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  2. CNN is your single polling source? It’s hilarious how you constantly say “MSM” then use MSM to quote your stats when it helps you. so Biden was leading and then won!!? No way!
  3. More competent compared to a vegetable isn't saying anything. Trump is completely incompetent as a leader. Biden of course as well. Explains why you trust the retarded sources you post.
  4. Economics show that trump drove this shit. He is the reason the inflation started. Ridiculous spending. Sadly Biden followed continuing record spending on bullshit. Any one who supports either is a fucking dipshit
  5. Simple indeed. Exactly why you can't explain it. You aren't smart enough for simple
  6. Since there is a new ice age coming are you actually finally going to buy a sled?
  7. And he is fucking it up good. Losing to Biden is embarrassing as fuck. He's a god damn vegetable.
  8. I just noticed it ....you're posting something from September of 2019....lmao 🤣....Nice try!!! Biden wasn't even the official nominee then....
  9. Not even close ....it was supposed to be a runaway. So you can imagine how far Trump is actually ahead right now.... I'm whistling Dixie
  10. Nah...... He wasn't fooling me. I was right there with Kamala with my thought process at the time. Vaccines take years to produce with accurate results and trials. This was way too rushed, But he had to get it out there fast... I'll give him credit for that, even though it's killing half the people
  11. And I'm talking about averages of polls.... not just one outlier that you guys like to cherry pick..... Biden was up in virtually every single swing state as well ...... .my o my what 4 years of disaster can do. ... The changes are stunning. Biden is in deep, deep trouble.
  12. So you didn't fall for the "operation warp speed" bullshit?
  13. I think Stevie has a monkey 🐒 on his back......
  14. Stupid stevy, you realize you’re the only idiot posting trump in every thread, second post in, forth post in, and what two or three more after?👍👍 ill give you a two thumbs up for being consistent
  15. Thanks for posting a photo of one of the very magazines mentioned in the article that published the debunked claim. Talk about owning oneself!
  16. The truth of the matter is you don’t like the answer. It’s such a simple concept. One would think you’d eventually grasp what isotopes are but it’s becoming apparent you skipped science class to go smoke out under the bleachers.
  17. So when someone says the world seems like it’s on their back, does it actually mean the world is on their back?
  18. Actually Trump was polling ahead of Biden.
  19. Maybe it is a sign of changing ownership? Lots of fun catching up with people up there.
  20. Probably got a free jacket with the purchase of an Argo
  21. He was polling less than 5%, not “far behind” as you claim.
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