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*** OFFICIAL Doug Ford thread ***


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47 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

:lol:  too funny I LOVE THE SUN

The article points out Jan. stats (loss of christmas staff) and August (loss of seasonal jobs) :lol: 

Moreau’s findings are consistent with numerous other studies, including one by the independent, non-partisan Ontario Financial Accountability Office, which in September, 2017  predicted a net loss of at least 50,000 jobs because of Wynne’s minimum wage hikes.



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22 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

wow just 2 posts lines apart you contradict yourself with the truth

Nice of you to think they should get paid though, very classy of you :lol:  

so you agree Private sector wages haven't kept up. you post it but won't say it - 02sled at his best


Dumb as a stump will never get it. Private sector gets paid what the job is worth based on supply and demand based on the skills required for the job and the number of people available to fill that job with the required skills. Public sector is simply grossly overpaid.

You contradict yourself as usual Fail... first you ramble on about 20 years of wage freeze for public sector then you suggest private sector hasn't kept pace. Which is it Fail... are you saying public sector got massive wage increases on those very few years they got raises.

For private sector to be still well under public sector who had 20 years of wage freezes just think of how grossly overpaid public sector would have to have been those 30 years ago. You know the reference you made to 20 years of wage freezes out of 30. Showing your lack of logic and stupidity is just too easy,

22 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

Yup you still in that race to the bottom - I think every job in the world would be done by someone for less - get your head around your hate.

That is right, you could fire someone at TIMs and find a person to work for less - wow what a genius your are

How do  you live with so much hate in your life :dunno:  its daily 

More stupidity from the idiot who can't grasp the simple concept of supply and demand. Just like the clowns who took a one or two year computer course at a community college who were deluded to think that qualified them for $70K a year. WRONG.... Well maybe in government.


22 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

I know you love to bring this up too bad you haven't a clue on the any of the facts about it.  You really don't understand contracts and what is at stake.

Reagan gave them all a raise, you haven't  a clue what was done other than ending a strike harshly.  Considering his debt is only second to George Bush2 


More stupidity from the deluded mind of STILL WRONG Fail.

At 7 a.m. on August 3, 1981, the union declared a strike, seeking better working conditions, better pay, and a 32-hour workweek (a four-day week and an eight-hour day combined). In addition, PATCO wanted to be excluded from the civil service clauses that it had long disliked. In striking, the union violated 5 U.S.C. (Supp. III 1956) 118p (now 5 U.S.C. § 7311), which prohibits strikes by federal government employees. After supporting PATCO's effort in his 1980 campaign, Ronald Reagan declared the PATCO strike a "peril to national safety" and ordered them back to work under the terms of the Taft–Hartley Act. Only 1,300 of the nearly 13,000 controllers returned to work.[5] Subsequently, at 10:55 a.m., Reagan included the following in a statement to the media from the Rose Garden of the White House: "Let me read the solemn oath taken by each of these employees, a sworn affidavit, when they accepted their jobs: 'I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof.'"[7]He then demanded those remaining on strike return to work within 48 hours, otherwise their jobs would be forfeited. At the same time, Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis organized for replacements and started contingency plans. By prioritizing and cutting flights severely, and even adopting methods of air traffic management that PATCO had previously lobbied for, the government was initially able to have 50% of flights available.[5]

On August 5, following the PATCO workers' refusal to return to work, Reagan fired the 11,345 striking air traffic controllers who had ignored the order,[8][9] and banned them from federal service for life. In the wake of the strike and mass firings

First bold sure seems like the ATC's wanted more money aka raise to me.  Second bold, go back to work or be fired. On the third bold... 11.345 were fired. Sure sounds like he caved and gave them all a raise eh WRONG AGAIN FAIL. Were you a glint in daddies eye yet when all this happened? I was around for it.

56 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

You beat me to posting this.... another scenario where someone far better qualified than Fail didn't get the memo from Fail telling them they were WRONG. He claims people didn't lose jobs and employment went up. What a buffoon.

According to a new study by the Montreal Economic Institute, former premier Kathleen Wynne sacrificed the jobs of 56,100 Ontario workers, aged 15 to 24, when she hiked the provincial minimum wage by 21% to $14-an-hour last January.

Not only that, but in the restaurant industry, where 70% of the workforce earns at or near the minimum wage, the price of meals rose 5.6% in Ontario, more than three times faster than in other provinces, over the same period.

Moreau’s findings are consistent with numerous other studies, including one by the independent, non-partisan Ontario Financial Accountability Office, which in September, 2017  predicted a net loss of at least 50,000 jobs because of Wynne’s minimum wage hikes.

She pointed out Ontario lost more than 50,000 jobs in January, 2018, the month in which Wynne’s $14-an-hour minimum wage became effective, and over 80,000 jobs in August, 2018, most of them part-time, countering claims Wynne’s minimum wage hike did not cost jobs.

