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Let the "Peaceful Protests" Begin!

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14 minutes ago, Zambroski said:

Wait til the other side wants to interject their "violence" into these protests.  Then we'll really see change.

What other fucking side?

Are you saying you will stand with the fucking state against a People's revolution?

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25 minutes ago, spin_dry said:

you mean the billionaires that litter Washington DC now?

I find it comical you think the Dems are all doing the duty of "the people" for a reasonable wage.  How many Dems were millionaires before they were elected vs. after years in office.

These billionaires are proven in the  private world.  And who better to run our country?  Career politicians are appalling to me and most others....enter Trump.

15 minutes ago, motonoggin said:

What other fucking side?

Are you saying you will stand with the fucking state against a People's revolution?

The state?  Who is that?  The uniforms ordered to be caretakers and babysitters to these bitchy little fuck tards while they have their tantrums?  No.  Rioters die first.  Then the "state" officials that try to protect them.  But that will be done without malice and at their choice.

Make sense?  Kind of ironic if you think a minute....the same "state" that these fucking losers are railing against will cry for their help and protection once the white elephant is released.  CRAZY WORLD!


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21 minutes ago, Zambroski said:

I find it comical you think the Dems are all doing the duty of "the people" for a reasonable wage.  How many Dems were millionaires before they were elected vs. after years in office.

These billionaires are proven in the  private world.  And who better to run our country?  Career politicians are appalling to me and most others....enter Trump.

The state?  Who is that?  The uniforms ordered to be caretakers and babysitters to these bitchy little fuck tards while they have their tantrums?  No.  Rioters die first.  Then the "state" officials that try to protect them.  But that will be done without malice and at their choice.

Make sense?  Kind of ironic if you think a minute....the same "state" that these fucking losers are railing against will cry for their help and protection once the white elephant is released.  CRAZY WORLD!


we saw what happened when private industry took the reigns during the reagan administrations. that was the most corrupt regime in the history of america. good luck. 

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8 minutes ago, spin_dry said:

we saw what happened when private industry took the reigns during the reagan administrations. that was the most corrupt regime in the history of america. good luck. 

Really? :lol:

Thank you.  And good luck to you too. Does it matter at all what the economy does or doesn't do for your income or money?  How are you affected?  

And we all know this already is the most corrupt cabinet in history.....and Yada, yada, yada.....from the fake news media.  Nobody cares.....and you aren't fooling anybody but your side anymore.

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1 hour ago, spin_dry said:

we saw what happened when private industry took the reigns during the reagan administrations. that was the most corrupt regime in the history of america. good luck. 

WTF are u on ? I did not think u could still get good LSD now days .

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1 hour ago, Zambroski said:

I find it comical you think the Dems are all doing the duty of "the people" for a reasonable wage.  How many Dems were millionaires before they were elected vs. after years in office.

These billionaires are proven in the  private world.  And who better to run our country?  Career politicians are appalling to me and most others....enter Trump.

The state?  Who is that?  The uniforms ordered to be caretakers and babysitters to these bitchy little fuck tards while they have their tantrums?  No.  Rioters die first.  Then the "state" officials that try to protect them.  But that will be done without malice and at their choice.

Make sense?  Kind of ironic if you think a minute....the same "state" that these fucking losers are railing against will cry for their help and protection once the white elephant is released.  CRAZY WORLD!


The state is the entity that will use force to deprive you of your rights. 

The state is not the people at the bottom who have already had their rights removed, the people protesting unjust laws and authority, they are not the enemy.

The enemy is in DC and London, and Paris, and Tokyo. The people engaged in the fight with this enemy are not your enemies.

I advise you to get a better fucking handle on who has the power to remove your rights before you get all Rambo with some shit for the wrong fucking side. 

Edited by motonoggin
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2 minutes ago, motonoggin said:

The state is the entity that will use force to deprive you of your rights. 

The state is not the people at the bottom who have already had their rights removed, the people protesting unjust laws and authority, they are not the enemy.

