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  1. Past hour
  2. Anyone that thinks all of this inflation is completely Bidens fault is foolish. Most of it is a result of the pandemic. Trump started by trying to buy his way out of it and Biden continued it.
  3. What no crowd pics from the air? How are we supposed to count all the dots and argue numbers????
  4. Have a listen its all there.. The Georgia election was fraud. This is from the state election board. Brad belongs in prison for certifying an illegal election. Msm will ignore this to keep the stupid, well stupid.
  5. If the drug business had to rely solely on ckf's piloting of a drone carrying the supply from point A, to all points throughout, we would finally be ridden of the world-wide drug problem that faces humanity.
  6. so when the J6 Loons didn't go 'peacefully and patriotically', broke through barricades, 'fought like hell' with law enforcement and busted into the capital... why did Trump do literally nothing for a few hours? f'ng kuLT...
  7. Poor stupid sheep. The retarded only believe the retarded. Fagden, what about those hand counts.
  8. Today
  9. You just willingly injected yourself with a gene therapy experiment so you can be free. Sounds plenty retarded to me.
  10. The real reason AZ, got pulled from the market. 20 million lives saved.
  11. Oh and Cuomo picked up her story as well, three years late but better late than never. I'm sure the flocks news sources have them well informed.
  12. Here's John interviewing Brianne. I'm sure the flock heard this story as her life was fucked over permanently after taking the AZ vax. Yup she was a trial participant, left out to fend for herself afterwards. The vax should never have made it to market, but because of the prep act, it's more about protecting pharma than people. Poor Stupid flock.
  13. Steak tacos & shrimp tacos
  14. CNN is your single polling source? It’s hilarious how you constantly say “MSM” then use MSM to quote your stats when it helps you. so Biden was leading and then won!!? No way!
  15. More competent compared to a vegetable isn't saying anything. Trump is completely incompetent as a leader. Biden of course as well. Explains why you trust the retarded sources you post.
  16. Economics show that trump drove this shit. He is the reason the inflation started. Ridiculous spending. Sadly Biden followed continuing record spending on bullshit. Any one who supports either is a fucking dipshit
  17. Simple indeed. Exactly why you can't explain it. You aren't smart enough for simple
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