Definitely the experts didn't get Fails memo.... nobody lost jobs and the prices didn't go up.... only in Fail land.


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16 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

:lol:  too funny I LOVE THE SUN

The article points out Jan. stats (loss of christmas staff) and August (loss of seasonal jobs) :lol: 

Moreau’s findings are consistent with numerous other studies, including one by the independent, non-partisan Ontario Financial Accountability Office, which in September, 2017  predicted a net loss of at least 50,000 jobs because of Wynne’s minimum wage hikes.



Dumb as a stump doesn't and never will understand... if an electrical contractor hires 10 electricians but 10 restaurant workers lose their jobs employment levels are just great. Number of jobs didn't go down right Fail. Tell that to the restaurant workers who aren't qualified for the jobs as electricians and are now unemployed. You would make a great politician.... out to lunch.

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5 minutes ago, 02sled said:


For private sector to be still well under public sector who had 20 years of wage freezes just think of how grossly overpaid public sector would have to have been those 30 years ago. You know the reference you made to 20 years of wage freezes out of 30. Showing your lack of logic and stupidity is just too easy,




:lol:  so you agree Public wages are falling behind.  I agree 

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9 minutes ago, 02sled said:



At 7 a.m. on August 3, 1981, the union declared a strike, seeking better working conditions, better pay, and a 32-hour workweek (a four-day week and an eight-hour day combined). In addition, PATCO wanted to be excluded from the civil service clauses that it had long disliked. In striking, the union violated 5 U.S.C. (Supp. III 1956) 118p (now 5 U.S.C. § 7311), which prohibits strikes by federal government employees. After supporting PATCO's effort in his 1980 campaign, Ronald Reagan declared the PATCO strike a "peril to national safety" and ordered them back to work under the terms of the Taft–Hartley Act. Only 1,300 of the nearly 13,000 controllers returned to work.[5] Subsequently, at 10:55 a.m., Reagan included the following in a statement to the media from the Rose Garden of the White House: "Let me read the solemn oath taken by each of these employees, a sworn affidavit, when they accepted their jobs: 'I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof.'"[7]He then demanded those remaining on strike return to work within 48 hours, otherwise their jobs would be forfeited. At the same time, Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis organized for replacements and started contingency plans. By prioritizing and cutting flights severely, and even adopting methods of air traffic management that PATCO had previously lobbied for, the government was initially able to have 50% of flights available.[5]

On August 5, following the PATCO workers' refusal to return to work, Reagan fired the 11,345 striking air traffic controllers who had ignored the order,[8][9] and banned them from federal service for life. In the wake of the strike and mass firings

First bold sure seems like the ATC's wanted more money aka raise to me.  Second bold, go back to work or be fired. On the third bold... 11.345 were fired. Sure sounds like he caved and gave them all a raise eh WRONG AGAIN FAIL. Were you a glint in daddies eye yet when all this happened? I was around for it.



Post the contract given to them - I will wait for your post 

Keep educating yourself

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8 minutes ago, 02sled said:

Dumb as a stump doesn't and never will understand... if an electrical contractor hires 10 electricians but 10 restaurant workers lose their jobs employment levels are just great. Number of jobs didn't go down right Fail. Tell that to the restaurant workers who aren't qualified for the jobs as electricians and are now unemployed. You would make a great politician.... out to lunch.

That is the thing Restaurants didn't fire employees - hiring here is at its best with the 100's of Bars and Restaurants in the area.


Posting SEASONAL Job losses isn't FACTS for the year - look at the stats and gains in employment that is the FACTS

Ontario’s Labour Market

Year-over-year, Ontario’s employment grew by 2.0% (+139,500), higher than the Canadian rate of 1.3%.

Ontario’s unemployment rate was 5.9% in June 2018, up 0.2 percentage points from last month and down 0.5 percentage points from June last year.

Year-over-year Overview

Between the second quarter of 2017 and 2018:

  • Employment growth was driven by increases in full-time employment (+2.9%) while part-time employment declined (−2.4%).
  • The private sector added the most jobs, but the public sector experienced the highest rate of growth in employment (+3.3%).
  • There were significant employment gains in both the services- (+2.0%) and goods- (+1.9%) producing sectors.
  • Four of the five Ontario regions posted solid employment gains with Southwestern Ontario experiencing the fastest employment growth (+3.7%).
  • Older workers and youth experienced above-average employment growth (+3.4% and +2.5%, respectively).
  • The average hourly wage increased by 4.4%, to $27.43.







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1 hour ago, 1trailmaker said:

:lol:  so you agree Public wages are falling behind.  I agree 

Dumb as a stump... you overdosed on your stupidity today. Public sector wages are higher than warranted. Plain and simple. Supply and demand is everywhere else. Too bad that's a concept you can't understand.