The enemy is in DC and London, and Paris, and Tokyo. The people engaged in the fight with this enemy are not your enemies.

I advise you to get a better fucking handle on who has the power to remove your rights before you get all Rambo with some shit for the wrong fucking side. 

so what your saying is all these dumbfucks that are "protesting", destroying property and causing disruptions are fighting for me, if so they are wasting their time, the voice of the people voiced their opinion on Nov 8th, end of story, get over it and move the fuck on.

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5 minutes ago, 01mxz800 said:

so what your saying is all these dumbfucks that are "protesting", destroying property and causing disruptions are fighting for me, if so they are wasting their time, the voice of the people voiced their opinion on Nov 8th, end of story, get over it and move the fuck on.

Voting changes shit.

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14 minutes ago, motonoggin said:

The state is the entity that will use force to deprive you of your rights. 

The state is not the people at the bottom who have already had their rights removed, the people protesting unjust laws and authority, they are not the enemy.

The enemy is in DC and London, and Paris, and Tokyo. The people engaged in the fight with this enemy are not your enemies.

I advise you to get a better fucking handle on who has the power to remove your rights before you get all Rambo with some shit for the wrong fucking side. 

Ok....who is your side going to fight first then?  Liberals? Maybe we can partner up for a bit.  But, you're going to have to have  some tolerance for me killing some of your own first.  From what I've seen, there is some need for that also.  But after that, we can work together for a while.  The losses you'd take would be worth the gain....for a while anyway.



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Just now, Zambroski said:

Ok....who is your side going to fight first then?  Liberals? Maybe we can partner up for a bit.  But, you're going to have to have  some tolerance for me killing some of your own first.  From what I've seen, there is some need for that also.  But after that, we can work together for a while.  The losses you'd take would be worth the gain....for a while anyway.



You don't get it, clearly.

This is a war between the people and the corporations that seek to exploit them. 

The only question you need to ask is, "am I a person, or a corporation?" 

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2 minutes ago, motonoggin said:

Voting changes shit.

the only change I see are new residents of the PEOPLES house and a bunch fucking crybabies having a temper tantrum over not getting their way, destroying property and causing havoc, nothing more, nothing less. it's been over 2 months move the fuck on

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1 minute ago, 01mxz800 said:

the only change I see are new residents of the PEOPLES house and a bunch fucking crybabies having a temper tantrum over not getting their way, destroying property and causing havoc, nothing more, nothing less. it's been over 2 months move the fuck on

You seriously think this is all because Hillary lost?

Fuck. No wonder this country is so fucked 

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1 minute ago, motonoggin said:

You seriously think this is all because Hillary lost?

Fuck. No wonder this country is so fucked 

do you honestly think if hillary would have won the "deplorables" would be doing the same shit as the hillary supporters are doing right now, no they would have got up the next day and carried on with life, not burned shit, didn't see this in '08 or '12

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11 minutes ago, motonoggin said:

You seriously think this is all because Hillary lost?

Fuck. No wonder this country is so fucked 

We all know the reasons, but what do you think?  I happen to think it's just media and dnc manipulation causing it.  You?

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16 minutes ago, motonoggin said:

You seriously think this is all because Hillary lost?

Fuck. No wonder this country is so fucked 

This country is really no different than any other. 

I would love a society in which you could have whatever you desired and there was no poverty or class.   Unfortunately we live in a world of people. Who are inherently not capable of such a life. There will never be a time in which people stop being the way they are because we will it to be so. 

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10 minutes ago, 01mxz800 said:

do you honestly think if hillary would have won the "deplorables" would be doing the same shit as the hillary supporters are doing right now, no they would have got up the next day and carried on with life, not burned shit, didn't see this in '08 or '12


4 minutes ago, racer254 said:

We all know the reasons, but what do you think?  I happen to think it's just media and dnc manipulation causing it.  You?

My dudes, I'm so sorry that your information sources have failed you so badly that you are this ignorant to reality. 

Viewing the world through this two party lense has severely impaired your ability to discern truth.

