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Everything posted by 1995xcr600

  1. Retiring to FLA isn't news; can it be a Current Event? Sure there's more of them this past year, but that can't be a surprise.
  2. Older 509 Altitude carbon fiber here. Amazingly light, but I did block off the mouth vent for trail riding, and I do have various Klim balaclavas. I love the light sensitive goggles.
  3. Organize? I'm amazed if they make it back to the toolbox at all....
  4. This is exactly what I thought of when I read the headline.
  5. How are they going to tax it if we make it at home?
  6. I bought the FXR heated Recon gloves a year or 2 ago and like them a lot. I ordered a 2nd set of batteries so I can just swap them at the lunch stop and not have to worry about them running out.
  7. New fangled winter pogo stick for the millenials?
  8. Please tell me you're not in Ontario. I'm a very big fan of Shell Gold as it has no ethanol.
  9. Where's that counfounded bridge?
  10. I have had good luck with Silverstars in previous vehicles as well. YMMV
  11. Got this ol' girl fired up yesterday after a 12 year slumber.
  12. My pleasure; glad to be able to contribute every once in a while!
  13. I checked and the charger for my FXR heated gloves does have the small hole in the end.
  14. Are those batteries not the same as in the FXR heated gloves? If yes, here is one:https://fortnine.ca/en/fxr-heated-recon-gloves-wall-charger?pk_cid=1768300489&pk_campaign=pla-677165536550&pk_kwd=&pk_source=google&pk_medium=paid&pk_content=70393578393&gclid=CjwKCAiAxKv_BRBdEiwAyd40N3MSEB2C5dCZGd1tzdAN2pTGDFfdVgO0E5YQzVpOEZ632fEf1HBDpxoCVp8QAvD_BwE This could also work, but only charges 1 at a time: https://www.amazon.ca/axGear-Adjustable-Universal-Adapter-Multiple/dp/B01MFAHVIS/ref=asc_df_B01MFAHVIS/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=335946605248&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15991012315961279756&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9047852&hvtargid=pla-822887650200&psc=1
  15. 17 Switchback 800, 92 Indy 440 and a 12 120. 77 440 has seen lots of miles in the field behind the house as well the last few years.
  16. Sounds like a good "To: Me From: Me" gift.
  17. Those Cat ads were awesome when they came out, and they still are.
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