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  1. Past hour
  2. Get quite a bit of Snows around me however we get wayy more Canadian Geese.
  3. Yesterday
  4. She lied 3 times on the record. That's why they call you Stupid Stheve. The only true story is Biden is a pedo.
  5. Imagine still being this fucking clueless. Poor Deepfaggot and the flock.
  6. I believe his daughters diary over horseback and Cohen.
  7. Where has it been proven in court that Joe showered with his daughter?
  8. Was it proven that Biden showered with his daughter?
  9. So you saw them? She’s denied it multiple times, Cohen took a mortgage on his house to pay her and Trumps name isn’t on the Non disclosure. Also the payment doesn’t match, he claimed it was rolled into a $400,000+ attorney bill, but then again he wouldn’t lie.
  10. Now That's a twist I never even thought of..... but it's plausible
  11. Honey garlic chicken breasts mashed taters and green beans.
  12. I bet it took awhile to get out ...damn.
  13. It’s starting to sound like Cohen was fucking Stormy, paid her to be quiet so he could get a job in the White House, when that didn’t happen tried to extort Trump. But then Cohen has proven to be such an honorable citizen I’m sure he and a Porn star wouldn’t lie about it.
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