1 hour ago, 1trailmaker said:

Post the contract given to them - I will wait for your post 

Keep educating yourself

Go ahead Fail... show me where they got these raises you claim... oh that's right they didn't and you can't.

Thing is Fail the restaurants did cut staff, that's why 50,000 of those minimum wage employees became unemployed in Jan 2018.

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Like a toothache Wynnebag won't go away... after all what else could she do that would pay her as much for doing so little.


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56 minutes ago, 02sled said:

Dumb as a stump... you overdosed on your stupidity today. Public sector wages are higher than warranted. Plain and simple. Supply and demand is everywhere else. Too bad that's a concept you can't understand.


Go ahead Fail... show me where they got these raises you claim... oh that's right they didn't and you can't.

Thing is Fail the restaurants did cut staff, that's why 50,000 of those minimum wage employees became unemployed in Jan 2018.

NO IT ISN'T :lol:  how gullible are you? 

Feb 2018

There was a gain in part-time jobs (18,100) in February. Full-time jobs declined by 2,500.

Mar 2018

There was a gain in full-time jobs (16,300) in March. Part-time jobs declined by 5,700.


There was a gain in full-time jobs (19,500) in April. Part-time jobs declined by 10,300.



Oh I will let my friend know that he can't keep opening new restaurants anymore due to 02sleds staffing issues :lol:  

he opened 3 more this year :lol: 

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2017 Feb

Full-time employment increased by 53,200 and part-time employment declined by 48,600. Employment has increased seven months in a row.


How was that possible 02sled?  how?


From Jan 2017 to Jun 2018 unemployment rate dropped from 6.4 to 5.4 = in 02lseds eyes as failing because of wage hikes :lol: 


Lets see what Doug can do, he is already at 5.9% up so far under doug after years of declining.  Its okay he blames Wynne and Trudeau for his lack of knowledge.

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1 hour ago, 1trailmaker said:

NO IT ISN'T :lol:  how gullible are you? 

Feb 2018

There was a gain in part-time jobs (18,100) in February. Full-time jobs declined by 2,500.

Mar 2018

There was a gain in full-time jobs (16,300) in March. Part-time jobs declined by 5,700.


There was a gain in full-time jobs (19,500) in April. Part-time jobs declined by 10,300.



Oh I will let my friend know that he can't keep opening new restaurants anymore due to 02sleds staffing issues :lol:  

he opened 3 more this year :lol: 

What kind?  Tough bus to make it in and Franchises are usually not good for owners.

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13 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

What kind?  Tough bus to make it in and Franchises are usually not good for owners.

STACKED breakfast - gold mine 

He opened a pizza place but didn't like it and sold it within a year.  New guy added Hamburgers and fries, he sold it after 2 years, newer guy trying to keep it going Pizza and burgers 

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14 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

STACKED breakfast - gold mine 

He opened a pizza place but didn't like it and sold it within a year.  New guy added Hamburgers and fries, he sold it after 2 years, newer guy trying to keep it going Pizza and burgers 

Pizza is a tough low margin business, needs to be specialty gourmet to demand higher prices to not compete with the Pizza Pizza/Domino's.  Needs to be complimented with an upscale Italian menu, not burgers/fries.:lol:

Friend owns diners?   Those tend to do ok, as long as they get the traffic.  Lots of family run ones around me with great food, don't think any of them are goldmines though.  Then I'm guessing our ref points are way off.:lol:

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17 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

Pizza is a tough low margin business, needs to be specialty gourmet to demand higher prices to not compete with the Pizza Pizza/Domino's.  Needs to be complimented with an upscale Italian menu, not burgers/fries.:lol:

Friend owns diners?   Those tend to do ok, as long as they get the traffic.  Lots of family run ones around me with great food, don't think any of them are goldmines though.  Then I'm guessing our ref points are way off.:lol:

Ya he does well, short hours too closed at 3pm.   Line ups daily though.  Lots of profits in breakfast and when you own several it works out.  

He is fun to go out with as  he picks up the bill, he is Brown and single :lol: pretty sure he is gay but that won't work in his family 



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23 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

NO IT ISN'T :lol:  how gullible are you? 

Feb 2018

There was a gain in part-time jobs (18,100) in February. Full-time jobs declined by 2,500.

Mar 2018

There was a gain in full-time jobs (16,300) in March. Part-time jobs declined by 5,700.


There was a gain in full-time jobs (19,500) in April. Part-time jobs declined by 10,300.



