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  2. If it is anything like my current employer and my former employer, if the Spreadsheet nurd "analyst" says they could save a total of $200 by axing 20 heads on their last day of ownership, they'll ax 25 for good luck and hope to save $250 instead. Some interesting stuff was discussed that afternoon, that is for sure.
  3. Wrong again!! 1500 miles in mn this year!! could of easily had more but work always gets in the way!!
  4. You don’t know shit about what they are doing.
  5. I rode 3000 miles. You rode zero miles as Minnesota didn’t get any snow this winter.
  6. That’s being generous. AK’s #1 moron won’t even answer the how many miles he put on with all that snow this year. I’ll bet one of my riding buds who went to Palmer to visit his Air Force Pilot son for two weeks, and rode out of Petersville has more seat time.
  7. Just brutal . Guaranteed--- Trump will be getting a heroes welcome when he does a rally in the Bronx, New York of all places Next week.... Blue or red doesn't matter. He is the peoples Prez. They love him. https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-mocked-apparent-small-showing-180245768.html The bro's are waking up !!👏
  8. I hope so, but realisticly they wouldn't bother with layoffs if they have made a deal with Argo
  9. More brain dead blabbering, without answering the question. Talk about a one trick pony.
  10. Much better under the Trump era.. Tax relief alone had me bringing much more home per week. Being retired now, it is not quite as important to me but Biden plans on letting that run out next year. The common working class will feel that immediately. Trump is likely to extend it.... The largest class-----the working class is going to get him elected.✓
  11. Jesus you are stupid. That claim is a repeat of your other bullshit wrong claim about it being warmer now than in the 70s.. No shit, the temp in the 70s was below average, moron
  12. Yup.... "Normal" Republicans are totally useless and dead to us......we have to go it alone, fight the deep state and get er done.....and we will ..... The ever growing movement.......MAGA 24 !.......it's time to fight like hell.
  13. Today
  14. You are the one that has been dodging a question for weeks.
  15. 🤣 Lmao.....Colbert.....what a douchebag.
  16. This should have been the final wakeup call. But not for the sheep.
  17. Norris was right there. 2 more laps he would have got Max.
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