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*** OFFICIAL Doug Ford thread ***


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10 hours ago, Muskoka1 said:

How do we balance the budget/the deficit has to be eliminated. All aspects of spending have to be reviewed and made more efficient!


1 hour ago, Sksman said:

Just wait for the Failenomics answer to your post.


Musk? HAS TOO?  :lol:  

Since Federally Conservatives have never balanced a budget (expcept Harpers deferred 10 billion balanced he had in the last minute of his leadership)  responsible for over 3/4 of our debt.  


Provincially Conservatives have balance 1 budget also under Mike Harris.


Yet for some strange reason you vote Con every time because they TOLD YOU that they are good with your money :lol:  


If you are going to vote for the Party that balances the most you should try the LIberals since they have more balanced budgets by a long shot :lol: 


Having said that, Cuts are fine but selling off or out isn't -  just like Hydro sale whch was a horrible idea by the Liberals...  the idea GREEDY DOUG has my heath in his hands is bothersome for me....  I know you guys don't worry since you just vote ONEWAY and wait to be told how great we are doing 



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47 minutes ago, Muskoka1 said:

Sad how the lefties just don't understand-we can't borrow/spend other people's $ forever!

:lol:   yea THE LEFT :lol:  


How about you try looking up HISTORICAL FACTS 


Since the LIberal had that last 15 years on Power in Ontario they have crept ahead in the debt race but just a tad -  This will change again under Doug as debt will sore like most of the time in Ontario.


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5 minutes ago, Tinker said:

Ontario debt in 2003 - 132.6 BILLION

Ontario debt in 2018 - 308.2 BILLION

A 232.5% increase in 15 years of Liberal Reign


Yea I know as Harper did the same to Canada :dunno:  but he had a recession :lol: 

Funny how debt seems to be the same everywhere every time 


Remember PET was so bad with his debt 90 billion so we elected Mulroney so he could add 300 billion in 8 years up over 400% 


Remember our 8 balanced budgets in a row Federally?   funny Clinton had the same run of surpluses 


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You're on ignore because you're a retard but every once in a while I'll let you prove it...

Ontario Debt 1995 - 90.7 Billion

Ontario Debt 2003 - 132.7 Billion

An increase of 46.5% under Harper

Yes after a recession and yes after the horrendous affects of the Uberliberal, Bob Ray...


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13 minutes ago, Tinker said:

You're on ignore because you're a retard but every once in a while I'll let you prove it...

Ontario Debt 1995 - 90.7 Billion

Ontario Debt 2003 - 132.7 Billion

An increase of 46.5% under Harper

Yes after a recession and yes after the horrendous affects of the Uberliberal, Bob Ray...


Harper ran Ontario?   :lol:  

I am sure you will post about the surplus he was handed and turned that into 55 billion deficit 


I post our debts all the time so I am well aware of who has done what.


YOU thnking Conservatives do better is quite telling 

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18 minutes ago, Tinker said:

You're on ignore because you're a retard but every once in a while I'll let you prove it...

Ontario Debt 1995 - 90.7 Billion

Ontario Debt 2003 - 132.7 Billion

An increase of 46.5% under Harris

Yes after a recession and yes after the horrendous affects of the Uberliberal, Bob Ray...


Boob Ray also gave him a 15 billion deficit on revenue of 60 billion.:flush:

Edited by ArcticCrusher
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41 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

Yea I know as Harper did the same to Canada :dunno:  but he had a recession :lol: 

Funny how debt seems to be the same everywhere every time 


Remember PET was so bad with his debt 90 billion so we elected Mulroney so he could add 300 billion in 8 years up over 400% 


Remember our 8 balanced budgets in a row Federally?   funny Clinton had the same run of surpluses 



9 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

Harper ran Ontario?   :lol:  

I am sure you will post about the surplus he was handed and turned that into 55 billion deficit 


I post our debts all the time so I am well aware of who has done what.


YOU thnking Conservatives do better is quite telling 

 You said Harper you Stoopid Twat

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1 hour ago, Muskoka1 said:

Exactly-of course there's no incentive to work-mediocrity reigns supreme-why bother trying/cheque's always in the mail!

Would you have not worked?  if you were making less than unemployment offers?  


That isn't true for everyone but certainly true for others

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4 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

Goldie locks approach :lol:  


Strong spending in a great economy FORD was handed has helped bring down the deficit 


Going to be interesting watching this Government scramble as budget never balances - We all know how important this is to your votes :lol: 

Debt will drag everyone down eventually-always has/always will!

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I felt bad for Lisa the other day, while she has no choice but to follow FORDS hate for challenged kids and sell it to the public.  Tears ( I am sure you guys will bash her for tears soon) we real.  But than again I have watched this women yell and scream as opposition for a very long time.  Lisa MacLOUD is finding it not so easy on the other side.  


Will be anything about Lisa threatening the lobby groups :dunno:   NOPE THERE WILL NOT BE 


FORD showing his colors again 

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19 hours ago, Muskoka1 said:

Debt will drag everyone down eventually-always has/always will!

last 50 budgets in Ontario

46 deficit

4 balanced ( 3 liberals 1 con) 

First balanced budget starting in  the 60's was 2001 Mike Harris 


I know your personal debt matters but it seems it doesn't matter so much for any government world wide 



What is the chances we will see posts about Ontario's debt  being more than any sovereign country :dunno:  doubtful even 10 years down the road


Doug will tack on 40 billion in 4 years - will you vote him out if so ?  NO 

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27 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

last 50 budgets in Ontario

46 deficit

4 balanced ( 3 liberals 1 con) 

First balanced budget starting in  the 60's was 2001 Mike Harris 


I know your personal debt matters but it seems it doesn't matter so much for any government world wide 



What is the chances we will see posts about Ontario's debt  being more than any sovereign country :dunno:  doubtful even 10 years down the road


Doug will tack on 40 billion in 4 years - will you vote him out if so ?  NO 

Wynne  tacked 40 billion on in 2 years and you cheered  


Do you think the deficit just magically resets to zero?  Wynne gone so deficit automatically gone?

The deficit will take years to correct.  Reducing the spend that Wynne created will be tough for any politician.  

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1 hour ago, Sksman said:

Wynne  tacked 40 billion on in 2 years and you cheered  


Do you think the deficit just magically resets to zero?  Wynne gone so deficit automatically gone?

The deficit will take years to correct.  Reducing the spend that Wynne created will be tough for any politician.  

You guys here on the ones that talk about debt, I asked if FORD adds massive debt will you change your  vote - the question is moot in reality 


183 billion in 15 years I believe is the number

but they had a recession after 2 balanced budgets - agrree :lol: 

What was the deficit after the recession I can't remmber off hand 34billion :dunno:  

they brouoght it down quite a bit while increasing services 


so a bit more than 10 billion a year - will Doug do better :dunno:  goldie locks will tell us when :lol: 

Edited by 1trailmaker
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