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As in the previous FS I am willing to lend my expertise like any others on this forum.  I will attempt to answer any and all relevant question you have regarding sleds, ATVs and general enforcement.  Be aware..this is not official OPP communication nor is it legal advice.  Its simply my opinion based on experience as a police officer.  For those unaware I've spent the past 10yrs working in the Snowmobile ATV Vessel Enforcement team (SAVE) and have built up a lot of experience, met many of the original members and I think we all had benefitted from the questions shared on here.  Hopefully the mods will pin this thread.  All I ask is that this thread not turn into a police bashing thread...  If that happens I will not be able to continue.  Feel free to bash away, just not in this thread please. 



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  • All, As in the previous FS I am willing to lend my expertise like any others on this forum.  I will attempt to answer any and all relevant question you have regarding sleds, ATVs and general enfo

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2 hours ago, stealth bomber said:

On a similar subject, on a two lane highway that has a third passing lane in certain spots, is it legal to use the oncoming lane to pass cars that are sitting in the left passing lane instead of moving over to the right lane?  For the past 17 years I have been putting 500+ km a week on Highway 15.  Seeing more and more of these idiots who sit in the passing lane instead of moving over like they should.  Thanks. 

Sigh...  my whole long winded answer disappeared!!  


First of all...need to point out the black and white of this.  Regardless of the lane another vehicle is in...if they are going the speed limit you can not pass them.  If you do, you are now speeding and can be fined as such.  There are NO exemptions for the speed limits other than emergency services vehicles...that does NOT include the green flashing lights.  They are NOT allowed to exceed the posted limits.  To your question...  I know 15 very well and can picture the spots you are talking about.  Here's the theory... Yellow lines are cautionary lines, for example a solid line (double or single) indicates an area unsafe for passing due to hills, corners, driveways etc....   But there is no charge for passing on a solid line. Should you choose to pass you should know that in todays climate, the driver you are passing will most likely call the police to report it.  Then it becomes officers discretion based on the witness and your story as well as any other factors.  Fines could range from unsafe pass, speeding, careless to simply a warn or nothing at all.  Hope that answers your question...if not, let me know what I missed.



Edited by odot1

In years past it was allowed (and signed as such) on Hwy 69. If not passing, stay in right hand lane to allow traffic in other direction to use centre lane for passing.

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23 minutes ago, revrnd said:

In years past it was allowed (and signed as such) on Hwy 69. If not passing, stay in right hand lane to allow traffic in other direction to use centre lane for passing.

The stretches of hwy 15 he was talking about are signed as suchbas well.  Very frustrating exoerience!  

There were even sections of 69 south of Parry Sound signed to ask slow vehicles (transports) to move on to paved shoulder to allow passing. They disappeared before the 4 laning began. I asked an OPP officer that I knew in the area about the disappearance. He said they tarped over the signs because idiots were PASSING on the paved shoulders.

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Sigh...  yep, sounds about right.  There is a section of 15 going souyh out of Smitjs Falls with signs along the shoulder specifcally saying no passing on the right.  You'd be amazed how many idiots actually hit these signs trying to pass..

2 minutes ago, odot1 said:

Sigh...  yep, sounds about right.  There is a section of 15 going souyh out of Smitjs Falls with signs along the shoulder specifcally saying no passing on the right.  You'd be amazed how many idiots actually hit these signs trying to pass..


7 minutes ago, odot1 said:

Sigh...  yep, sounds about right.  There is a section of 15 going souyh out of Smitjs Falls with signs along the shoulder specifcally saying no passing on the right.  You'd be amazed how many idiots actually hit these signs trying to pass..

I can believe that. The amount of times i am passed on the shoulder while driving a 14 foot wide tractor (partially on the shoulder) because they can't wait for a chance to get by. Have had more then one incident with people losing control doing it.

Had a drunk hit the combine in mississauga 3 years ago. Took the mirror of his van and hit every panel on the passenger side. Kept going. (17 foot 8 inches wide. It's pretty hard to miss lol)



Edited by Glenn in Caledon

  • 2 weeks later...

We just bought a waverunner, in the safe boating guide says you need an sound signalling or flares, a paddle or an anchor, life jacket, fire extinguisher, heaving line.... But then says if the operator and passengers have a fitting life jacket the only safety equipment required is a sound signalling device, flashlight, nav light for night, a magnetic compass if lose sight of land. 

So has anyone had any problems with officers interpreting it that you need all the extra equipment?

What are your thoughts Odot?

I have a question too but not sure if you will answer it lol. Is it true that the police boats have be off the lake by dusk?

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1 hour ago, woodyf said:

We just bought a waverunner, in the safe boating guide says you need an sound signalling or flares, a paddle or an anchor, life jacket, fire extinguisher, heaving line.... But then says if the operator and passengers have a fitting life jacket the only safety equipment required is a sound signalling device, flashlight, nav light for night, a magnetic compass if lose sight of land. 

So has anyone had any problems with officers interpreting it that you need all the extra equipment?

What are your thoughts Odot?

I've not seen any issues where officers are misinterpreting this section.... yet!!!  It seems to be fairly common knowledge.  Just remember that the life jackets/PFDs can NOT be the inflatable type.  Otherwise, you're all good..  Clip whistles to your vest, toss in a floating flashlight and the rest of the gear and away you go.


