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  1. Past hour
  2. What’s your stance on a policy defined around stating that every election is fake and rigged?
  3. I was wondering tho, woukd it be wires considering it happens at specific RPM ranges??
  4. The funny part is there are only some very minor scratches in the hull near the transome, barely more than surface scratches. I bet your drone incedent was more expensive! Plus I blamed it all on my brother on facebook.
  5. Was born 4 days and 45 years ago in 1979.
  6. Figures..... You got liberal written all over you
  7. Today
  8. My wife and I went to a graduation party some years ago it was catered by a well-known barbeque place, I asked the father of the graduate how he liked the ribs and pulled pork he said he doesn't eat that stuff," too messy"
  9. I've never seen that anywhere.
  10. 1975 Skidoo Elan with Penguin stickers on it and orange pedal tractor with pull behind 2 wheel trailer and a squeeze horn to piss everybody off with:
  11. They dont have posts up at the trail heads to control width?
  12. I've never seen anyone stopped for width.
  13. Dang. Both my machines are too wide.
  14. Yesterday
  15. I haven't had an ATV for a few years. The wife and ride alot and 2up on ATV isn't much fun.
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