates that donated to the Clinton Foundation — and in some cases, helped finance speaking fees to Bill Clinton — also got in on the action. Those firms and their subsidiaries were listed as contractors in $163 billion worth of arms deals authorized by the Clinton State Department.

Under a directive signed by President Clinton in 1995, the State Department is supposed to take foreign governments’ human rights records into account when reviewing arms deals. Yet, Hillary Clinton’s State Department increased approvals of such deals to Clinton Foundation donors that her own agency was sharply criticizing for systematic human rights abuses.

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4 minutes ago, Capt.Storm said:

Oh boy..the Clinton's have their very own  Iran-Contra affair.

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president."

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/11/surviving_a_multitude_of_fools.html#ixzz4De8P2s4C 

Not so sure I agree anymore if Hillary is voted in.   She may be an equal or greater threat than the idiots who vote in a liar like her.  

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