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Terrorist attack in NYC

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They got the motherfucker :bc: 




NYPD: Suspect is a 27-year-old male who strapped bombs to his body

Police Commissioner James O'Neil said the suspect's name is Akayed Ullah, who is 27 years old.

He suffered burns and other wounds and is currently in the hospital.

"Preliminary investigation at the scene indicates that this male was wearing an improvised low-tech explosive device attached to his body. He intentionally detonated that device," O'Neil said.




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CNN not calling this a muslim attack. No such thing as radical Islamists. Lone wolf that just happened to be of no religious affiliation. I am shocked they are saying his name at all. I wonder if this guy was one of the ones the Libs wanted to travel to the USA and Trump wanted blocked. 

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4 minutes ago, 02sled said:

Glad this could never happen in Canada.... Our PM would give them a hug and prevent it from happening. Cue Fail.

Sure it could just like it could happen  a white rich guy shooting out a hotel window killing lots of innocent people.  do you have a point other than saying stupid stuff? 


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12 minutes ago, Muskoka Rider said:

CNN not calling this a muslim attack. No such thing as radical Islamists. Lone wolf that just happened to be of no religious affiliation. I am shocked they are saying his name at all. I wonder if this guy was one of the ones the Libs wanted to travel to the USA and Trump wanted blocked. 

But you are okay with regular killings :dunno:  and never post about them - strange

Who watches CNN? or really any of the news networks in the USA? 

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21 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

Sure it could just like it could happen  a white rich guy shooting out a hotel window killing lots of innocent people.  do you have a point other than saying stupid stuff? 


The point is, as usual you will never get it, that we need to take steps to minimize the possibility of it happening here. You know, things you're always so against like better screening for immigrants, especially ones rushed in to meet an arbitrary number by an egotistical politician. Scrap the stupid ideology of rehabilitating ISIS fighters and similar lunacy.

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2 minutes ago, 02sled said:

The point is, as usual you will never get it, that we need to take steps to minimize the possibility of it happening here. You know, things you're always so against like better screening for immigrants, especially ones rushed in to meet an arbitrary number by an egotistical politician. Scrap the stupid ideology of rehabilitating ISIS fighters and similar lunacy.

yup keep thinking its that easy, ask a couple of question and move on :lmao:  

Was this guy an American?  was he an ISIS fighter?  did he just get in the USA?  tell me 02sled how Trump should have prevented this :dunno:   ban people from countries of certain origin?  oh wait he already did that.


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12 minutes ago, motonoggin said:

As a white person, you have a lot of nerve to stand on this continent and complain about immigrants.

You want to throw the doors wide open and let anyone and everyone in without any screening.... of course you do, you're that much of a fool.

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