The majority of people didn't vote for either candidate. The majority of people are just trying to survive one more day under capitalism. 

Yes, anarchists would have smashed windows if Hillary would have won, you just wouldn't have heard about it. Or you'd be defending it out of some misplaced sense of partisanship. 

The reality is, Washington DC is controlled by corporations and they only do the bidding of corporations. Voting provides an illusion of choice, while the machine keeps rolling along. Nothing significant will change by voting, and nothing significant ever has. 

Getting in the streets and speaking in the only language the state speaks in - violence and destruction - is the only thing that brings significant change. 

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5 minutes ago, xtralettucetomatoe580 said:

This country is really no different than any other. 

I would love a society in which you could have whatever you desired and there was no poverty or class.   Unfortunately we live in a world of people. Who are inherently not capable of such a life. There will never be a time in which people stop being the way they are because we will it to be so. 

the pilgrims proved that in less than 2 yrs .  

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5 minutes ago, xtralettucetomatoe580 said:

This country is really no different than any other. 

I would love a society in which you could have whatever you desired and there was no poverty or class.   Unfortunately we live in a world of people. Who are inherently not capable of such a life. There will never be a time in which people stop being the way they are because we will it to be so. 

A long period of education will precede any such evolutionary change. Humans haven't evolved much physically since we came out of Africa, but we have evolved immensely in our minds. The human mind is one of the fastest evolving organs we have ever known. 

If we want such a society, all we have to do is believe that it is possible. I know it may seem utopian, but that's really the basis of everything we do today. For example, Money has value because we all agree that it does, otherwise it's just woethless, fancy paper. If we all began questioning the legitimacy of that value, what happens? It all breaks down.

The same goes for what kind of society we wish to have. We have the ability to provide for everyone, if we choose to. 


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10 minutes ago, motonoggin said:

You don't get it, clearly.

This is a war between the people and the corporations that seek to exploit them. 

The only question you need to ask is, "am I a person, or a corporation?" 

Well, actually, I'm both :lol:

But ultimately in a civilized society, I am primarily a pro-capitalist.  And as we've "gotten into the weeds" about this before.  I am failing to see a clear, much less an attainable, objective in the Anit-fascism movement.  There is an unclear plan and no unity leadership. You are a small faction of just another grievance group.  Now, that's doesn't mean I necessarily disagree or "hate" your thoughts or ideas.  I kinda see what you are looking for but the problem is, it has been done and has failed time and time and time again.  It's civilized social selection rules.  If it doesn't work, it fails unless the powers at work can maintain forces to control the end game.  That leaves you having to compromise for what you can get and see as better.

SO...when/if the shit hits the fan, you'll need to partner up with other groups and people that can have somewhat aligned ideals and construct a clear and obtainable objective in the beginning.....if only short term.  And that goes for all these little angry groups. Them walking around with scary looks, bats, and face masks and "selfie devices" will promptly get them exterminated by people like me and my group....who honestly, will just wanna kill all the god damn worthless and weak whiners that IMO, have been the main source of hate and divide in this nation.  And we'll be a pretty good mix of all backgrounds as the "movement grows".  Just citizens sick of the purposely worthless and stupid whose main goal has been to stir the pot with propaganda and rhetoric.

I know it may be somewhat of a misnomer but as they've so lovenly taken the name "liberals", that's what I'll call them and that's who I want dead in masses.  But as I don't see any resistance in that group at all, that will be short lived.  As I've said before on here, I can turn the most hard core liberal into a Jesus loving Trump supporter in about seven seconds.  They will QUICKLY change their whole thought process and fall into line....sheep do that.  That leaves the smaller factions to deal with or them to find their proper spot in the "new world".  Alliances need to be formed or they will be extinguished next.  Or extinguish each other.

NOW...all this is fun!  But in the end, you know what we're gonna end up with after the dictatorships form, partner and dissolve and trade starts to take place again?  Pretty much the same thing we have now but in a lesser level and a lot less people running around shooting their mouthes off recklessly.  Think of the "old west".  And you know what?  That works for me?  How about you?


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