Ohhh...  remember if towing, you need a spotter PLUS room for the towed passengers.  So if you have a three seater you can only tow a single person. 

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16 minutes ago, Renegade X said:

I have a question too but not sure if you will answer it lol. Is it true that the police boats have be off the lake by dusk?

LOL!!!   Nooooooo!!!!  At least not OPP boats.  We spend a good part of our training on nigh and low light navigation.  Plus make use of RADAR and night vision.   Would be nice tho, eh?!?!?!?   :D



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3 hours ago, woodyf said:

Thanks, your always the best!

I try..  I'd see you guys ask first and stay ticket free!!!   Safety, education..then enforcement....


Sean had a chat w/ 1 of your female counterparts last night. She was parked in front of our vacant lot & apparently following up on reports of someone driving in the area while under suspension. Talked to her about a kid ripping thru the village on an ATV @ all hours of the day & night. I told her we were trying to figure out who the kid is & make him see the error of his ways. She said the OPP tries to be careful in situations like that as usually the operator takes off. I greed w/ her on that.

I talked to a buddy tonight & he had a chat w/ the kid today. Told him that the cops were OK w/ ATVs in the village as long as the were operated in a safe & legal manner. He then told the kid that if someone complained about him & the OPP cracked down on the riders, it would be on his shoulders.

My buddy is pretty small, but he said he put the fear of God into the kid. LOL

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Community policing at its best!!!!

3 minutes ago, odot1 said:

Community policing at its best!!!!

It was better in the old days when we had a detachment & most of the constables lived here. They knew a lot more of what was going on. Noawadays w/ them rotating thru on a irregular basis, they don't get a feel for what's going on IMO.

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Just now, revrnd said:

It was better in the old days when we had a detachment & most of the constables lived here. They knew a lot more of what was going on. Noawadays w/ them rotating thru on a irregular basis, they don't get a feel for what's going on IMO.

I wouldn't argue with you on that. As a son of opp officer i remember thise days when you weren't not allowec to live outside your detacment area. I've always lived in my derachment area and just like my old man... never had an unlisted phone number and my name is on the mailbox.  I've hit a lot of info from the locals over the years.  Even now people will stop occasionally when they see my truck (cruiser) in the driveway.  Usually attached to a boat, sled or atv.   

Hi Sean, got a question for you.

If an Ontario boater gets fined for speeding in a no wake zone, does that show up against your driving record, or is it like getting a fine on a snowmobile ? Do you also happen to know how it works on the states side ?

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2 hours ago, Frostynuts said:

Hi Sean, got a question for you.

If an Ontario boater gets fined for speeding in a no wake zone, does that show up against your driving record, or is it like getting a fine on a snowmobile ? Do you also happen to know how it works on the states side ?

Boating tickets are a federal statute and will NOT appear on your abstract. Not sure about the US but I believe very similar.  

Great to know. What about being impaired while driving a boat ? Same thing ? 

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Being impairec and operating a vessel is the same as driving your car impaired.  Same penalties and loss of drivers licence.  Its a criminal code offence.  

On July 19, 2017 at 10:31 PM, revrnd said:

Sean had a chat w/ 1 of your female counterparts last night. She was parked in front of our vacant lot & apparently following up on reports of someone driving in the area while under suspension. Talked to her about a kid ripping thru the village on an ATV @ all hours of the day & night. I told her we were trying to figure out who the kid is & make him see the error of his ways. She said the OPP tries to be careful in situations like that as usually the operator takes off. I greed w/ her on that.

I talked to a buddy tonight & he had a chat w/ the kid today. Told him that the cops were OK w/ ATVs in the village as long as the were operated in a safe & legal manner. He then told the kid that if someone complained about him & the OPP cracked down on the riders, it would be on his shoulders.

My buddy is pretty small, but he said he put the fear of God into the kid. LOL

We've got similar problems with atvs.  Group of three or four kids with the exhausts gutted ripping around at 70 mph passing cars and other such nonsense.  Parents don't seem to care and just let them run around doing as they please.  My kids know they would have a size 12 boot in the arse if they acted like that, but I worry that they are going to pay the price for the actions of others.  

  • Author
9 hours ago, stealth bomber said:

We've got similar problems with atvs.  Group of three or four kids with the exhausts gutted ripping around at 70 mph passing cars and other such nonsense.  Parents don't seem to care and just let them run around doing as they please.  My kids know they would have a size 12 boot in the arse if they acted like that, but I worry that they are going to pay the price for the actions of others.  

Exactly...  Makes ALL the difference.

  • Canadian Donating Member
20 hours ago, stealth bomber said:

We've got similar problems with atvs.  Group of three or four kids with the exhausts gutted ripping around at 70 mph passing cars and other such nonsense.  Parents don't seem to care and just let them run around doing as they please.  My kids know they would have a size 12 boot in the arse if they acted like that, but I worry that they are going to pay the price for the actions of others.  

Good point but . . . Parents have always been saying that about their kids.

I always thought that, but I know a fellow who recently was charged with over .080 and Impaired on his boat.  He lost neither his PCOC nor his DL for 3 months, as you would in a car. 

Is the 3 month automatic suspension not applicable to vessels, and not connected to your DL?  Perhaps only upon conviction are they tied together?  Thanks!

Being impaired and operating a vessel is the same as driving your car impaired.  Same penalties and loss of drivers licence.  Its a criminal code offence.  

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