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Justin Trudeau is Doing a Great Job


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6 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

no defending anything, kids already have POT and always will.

Why not limit cigarette purchases :dunno:  

clueless and they allow you to vote, amazing 


How many kids have died from POT? ZERO

How many kids have died from Alcohol? Thousand and thousands

yup makes sense since alcohol consumption for minors has the same effect on the brain - but ALCOHOL FOR ALL 

give it a rest Fail... fully proven that pot has detrimental effects on the still developing brain of a kid yet you are stupid enough to defend it being available

it's amazing you can even function anymore....

Edited by 02sled
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3 minutes ago, 02sled said:

give it a rest Fail... fully proven that pot has detrimental effects on the still developing brain of a kid yet you are stupid enough to defend it being available

it's amazing you can even function anymore....

How did you go from a topic of LOGGING POT PURCHASES to kids brains?  

Its a know fact alcohol has the same effects on the young brain but can kill them if you have enough -  far worse for you then POT by 100000000000 times and you can't overdoes its just not scientifically possible 


get out of the bubble 02sled 



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searching for Teen Brains on POT 


“It changes how the brain works,” she said. “Specifically in ways related to attention and motivation. In addition, early exposure to marijuana tends to lead individuals to other types of drugs.”

large type discredits there ONEWAY findings (which is only short term and not long term) simply not true 


“It’s a 10-year longitudinal study,” Yurgelun-Todd said. “The idea is that we will be able to look at brain development and behavior in non-using adolescents as well as in those who initiate drug use in adolescence.”


02sled already has his answer 



With millions and millions of teen turned into adults that smoking pot over the past 50 years you would think everyone is brain dead 


One thing forsure if you go to school high all the time you are not going to do so well

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50 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

What government ever has :dunno:  Record growth last year, this year slow - what in the government  changed> AC ?


If consumers are creating record profits why is investment down :dunno:  I have a good idea on that, you tell me yours first 


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11 minutes ago, revrnd said:

Isn't Morneau doing anything to grow the economy?


Silly.  The economy will grow from the heart out and budgets will balance themselves.  

Today is the day of miracles though.

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Finding out there are no qualified non-white and/or non-male applicants for these positions? I wonder how many of these positions were held by Harper appointees the Liberals purged shortly after the election?

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2 hours ago, revrnd said:


Finding out there are no qualified non-white and/or non-male applicants for these positions? I wonder how many of these positions were held by Harper appointees the Liberals purged shortly after the election?

some of these jobs take actual skill -  and most are from retirement I believe 

These aren't Ministry jobs where almost  anyone can do it 

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12 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

some of these jobs take actual skill -  and most are from retirement I believe 

These aren't Ministry jobs where almost  anyone can do it 

Maybe they forgot to check the box?

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2 hours ago, ArcticCrusher said:

This falls entirely on the useless Trudeau government.  Say I did not tell you so.



The real danger is that he cites that money is already leaving and that means it has to be stopped now. 

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6 minutes ago, Usedtoskidoo said:

The real danger is that he cites that money is already leaving and that means it has to be stopped now. 

Trump has made 'real change', positive for business growth while this dimwit government chokes the life out of the business sector and has the nerve to call them tax cheats.

The entire writeoff of capital investment in the first is huuuge for business and companies do not have to wait many years to get that back anymore. 

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16 hours ago, revrnd said:


Finding out there are no qualified non-white and/or non-male applicants for these positions? I wonder how many of these positions were held by Harper appointees the Liberals purged shortly after the election?

“But the most important vacancy now that must be filled very quickly is that of the Chief Electoral Officer,” said Kent. “It’s outrageous that we don’t have a chief electoral officer in place preparing for this next election given the range of changes that the Liberals are attempting to make to the Elections Act.”

As the Chief Electoral Officer is an Officer of Parliament, that appointment is ultimately up to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, though Scott Brison, the interim Minister for Democratic Institutions, could play a key role in finding someone to fill that position. The last chief electoral officer, Marc Mayrand, retired on Dec. 28, 2016 — 460 days ago.

Hmmm... maybe Trudope should spend more time "taking care of business" at home rather than trotting around the globe on vacations, pushing his gender agenda on foreign internal policy or attending womens conferences. Maybe one day he will figure out being PM is not a part time job like being a drama teacher or snow board instructor was.

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3 hours ago, ArcticCrusher said:

This falls entirely on the useless Trudeau government.  Say I did not tell you so.



our dollar has weakened according to this article, and you said the lower the dollar the better the government is - that is a quote from you and Harper days 

keep the cheering going :lol:


funny you never said a word about this exact same thing said about Harper,  you just voted for him again :lol:  

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3 hours ago, ArcticCrusher said:

This falls entirely on the useless Trudeau government.  Say I did not tell you so.


The head of one of Canada's largest banks is urging the federal government to stem the flow of investment capital from this country to the United States -- because, he warns, it's already leaving in "real time."

RBC president and CEO Dave McKay discussed some of his biggest concerns about Canadian competitiveness, particularly those related to recent U.S. tax reforms, during a recent interview.

Ottawa has come under pressure from corporate Canada to respond to a U.S. tax overhaul that's expected to lure business investments south of the border.

McKay told The Canadian Press that a "significant" investment exodus to the U.S. is already underway, especially in the energy and clean-technology sectors.

What does the head of RBC know about investment and finance. The reporter should have consulted Fail instead... he knows better and says Canada is booming.... Fake News.

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1 hour ago, ArcticCrusher said:

Trump has made 'real change', positive for business growth while this dimwit government chokes the life out of the business sector and has the nerve to call them tax cheats.

The entire writeoff of capital investment in the first is huuuge for business and companies do not have to wait many years to get that back anymore. 

Although giving a 40% tax cut to billionaires seems like a great thing,  I am sure the deficit/debt will increase - right now debt to GDP is 106% somehow if Trudeau had done this you wouldn't be so giddy about it 

STAY THE COURSE IT WILL BE FINE LIKE IT ALWAYS DOES IN CANADA - DONNY'S TRADE WAR WILL NOT HELP USA, oh I should say it won't help the people but will help the billionaires - its all good 


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7 minutes ago, 02sled said:

“But the most important vacancy now that must be filled very quickly is that of the Chief Electoral Officer,” said Kent. “It’s outrageous that we don’t have a chief electoral officer in place preparing for this next election given the range of changes that the Liberals are attempting to make to the Elections Act.”

As the Chief Electoral Officer is an Officer of Parliament, that appointment is ultimately up to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, though Scott Brison, the interim Minister for Democratic Institutions, could play a key role in finding someone to fill that position. The last chief electoral officer, Marc Mayrand, retired on Dec. 28, 2016 — 460 days ago.

Hmmm... maybe Trudope should spend more time "taking care of business" at home rather than trotting around the globe on vacations, pushing his gender agenda on foreign internal policy or attending womens conferences. Maybe one day he will figure out being PM is not a part time job like being a drama teacher or snow board instructor was.

Yup I am all for our PM's staying at home more 

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5 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

our dollar has weakened according to this article, and you said the lower the dollar the better the government is - that is a quote from you and Harper days 

keep the cheering going :lol:


funny you never said a word about this exact same thing said about Harper,  you just voted for him again :lol:  

Fail... you continue to get it wrong as USUAL.... What has been said is that a low $ is good for exports with our product being more attractive on the global market and bad for imports as we now have to pay a premium for what we bring in.

It's all relative to producing or consuming.

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