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02sled last won the day on January 31 2017

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    ZR7000 El Tigre

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  1. More asinine ramblings from the forum idiot. Pay attention Fail. It's been a problem on College and University campuses. You really do make proving your stupidity easy,
  2. 02sled

    Quebec Trip

    It seems stolen sleds are more of a problem in Quebec than here. Just a perception based on my checking places to go in Quebec and the number of them that feel it necessary to have enclosed and guarded parking for sleds. I have heard of people tying a string from their sleds to their wrists inside their motel rooms. I know sleds are stolen here as well but it seems to be less of a problem. A couple of seasons ago there was a problem in Muskoka where people were walking up to a sled in the middle of the night and in order to be quiet were just picking it up and walking away to an awaiting truck. Some may call me paranoid but the trailer is always locked, the coupler locked both when it's parked and attached to the trailer and the draw bar is locked in the truck receiver. A couple of years in the parking lot at the Coldwater arena a guy loaded up and went to pull out. The hitch pin had been removed and the draw bar pulled out of the truck,
  3. as usual I asked you a question and as usual rather than answer you deflect. You should be a politician... you're so good at not answering questions you could teach them all
  4. Get your head out of your ass Fail. Universities and colleges were deciding what opinions could be expressed on their grounds. If they didn't like or agree with the persons opinion they were not allowed to express it. You call that free speech do you? What a moron. So Doug says the censorship is not allowed and those that do try to censor that free speech will be penalized and you have a problem with that. Keep putting your head further up your ass... you do it so well.
  5. Why do you insist on proving you're a moron over and over? Other leaders have done for workers? More Fail stupidity. There always have been provincial programs in place. Do you really expect the province to jump up and make wholesale changes to those programs just for the SPECIAL GM employees. Mainly the assembly line people. I cheered Target. Boy are you deranged. Take a few days off the pot to straighten your head out. What I did say about Target is that they misjudged the Canadian market assuming it was the same as the American market. They also had supply chain problems with lots of empty shelves. Let's add Retail to the Fail expertise list along with Finance. I recall your adamant stance that the CEO of RBC was wrong on foreign investment and you knew better. Just one of your expert opinions. Wow... just wow. Again Fail you have never had any understanding of business and never will. GM is giving people the chance to work within GM. Nothing new for business. Quite typical in fact that displaced workers can apply for other jobs within the company and get preference over external applicants. Pretty standard but you make it seem like something huge. Give it a rest Fail. If not mistaken the GM plant closure is about 2000 employees. An impact to the people in Oshawa for sure. When Sears shut down it impacted about 25,000 employees. I believe the catalogue distribution centre in Belleville impacted 1500+ in a small town. Then there was the distribution centre in Bolton and all the stores in Ontario with most of them having over 100 employees each. Where were you to demand that Wynnebag make special considerations for those people.
  6. Lets add OPG to your list of expertise shall we. You have an extensive list where you claim to know more than the experts in the field. What a buffoon. It's really very basic Fail. The union makes demands and the employer doesn't want to meet those demands. How does that translate into anything other than the union wants more than the employer is willing to give. I must say you really do show your stupidity over and over. So what do you think the reason they don't have a contract is. If the union said we want and the employer said okay there wouldn't be an issue would there. Don't forget nothing is free. Everything associated with labour will cost the employer money.
  7. So bottom line the residents of Ontario if faced with out of range low voltages would likely see damage to some of their household items.
  8. https://www.ontario.ca/page/employment-ontario Have at it Fail... there is support and assistance for retraining and more. This is just one. Too bad you can't figure it out. Okay this is a large number of people at one time from one employer. Reality though... what makes them entitled to special treatment that isn't available to any other person in the province? Other companies have had large employee impacts. What about the employees of Zellers when they shut down, thousands unemployed, Target and Sears. Did they get any special treatment? But GM employees are special in your mind???
  9. How about the union wants more than OPG is willing to give... are you that stupid. Something like your lover Trudope, the veterans want more than he can give.
  10. Too bad Doug can't fix City of Toronto stupidity that is wasting tax $'s. We had a very light dusting of snow overnight. At 2:00 pm what comes down the street. A bobcat with the blade down clearing the wet concrete of the sidewalks. No snow, just wet. While at it he manages to chew up the grass on either side of the sidewalk as well. Boy am I glad they cleared all that imaginary snow on a Sunday. Whoever sent the guy out to waste time and money shouldn't have the ability to make such incompetent decisions.
  11. I guess you have never heard the term essential service. Too bad you are so out of touch with the real world Fail... do your kids help you with homework? Surely it could never possibly be the other way around. If 3 phase is key... is your residence 3 phase? The ones I know of are all single phase. It would be nice if 3 phase was supplied to residences. It is much more efficient.
  12. Trudope should be charged with treason for his support of ISIS fighters who have taken up arms against Canada.
  13. Really Fail... you keep going on about freedoms and now you're concerned about the province ensuring that colleges and universities don't ban free speech. What a hypocrite.
  14. Hmm... EI is a federal program so nothing for the province to do there. GM is doing like just about every other large corp and providing assistance with placement, counseling and education, as will the provincial programs already in place assist with education and placement. Again... WHAT DO YOU EXPECT THE PROVINCE TO DO. The question has been asked over and over and yet you still refuse to come up with an answer of what you want them to do.
  15. I guess you've been high since Christmas eve.... have you any idea the impact of shutting down Pickering. Obviously not. The station has a total output of 3,100 megawatts (MW) which is enough to serve a city of one and a half million people, and about 14 per cent of Ontario’s electricity needs. Take it offline and try and tell me there won't be people without power. Do you have any idea, probably not what damage is done to a lot of things when they try and operate outside of their voltage ranges. Especially motors, compressors and such. Think about your fridge... If the voltage is too low, the amperage increases, which may result in the components melting down or causing it to malfunction. Then there's the furnace motor, your electronics. Nothing to be concerned about eh.
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