Oh I will let my friend know that he can't keep opening new restaurants anymore due to 02sleds staffing issues :lol:  

he opened 3 more this year :lol: 

BS story from Fail about having a friend that keeps opening new restaurant.... prove your not blowin smoke out your ass... Name these restaurants

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11 minutes ago, 02sled said:

BS story from Fail about having a friend that keeps opening new restaurant.... prove your not blowin smoke out your ass... Name these restaurants

already posted 

Your doom and gloom isn't real

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15 hours ago, ArcticCrusher said:

He did.:dunno:

STACKED breakfast - gold mine 

He opened a pizza place but didn't like it and sold it within a year.  New guy added Hamburgers and fries, he sold it after 2 years, newer guy trying to keep it going Pizza and burgers 

Is what he posted... show proof of 3 opened in the year, where when. I don't believe him. As far as it being lucrative. You would know well with all the startup costs the first couple of years would be tough. The food business is tough at the best of times.

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  • Platinum Contributing Member
4 minutes ago, 02sled said:

STACKED breakfast - gold mine 

He opened a pizza place but didn't like it and sold it within a year.  New guy added Hamburgers and fries, he sold it after 2 years, newer guy trying to keep it going Pizza and burgers 

Is what he posted... show proof of 3 opened in the year, where when. I don't believe him. As far as it being lucrative. You would know well with all the startup costs the first couple of years would be tough. The food business is tough at the best of times.

The story I heard on those Stacked restaurants was that they were opening them and selling them off as franchises once operational. There are several around Barrie (Angus, Alliston, Orangeville, Wasaga, etc)


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38 minutes ago, 02sled said:

STACKED breakfast - gold mine 

He opened a pizza place but didn't like it and sold it within a year.  New guy added Hamburgers and fries, he sold it after 2 years, newer guy trying to keep it going Pizza and burgers 

Is what he posted... show proof of 3 opened in the year, where when. I don't believe him. As far as it being lucrative. You would know well with all the startup costs the first couple of years would be tough. The food business is tough at the best of times.

It's not uncommon to fail at your first few attempts before getting it right.

24 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

The story I heard on those Stacked restaurants was that they were opening them and selling them off as franchises once operational. There are several around Barrie (Angus, Alliston, Orangeville, Wasaga, etc)


Sounds more like the franchiser is setting up the business and then selling them, good gig to be in.  Not a very large investment required either as they rent the space, (from a REIT likely) and startup costs are minimal.  Can't see the cashflow being that great for the franchisee.  Just drove passed by my favorite diner this morning, pretty busy and they added breakfast about 2 months ago, OK honest business but no pot of gold.  New owner purchased it fully operational for $180K.

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8 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

It's not uncommon to fail at your first few attempts before getting it right.

Sounds more like the franchiser is setting up the business and then selling them, good gig to be in.  Not a very large investment required either as they rent the space, (from a REIT likely) and startup costs are minimal.  Can't see the cashflow being that great for the franchisee.  Just drove passed by my favorite diner this morning, pretty busy and they added breakfast about 2 months ago, OK honest business but no pot of gold.  New owner purchased it fully operational for $180K.

A ton of hours to be worked and all the headaches of dealing with retail clientele and the staffing, then you send a cheque to the franchiser.......lol

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17 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

A ton of hours to be worked and all the headaches of dealing with retail clientele and the staffing, then you send a cheque to the franchiser.......lol

When these owners count the hours they put in . . . . is it really worth it?

Always wonder what would take off as the next big flavor of the day

I think Chick-Fil-A will do quite well here.  Coming soon.



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Opened 3 franchises in one year.  Plus owns other restaurants.

Maybe that's the way to do it.


 Brown gay guy Pays sub par wages to restaurant managers and workers for his restaurants in private sector so he can screw his  employees and then take his the over paid buddy Fail out for drinks.  

Interesting how the low wage critic Failmaker is happy to accept the spoils from a exploiter of the minimum wage payer.


Fail do you tell your Brown buddy he should pay higher wages or just accept the free drinks knowing his employees were screwed over?


Do as I say not as I do Failmaker!!

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11 minutes ago, Sksman said:

Opened 3 franchises in one year.  Plus owns other restaurants.

Maybe that's the way to do it.


 Brown gay guy Pays sub par wages to restaurant managers and workers for his restaurants in private sector so he can screw his  employees and then take his the over paid buddy Fail out for drinks.  

Interesting how the low wage critic Failmaker is happy to accept the spoils from a exploiter of the minimum wage payer.


Fail do you tell your Brown buddy he should pay higher wages or just accept the free drinks knowing his employees were screwed over?


Do as I say not as I do Failmaker!!

:lol:  so now Private businesses screw employees :lol: 

Do you and 02sled ever stop?


The Point you are missing here is Business is booming in Ontario even with the wage increases - YOU and 02 are wrong about the doom and gloom.  By next year you will be saying Open for Business :lol: Wynne is gone stop complaining about your hero DougSloganMan

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