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  1. Past hour
  2. It’s guaranteed eh? Good time for Hillary to run again 🤣
  3. Trump would have had the most kills, obviously.
  4. Imagine had there been a shootout, FBI vs SS. Would have been epic!
  5. If he wins in 24 they will just reverse what he did in 28. If he wins, its guaranteed we will have a dem potus 28.
  6. The EV industry will be all but gone when Trump wins.........at least we will have choice and not forced to buy Duracell cars . Let's see what the people want
  7. we knew this was happening months ago. @ArcticCrusher doesn't get the monthly newsletter. hope the tote bags this year are just as nice as last year.
  8. Fuck Joe Biden.....I hope somebody assassinates and spills his gray matter. What the hell has happened to the good ole days of attempts and assassinations.?..... I worry about the GOAT 🐐 visiting the Bronx....if it would happen it would be there amongst the bro's.....but in many ways Trump is gangsta now. and one of them.
  9. Chuck roast and mashed taters
  10. Indoor air quality is the worst.... It can't get much worse than breathing recirculated air in a commercial building. Thank God smoking has been abolished in most offices..... Work place air is a negative quality of life issue.
  11. I feel you, I'm dealing with a 91 year old mother, its like dealing with a little kid with a lot of things. She has very brittle bone from osteoporosis, sneezed one night in her sleep which caused a compression fracture of her T7. A couple weeks ago had to deal with bleeding coming out of her backside. Its a very difficult situation to take on caring for an elderly parent even harder when you get no help from other family members. Very forgetful on a lot of very simple things, trying to answer the tv remote, I will not allow her to use the stove anymore, she has a couple of times turned the burner on click click click and walk away no flame but gas still coming out of the burners. Like I said its like dealing with a little kid but this doesn't get better it only gets worse. Lots of deep breaths taken, lots of counting to 10, lots of walks while she's taking her naps.... I'll probably be dead before her........ I've come close a couple of times to buying a pack of smokes, nope not going down that road again with smoking cigarettes.
  12. Is this a short term closing????
  13. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/national-international/world-economic-forum-founder-klaus-schwab-to-step-back-from-executive-role/3864416/?amp=1
  14. Today
  15. Lloyd's really off his meds today
  16. Fish and onion rings.
  17. Treason. But the flock is too stupid.
  18. Chicken rice a roni, shredded chicken, diced mushrooms & mixed veggies
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