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So much for the red wave.

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  • Platinum Contributing Member
7 minutes ago, Badger** said:

That would take an amendment to the Constitution. 

I don't believe it would or would be a separate case for the SC based off that law.   When Roe was recently overturned it was because the right to an abortion was implied right of the constitution and the court said no its up to the states.  Abortion laws have historically been against not saying it is allowed from the Federal govt overriding states say in the matter.  

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3 minutes ago, Highmark said:

:lmao:   If the ave non conservative voter is watching MSM (Not FN) are they getting ANYTHING positive about the GOP?   Are they hearing ANYTHING about their plans on issues?  SM sends information based on Algorithms.  If you are not very conservative you don't get conservative feeds.   We know in fact that many SM sites block conservative content.  

Dang, I must be a hardcore conservative then. :news:


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  • Platinum Contributing Member
1 minute ago, SSFB said:

Dang, I must be a hardcore conservative then. :news:


Welcome.  :lol:  


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  • Platinum Contributing Member
23 minutes ago, Steve753 said:

I primarily watch Fox. They're saying the same as I've been saying. Just face the facts.

Not talking about after the election. 

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2 hours ago, DriftBusta said:

You really think Trump was radical?  Big mouth, arrogant, sure.  I still support his agenda all day long though.  And I've already stated that I hope DeSantis and Trump align together for the good of the country and Desantis is the candidate.  Trump should run for a house seat if you want to see heads explode.  I guess I'm just not convinced that Trump is the reason for a less than red wave.  Looks like we're going to get 2 years of logjam.  Whatever the house passes the senate will just veto it.  I guess we should be happy.

Trump is radical in his demeanor and division , not as radical in policy positions, Biden isn’t radical in either case, he’s just sleepy Joe.


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1 minute ago, NaturallyAspirated said:

Trump is radical in his demeanor and division , not as radical in policy positions, Biden isn’t radical in either case, he’s just sleepy Joe.


Trump was easily the most divisive president ever. You know you are bad when you split your own party. 

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8 minutes ago, SSFB said:

They still haven't figured out why he lost in 2020.

We need a video compilation of Trumpers crying like the one of the dems after Hillary lost. LOL

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53 minutes ago, Highmark said:

:lmao:   If the ave non conservative voter is watching MSM (Not FN) are they getting ANYTHING positive about the GOP?   Are they hearing ANYTHING about their plans on issues?  SM sends information based on Algorithms.  If you are not very conservative you don't get conservative feeds.   We know in fact that many SM sites block conservative content.  

I keep reading here how the viewership of MSM is almost nothing. Now suddenly it’s something? 

Why not admit that the GOP’s message fucking sucks ass instead of blaming the media? Problem be yours. 

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1 hour ago, Catman800 said:

I would agree with you on that but all FJB did was run around insulting anyone who didn't agree with him and ignoring the issues that Americans really cared about while trying to push a far left agenda that has put this country in peril. China is threatening war and our SPR is at an all time low because of this idiot. God help us, we'll need it!

Trump never did or does that though right? :news:

1 hour ago, SSFB said:

You're saying the GOP has a hard time getting their messaging out because of how average voters get their information from MSM and SM.

Meanwhile your last President got elected because of Twitter, Republican voters watch the most TV "news" and a decent chunk of Republican voters believe in a conspiracy theory created by an Internet troll. 

Kinda seems like projection. 

maybe the rational logical and reasonable Republicans should go on NBC, ABC, CBS now and then so they have less time to focus on the wingnuts of the Republican party... even 60 minutes right @ArcticCrusher

in other news, this should make heads explode.



57 minutes ago, Badger** said:

That would take an amendment to the Constitution. 

if the Dems took the house, senate and with the white house... likely.

or, they'd once again piss away the opportunity 

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39 minutes ago, NaturallyAspirated said:

Trump is radical in his demeanor and division , not as radical in policy positions, Biden isn’t radical in either case, he’s just sleepy Joe.


Silly me. I ignored demeanor and focus on policy positions. I guess I expected more from our electorate, which collectively apparently are a bunch of fucking retards.

33 minutes ago, SSFB said:

They still haven't figured out why he lost in 2020.

that’s easy! Democrats cheated!  😆

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Just now, Badger** said:

Good thing we don't have this idiot running our country but were very close. 


I know it’s very difficult for you but can you ever stay on topic? Whataboutism’s are lame.

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