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  1. Past hour
  2. Closing arguments to begin in Trump hush money trial Following summations, the jury is expected to begin deliberating Wednesday.
  3. remember the dial-up days? fast by comparison, takes minutes to load a page
  4. ended up watching the highlights on the Tube... ESPN+F1 on demand, wtf? good for LeClerc and Ferrari... looks as though lap 1 was a train wreck.
  5. Today
  6. Sheep think will never understand. I know who I am in this pic. Fagden, Deepfaggot, Stupid Stheve and Sheep Shit are on the right, irrelevant.
  7. Poor Stupid Stheve and Deepfaggot and Fagden.
  8. Hot dogs & Kielbasa on the grill, potato salad & apple pie
  9. How many licks does it take to get to the center........
  10. The pieces of human garbage are the ones who did this to this poor girl, then offered her assisted suicide. But it's not the vax right.
  11. 20 million lives saved. That's peak stupidity.
  12. Take a vax so you can eat at McDonald's. The stupid and brainwashed is rather strong here.
  13. 20 million lives were saved. Masks stopped the flu dead on arrival. Fucking idiot.
  14. The pieces of human garbage are the ones who ignored the vax injured like Carrie below. And the idiots who are still in denial.
  15. And you're planning on voting for mr warp speed again, the guy responsible for pushing this thru without safety testing.
  16. Umm...where is this not happening? Seems pretty clear this place has really ramped up it's Covidian defense league and stand guard 24 hours. "Conspiracy theory retards that can't think for themselves". LOL...how many boosters again? Smarten up!
  17. Order him to answer you lest he feels your wrath again! Speaking of your "wrath", this place seems to be void of it's chief, child mincing grooming predator now. What happened? Is he back in his trailer park hood training up for more of his ass kicking, "aggressive liberal", fully vaxxed internet warrioring? Well, I guess your "safe space" just wasn't safe enough, eh?
  18. It'd take them an hour? Like, during lunch or something? #standwithTaiwan
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