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  1. Past hour
  2. Easy to get in trouble out there, have to use your head and plan accordingly. I thought last week they were going to have to send a helicopter for me. Wife and I hiked in the Grand Canyon. Went down to the end of those green trees in the valley below. The hike was over 10 miles and we had a 3,000 foot climb out. The first 2,000 feet was difficult but the last 1,000 feet really kicked my ass!
  3. Only if they dont have a $25 hike safe card. From NH F&G website " People who obtain the cards are not liable to repay rescue costs if they need to be rescued. "
  4. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-george-costanza-presidency-2024-election-bidenomics-israeli-weapons-embargo-bf4ae687?st=0z24w2djb7t2rx2&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
  5. Yah....sex offence.....to a money grabbing wacko gold digger.. that case had about as much merit as the rest of the cases do against Trump. Wake up! Oh and that still wouldn't make him a pedo .
  6. Today
  7. Joe a pedo? Shocker. We all knew this. Doesn’t matter now. He’s finished.
  8. You are defending. You defend Trump continually. Saying you dont3is bullshitting.
  9. Not defending bout also not bullshitting, see how that works
  10. You said pedo? who's kid is calling the father a pedo? Even if trump fucked stormy she was not a kid and it was probably consensual
  11. Who's been charged with a sex offence Biden or Trump?
  12. Are you defending Trump? You say you never do that?
  13. Found a pic of the cars in our wedding
  14. The local Biden boy was calling Trump a rapist. Not that either are good.
  15. Ya seriously, How do you come up with that? Nothing you say is factual
  16. Lying is only bad when it's not DJT doing it.
  17. Well you could do us all a favor and "kill yourself" The world could use one less.
  18. So Biden and Trump are both pedos and one of them is going to be potus again. More proof how sick Trumpers and democrats are.
  19. Do you live in Alaska now too? Fucking retard, you don’t know shit about Homer and you don’t own a snowmobile.
  20. We wouldn't be having these conversations if you and AC hadn't started threads on it, so don't confuse yourself with who's obsessed. "the narrative"
  21. The lengths they go thru to defend the narrative is priceless. I mean seriously why do they care so much to go on every single covid thread and defend it. Same members every thread.
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