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California deputies shot, killed teen kidnapping victim as she was seen surrendering: video

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Posted (edited)



Savannah was just steps from making it safely to a deputy when she was fatally shot, the video shows.

A deputy taking cover behind a sheriff’s department SUV repeatedly shouts to Savannah, "Passenger, get out!" and "Come to me, come to me!"

The girl, who was wearing tactical gear and a helmet, exits the pickup truck's passenger side and runs toward the deputy, briefly crouching on the ground as the deputy continues to shout commands

Then, as she rises from her crouch and starts making her way toward the deputy, other deputies from a higher elevation open fire. The deputy screams, "Stop! Stop shooting her! He's in the car! Stop!" Savannah was unarmed as the shooting unfolded.

The deputy’s orders to stop shooting were not broadcast over the radio, but the audio was captured by his belt recorder, the sheriff's department said.

"Oh, no," a deputy in the helicopter was heard saying over the radio after the girl was shot.

Edited by Highmark
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  • Platinum Contributing Member
Posted (edited)

Many cops have an overzealous idea of protecting one another like soldiers on a battlefield.   Makes things like this happen and cops not report on bad cops.   Very big problem in LE.  

I always find it hypocritical when cops are critical of the street not talking and helping them solve crimes yet so many of them live by the exact same code when it comes to fellow officers. 

Edited by Highmark
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42 minutes ago, Highmark said:

Many cops have an overzealous idea of protecting one another like soldiers on a battlefield.   Makes things like this happen and cops not report on bad cops.   Very big problem in LE.  

I always find it hypocritical when cops are critical of the street not talking and helping them solve crimes yet so many of them live by the exact same code when it comes to fellow officers. 

This is the result of  police being put on a pedestal and largely immune from criticism. 

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  • Platinum Contributing Member
10 minutes ago, SSFB said:

This is the result of  police being put on a pedestal and largely immune from criticism. 

Yep...I put farmers in the same category for being on a pedestal they don't deserve. 

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Sickening to watch, Only justice will be if the person was black or an illegal then the cops will be charged 

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1 hour ago, Highmark said:

Many cops have an overzealous idea of protecting one another like soldiers on a battlefield.   Makes things like this happen and cops not report on bad cops.   Very big problem in LE.  

I always find it hypocritical when cops are critical of the street not talking and helping them solve crimes yet so many of them live by the exact same code when it comes to fellow officers. 

Bingo. Ratting out another cop just makes you the rat in the cop communities eyes. Nobody wants to be the rat except someone with the intestinal fortitude that will accept the repercussions.

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It is obvious the cops fired first.

An unarmed person, complying with orders, in an open area. 

Unacceptable. There is no excuse that can be offered.

There should be charges of some type IMO.

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3 hours ago, SSFB said:

This is the result of  police being put on a pedestal and largely immune from criticism. 

 combine that with infecting them with the thought they are lucky to come home alive every day which is far from true statistically and militirization of them with equipment and its a recipe for disaster.  Time for them to get a wake up call and actually he held responsible for their actions but even when they prosecute it's areare a jury will not see them on that pedestal.  

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6 hours ago, Highmark said:



Savannah was just steps from making it safely to a deputy when she was fatally shot, the video shows.

A deputy taking cover behind a sheriff’s department SUV repeatedly shouts to Savannah, "Passenger, get out!" and "Come to me, come to me!"

The girl, who was wearing tactical gear and a helmet, exits the pickup truck's passenger side and runs toward the deputy, briefly crouching on the ground as the deputy continues to shout commands

Then, as she rises from her crouch and starts making her way toward the deputy, other deputies from a higher elevation open fire. The deputy screams, "Stop! Stop shooting her! He's in the car! Stop!" Savannah was unarmed as the shooting unfolded.

The deputy’s orders to stop shooting were not broadcast over the radio, but the audio was captured by his belt recorder, the sheriff's department said.

"Oh, no," a deputy in the helicopter was heard saying over the radio after the girl was shot.

They just showed this on the news, this happened 2 years ago, on going fight to get this released the media and networks. Upper corner of the Helicopter video shows Sept 22 

Edited by Jerry 976
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  • Gold Member

Damn.  Poor girl.  Likely plead for her life with her dad and he lets her out just to be dispatched by our hero’s in uniform.  Policing is definitely over due for some massive reform in this country.

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8 hours ago, Jerry 976 said:

Qualified immunity

This needs to end. They should be held responsible just like any other citizen. Most cops i deal with act scared of their own shadow, like a traffic stop is a high risk drug bust and they're about to get in a gun battle. Had a mn state trooper do a simple logbook check the other day in rural mn, he had his hand on his gun the whole time talking to me

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Im willing to bet nothing happens to these officers. They should be charged the same as you or I would be but I will be shocked if they get anything more than a "be more careful next time" and a slap on the wrist.

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A police department near me..... When they activate their lights or sirens the dash cam, body cam and other cams in the vehicle automatically start recording. There is some sort of software being used so the police chief can set key words so if and officer swears or says other key words the police chief gets a notification that an officer said something their not allowed to say. The cams get reviewed and the officer can be written up for department rule violation, X amount of violations the officer gets suspended without pay.

There are good and bad officers out there and when something like this goes down shit can go sideways real quick with too many people calling things out. I'm surprised there is not more friendly fire incidents from scenes like this and police open fire from different angles.

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we had a disturbed younger guy just walking. troopers pull up, he keeps walking. they drive past , he keeps walking. finally they park and rh officer gets out and starts to harass him. the guy was out there and they knew this. the guy freaks out, runs to the cop car and tries to open the rh door. cop shot him like 8 times. no charges. 

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