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*** OFFICIAL Doug Ford thread ***


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So are we still okay with DOUG's friend heading up the OPP :dunno:  

Ron has no experience at the job

Ron should have reitired 20 years ago but hangs on 

Ron will be in charge of Investigations of Ontario Government

Ron is the equivalent to an ASSISTANT Floor Manager at a Wal-Mart store being selected to run the entire wal-mart corp.  


Doug is going to make sure their isn't any FAKE INVESTIGATION on him,  like how ROB was treated  unfairly with false reports of crack use.


Edited by 1trailmaker
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SloganMan's call to have the courts to  speed up his Buddy appointment case was Denied - Doug to speak  soon about he unfair treatment from the courts -


25 high end OPP officers  applied for the job, then it wsa opened up by DOUG :dunno:   the FOLLOWERS CHEER  GO DOUG GO 


so far that is 3 buddies that have been hired - all good 


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3 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

SloganMan's call to have the courts to  speed up his Buddy appointment case was Denied - Doug to speak  soon about he unfair treatment from the courts -


25 high end OPP officers  applied for the job, then it wsa opened up by DOUG :dunno:   the FOLLOWERS CHEER  GO DOUG GO 


so far that is 3 buddies that have been hired - all good 


Why are courts involved again?

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3 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

Why are courts involved again?

Ford government is under investigation about RON - are  you new or someting?


Doug said today he should be able to appoint any of his friends to high end  jobs - SloganSlimeMan is a fuckwad 

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1 hour ago, 1trailmaker said:

Ford government is under investigation about RON - are  you new or someting?


Doug said today he should be able to appoint any of his friends to high end  jobs - SloganSlimeMan is a fuckwad 

no he's not, wtf is a matter with you, the only person pushing for an investigation is the other cop who didn't get the position

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36 minutes ago, toslow said:

no he's not, wtf is a matter with you, the only person pushing for an investigation is the other cop who didn't get the position

Ontario's integrity commissioner confirmed Tuesday he is conducting an inquiry into the appointment of Toronto police Supt. Ron Taverner as the next provincial police commissioner following a request by an NDP member about Premier Doug Ford.

David Wake said in an emailed news release that the inquiry is in response to the request by Kevin Yarde, MPP for Brampton North, about Ford. Wake said the inquiry will be conducted under the Members' Integrity Act, 1994.


This is how it works in government

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5 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

Ontario's integrity commissioner

This is how it works in government


the integrity commissioner got no teeth, in turn this will be a waste of your's and my money chasing this rabbit down a hole

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1 minute ago, toslow said:

the integrity commissioner got no teeth, in turn this will be a waste of your's and my money chasing this rabbit down a hole

yea I know unless its the integrity going after Trudeau for a helicopter ride - but appointing buddies that are old as fuck to the highest OPP job is okay and means nothing :lol:  

This is what a ONEWAY does :lol:  





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2 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

Ford government is under investigation about RON - are  you new or someting?


Doug said today he should be able to appoint any of his friends to high end  jobs - SloganSlimeMan is a fuckwad 

Poor Fail.

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10 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

I wonder, exactly, what this statement means about Oshawa? 

"Also in Oshawa, the CAMI plant, they're not going anywhere and neither is St. Catharines," Ford told CBC News immediately following the meeting.

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16 minutes ago, irv said:

I wonder, exactly, what this statement means about Oshawa? 

"Also in Oshawa, the CAMI plant, they're not going anywhere and neither is St. Catharines," Ford told CBC News immediately following the meeting.

Oshawa is done, but they are growing elsewhere.  Better than nothing.

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5 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

Oshawa is done, but they are growing elsewhere.  Better than nothing.

Yea it was SLOGANMAN :lol:  

unemployment on the rise under DOUG so far - can't wait for his plan (WHAT PLAN?) 


He said he cut taxes and regulation :dunno:   link if you can 

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On 1/15/2019 at 3:47 PM, 1trailmaker said:

Yea it was SLOGANMAN :lol:  

unemployment on the rise under DOUG so far - can't wait for his plan (WHAT PLAN?) 


He said he cut taxes and regulation :dunno:   link if you can 

Doug hangs with the best.:lol:



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3 hours ago, ArcticCrusher said:

It is getting real stupid now - Hazel is another FORD BUDDY, she was okay but really Missisaga might have balanced budgets blah blah but the city is pretty far behind in Transit and other infrastructures - First its Ron 72 year old should have retired years ago and now its Hazel 97 years old to take a made up job.  

Pretty hypocritical of the RIGHT backing FORDS every word and decision 

Go Doug Go

Students are upset it seems - Go Doug Go stop them from voicing against you, so unfair :lol:  

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On January 3, 2019 at 12:34 PM, 1trailmaker said:

So are we still okay with DOUG's friend heading up the OPP :dunno:  

Ron has no experience at the job

Ron should have reitired 20 years ago but hangs on 

Ron will be in charge of Investigations of Ontario Government

Ron is the equivalent to an ASSISTANT Floor Manager at a Wal-Mart store being selected to run the entire wal-mart corp.  


Doug is going to make sure their isn't any FAKE INVESTIGATION on him,  like how ROB was treated  unfairly with false reports of crack use.


More :lies:and :bullshit: from WRONG AGAIN FAIL 

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9 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

It is getting real stupid now - Hazel is another FORD BUDDY, she was okay but really Missisaga might have balanced budgets blah blah but the city is pretty far behind in Transit and other infrastructures - First its Ron 72 year old should have retired years ago and now its Hazel 97 years old to take a made up job.  

Pretty hypocritical of the RIGHT backing FORDS every word and decision 

Go Doug Go

Students are upset it seems - Go Doug Go stop them from voicing against you, so unfair :lol:  


1 minute ago, Momorider said:

More :lies:and :bullshit: from WRONG AGAIN FAIL 


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I think he said 5 slogans as his speech 

Job killing



Economic disaster :lol:  is on the horizon -  YEA DOUG IS The CAUSE better get out the blame quickly 



BC, ALBERTA. MANITOBA, QUEBEC, NEWBRUNSWICK, YUKON, NOTHWEST TERRITORIES, NEWFOUDNLAND, PEI ALL DON'T HAVE A WORRY ABOUT THIE JOB KILLING TAX :lol:  and until DOUG came to town Ontario had no concerns either as we set record jobs under Cap and Trade.

90 % of Canada doesn't care about the carbon Tax as they have measures in place 


Only the uneducated believe DOUG is doing US well in this case


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