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5 minutes ago, Not greg b said:

Paying “cash” doesn’t mean shit anymore as most places would rather have you finance/credit card it as they get funded immediately and don’t have deal with physical cash or waiting on a check to clear. You can make more than 3% back using a lot of credit cards now. 

Yup. Dealers get kickbacks now by referring to financing 

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12 minutes ago, Not greg b said:

Paying “cash” doesn’t mean shit anymore as most places would rather have you finance/credit card it as they get funded immediately and don’t have deal with physical cash or waiting on a check to clear. You can make more than 3% back using a lot of credit cards now. 

Exactly, they want you to finance, more cash for them.

When I made the deal on my 24 Renegade XRS the total owing is on the "total financed" line.

Can't wait to see their face when I write a check.

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28 minutes ago, Not greg b said:

Paying “cash” doesn’t mean shit anymore as most places would rather have you finance/credit card it as they get funded immediately and don’t have deal with physical cash or waiting on a check to clear. You can make more than 3% back using a lot of credit cards now. 

I pay CC for everything, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Now if it's buying something from you as a private deal, that's a different story, but thats obvious. 

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1 hour ago, Steve753 said:

I pay CC for everything, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Now if it's buying something from you as a private deal, that's a different story, but thats obvious. 

I carry $100-150 with me for those rare occasions. But for everything else it's CC. The points and protection gleaned from CC is unbeatable. 

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Just now, spin_dry said:

I carry $100-150 with me for those rare occasions. But for everything else it's CC. The points and protection gleaned from CC is unbeatable. 

I just got a $500 gift card for groceries with my points. DB got to say he paid cash for his sled.


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3 minutes ago, Steve753 said:

I just got a $500 gift card for groceries with my points. DB got to say he paid cash for his sled.


At most he's paying the difference between trade in and new sled value. Trade in for a trapper edition sled driven by 65 year old men is relatively good.

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8 minutes ago, HSR said:

At most he's paying the difference between trade in and new sled value. Trade in for a trapper edition sled driven by 65 year old men is relatively good.


When I use to trade in every year I think the most I ever paid was 4g out of pocket. 

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1 hour ago, Steve753 said:


When I use to trade in every year I think the most I ever paid was 4g out of pocket. 

I guess when your trying to live outside your means trying to keep up with the Jones's that is a big expense, probably 2 boat payments 

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23 minutes ago, HSR said:

I guess when your trying to live outside your means trying to keep up with the Jones's that is a big expense, probably 2 boat payments 

Who lives outside their means?  Who’s trying keep up with the Jones?  You try so hard…Steve buys a new truck every year and pays cash, is it him?  Derp has 3 boats and a propellor collection, him maybe?  :lol: 

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5 minutes ago, ACE said:

11% more power 

10% lighter chassis 

new gauge is a lot better 

I'm guessing that's over the PC 800. What's the number on them 152-155???

10% weight loss is good.

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Sad and pathetic is when a wife is beaten and abused and then decides her abusive hubby is a good man and runs around defending him from everyone else at all costs. I won't assign any positions, they are obvious. 

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2 minutes ago, DriftBusta said:

Yeah replies to the same post twice, 12 hrs apart.  Not obsessed.   :lol: 

Did you enjoy the cup of STFU in the dinner thread? You've been drinking a lot of them lately, you may want to cut back.

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15 minutes ago, DriftBusta said:

Who lives outside their means?  Who’s trying keep up with the Jones?  You try so hard…Steve buys a new truck every year and pays cash, is it him?  Derp has 3 boats and a propellor collection, him maybe?  :lol: 

DERP has 3 boats that are not seaworthy and a bunch of broken and bent props.

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1 minute ago, HSR said:

Did you enjoy the cup of STFU in the dinner thread? You've been drinking a lot of them lately, you may want to cut back.

:lol: You’re such a sad pathetic excuse of a man.  Btw how do you think I blew up those 2 sleds?  I mean you must have been there by the way you talk. :lol: 

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Operator error obviously. You're an add gas and oil guy as you admitted being scared of a fucking jackshaft bearing FFS. Guys like you HAVE to trade in as you can't maintain shit.

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