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  1. Past hour
  2. Let’s compare this to blowing a puppy’s head off in a gravel pit because the owner hated it. That takes the skill of a conflating moron
  3. So you can't think, only post links. Have to treat you like a 3 year old. USE YOUR WORDS!
  4. They are finally re calling those team clutches that “never had a problem” https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls/2024/Arctic-Cat-Recalls-Snowmobiles-Due-to-Laceration-Hazard
  5. remember when Trump wanted the interest rate to go to zero and mounted a pressure campaign against Powell... and then signed off on trillions for stimulus and demanded his name be on the checks? good times...
  6. That’s the point, glad we agree. And in ‘21 the government spent $6.5T. No I understood how inflation worked then as well. Economics is an amazing things when you decouple your personal political beliefs from it. Try sometime.
  7. Plugs and company own this lock stock and barrel. Inflation is out of control and until this piece of shit is removed nothing will change
  8. Its not a kangaroo court. Just the daughter of the judge has her logo of Trump behind bars. And yet the clueless idiots don't see the fascism. Poor DeepFaggot.
  9. Today
  10. Hopefully morels this weekend.
  11. Bet he thought Trump increased inflation and had influence on the fed.
  12. No big deal the adminstration flew in 404K illegals who failed an extremely generous amnesty test. Its called executive parole. https://www.fairus.org/blog/2024/04/18/what-will-happen-illegal-aliens-paroled-us-when-their-time-expires New monthly data from CBP shows that the use of parole is ramping up, not being decreased. CBP said that through the end of March 2024, 404,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans arrived on commercial flights and were granted parole. Specifically: 84,000 Cubans, 154,000 Haitians, 69,000 Nicaraguans, and 95,000 Venezuelans arrived and were granted parole.
  13. Finally some unity. Both sides chant "Fuck Joe Biden" 81 million my ass.
  14. Looks like Trump had a few unscripted moments at his rally yesterday......... The difference between these two is uncanny. ... bye bye Joey.
  15. You actually think Presidents have zero to do with inflation or zero influence on the Fed? Biden submitted a $7.3 trillion dollar budget for 2025. Trumps last submission for 2021 was $4.4 trillion. While I agree they might not have massive influence but its there. From signing deficit spending legislation to being the leader of the party and pushing a specific spending agenda. They also do influence what the Fed Reserve is doing. If the SC can be influenced by political values is it a stretch that the FR can be?
  16. 3.......2........1......
  17. Trudeau says hold my beer.
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