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  2. But what was he going to take the stand for?..
  3. Dude......you don't stand a chance..... Did you see the donations?...... actually the wife is telling me to donate and she used to be a Trump hater......I might do it
  4. Looking back at all this, hearing Trump say he would've took the stand, but he didn't want to get caught lying is probably the funniest thing I've heard him say in awhile.
  5. Fight like hell.....baby! . Magas won't be pussyfooting around.
  6. Everything is going MAGA'S way........I don't think we will have the opportunity to riot like a Dem..... unfortunately
  7. Thanks for finally admitting DJT started the riot on January 6th.
  8. Well he is the KING 👑. MAGA! ....I'm waiting for the call to burn it all down..... getting very impatient.
  9. If Donny told them "to fight for their country, like they've never done before" things would be different. Donnys saving that until after he loses in November.
  10. What's your point??...the point is the Republicans are much more well behaved than the Democrats who love their Bic lighters.
  11. Bacon wrapped pork tenderloin, ceaser salad and corn on the cob.
  12. going to fuck the company for a couple hours double time then hopefully finish planting 1st planting and caging cucumbers
  13. Buffalo Chicken pizza and fries.
  14. Mostly got it to replace the 1998 600 i have with a crank that is ready to snap in the same place as my last 600, may look for a new 700 crank to drop in the motor that is in the sled (pto snout snapped off in primary) but plan to use the 700 motor on my 2001 project sled
  15. Today
  16. ckf


    Forecast is calling for sunshine with temps in the upper 70s to around 80 through Wednesday here
  17. Yesterday
  18. Was beautiful today bro, tomorrow looking the same🍻
  19. been rain free here finally dry enough to finish getting produce garden in, ground not as dry as I like for planting but it is what it is
  20. Any bets that he’ll die on the course like his uncle? No doubt it beats languishing in a Northern Ireland nursing home. What a fucking beast. https://www.bbc.com/sport/motorsport/articles/czvve47n5l0o.amp
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