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Everything posted by irv

  1. Please tell me you don't believe this B.S.? You know they pump 3-4 times of what we currently breath into greenhouses throughout the world, don't you? You know why they do that? http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/00-077.htm https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/greenhouse-carbon-dioxide-supplementation.html https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=28419 https://royalbrinkman.com/knowledge-center/crop-care/increase-concentration-co2-greenhouse
  2. You OK, Trail? Not even enough seats for official party status, again. Tell me, do you think this massive failure of Del Duca and the Liberals has anything to do with Trudope?
  3. All about control. They, as in the gov't, because this is what they are truly after, will dictate to you when you can charge and drive your car. This will lead to them telling you when and what you can purchase via your tracked carbon credit card in our cashless society that they are also pushing for. Carbon credit card Featured snippet from the web What is a carbon credit card? A carbon credit card is a credit card that tracks the carbon footprint of purchases. It's usually paired with a mobile application that assesses the environmental impact of everything you buy. https://makechange.aspiration.com/the-best-carbon-credit-card-in-2021/#:~:text=What is a carbon credit,impact of everything you buy.
  4. What caused you, if you can remember back that far, to lose your mind?
  5. Just seen that myself. Total B.S.! Sounds like a rigged election to me. Reporting of Ontario election results to be delayed by up to two hours in 19 ridings.
  6. Absolutely. I think the pot I smoked in high school and beyond was likely around 3-5 on the THC scale? Today's weed, for those that choose to smoke it or have no idea what the strength of it can do, can purchase THC levels in the 25-30 and maybe up levels? Big part of the reason why I quit smoking it. Wheelchair pot was what it was being called. Smoke and veg out was no fun at all compared to the days of steady laughter and the munchies.
  7. Says the moron who has been absolutely brainwashed and lied to by these same media sources for years and years. Tough pill to swallow, MC? The same people who have been feeding you this fake garbage that has clearly corrupted your mind now have to pay the piper, but you don't want to hear about it.
  8. Of course we will. Anyone who thinks differently is a little offside. We are being conditioned so when we see it under $4 dollars sometime in the future, everyone will be saying, "geez, gas sure is cheap today" The same goes for everything else. Clothes, groceries, appliances, you name it.
  9. Can you say power trip. It’s time for Trudeau to do the right thing and drop these over-the-top rules. At this point, they’re nothing more than COVID theatre. https://torontosun.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-trudeau-needs-to-drop-the-covid-theatre
  10. What an open and transparent Trudeau gov't he is running. The Trudeau government has adopted dozens of secret cabinet orders since coming to power. Government refuses to reveal whether any of the orders are related to the convoy protest, COVID or Ukraine. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government has adopted 72 secret orders-in-council — hidden from Parliament and Canadians — since coming to office, CBC News has learned. A review by CBC News of nearly 8,900 orders-in-council (OICs) — or cabinet decrees — adopted by the federal government shows the number of secret or unpublished OICs has been rising since Trudeau came to power in 2015. While the Liberals criticized the Conservatives in 2015 for the number of secret OICs they adopted, Trudeau's government has adopted more than twice as many over its years in office. https://tnc.news/2022/06/01/trudeau-government-adopted-72-secret-orders-in-council/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/secret-orders-in-council-1.6467450
  11. And the widow makers hanging up in the branches/foliage above. Neighbors tree had a huge limb break off 2 days after the storm went through here. I was outback enjoying my coffee early morning when it let go and it scared the crap out of me. It was still hung up somewhat so I went to tell the neighbors by putting a note on their mailbox. (They weren't home) The neighbors wife is pregnant and they also have a dog that plays out there quite often so I wanted them to know. I was up on my roof later that afternoon, around 2ish, when it came crashing down with a wallop that would have definitely done some damage to a person or their dog.
  12. He nails it at the 20 sec mark, Another Trudeau fuck up. When I read your post about the jets buzzing, I said to myself this is because of the Huawei 5G ban.
  13. Johnny got 15 and she got 2 for some reason according to CP24 news ticker tape. Of course they, being an arm of CTV News, posted a whining/crying statement of her how this throws women's rights backwards, but nary a word/statement, assuming he had one, from Johnny.
  14. LOL. Just edited it moments ago.
  15. Exactly this. Drugs, no matter what type or kind, can affect everyone differently. The same goes for alcohol. There are many that can't drink whiskey without becoming confrontational or violent. When I was in my teens and smoking on a regular basis, I had an episode where I was in a complete fog/daze for hours and hours the next day after smoking heavily the night before. I was scared thinking this wasn't going to leave me but thankfully after about 10-12 hrs later, my head began to clear. With today's potency, I can only imagine what my state of mind would have been if I had of gotten into some of that. Despite what some people think regarding marijuana, it is still a mind-altering (psychoactive) drug.
  16. It's a real thing whether one wants to believe it or not. https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/cannabis-induced-psychosis-review https://everybrainmatters.org/cannabis-induced-psychosis-testimonies/ https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/rocky-mountain-pbs/one-mans-message-about-cannabis-induced-psychosis/ https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/i-was-using-all-the-time-one-man-s-experience-with-cannabis-and-psychosis-1.4423312
  17. Has to be all those unvaccinated bastards? U.S. COVID Cases Are 5 Times Higher Now Than Last Memorial Day Weekend As omicron and its subvariants rapidly moves through the U.S., reported cases are surpassing 110,000 a day, though the number is far higher due to a lack of testing. https://people.com/health/us-covid-cases-are-5-times-higher-now-than-last-memorial-day-weekend/ https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/u-covid-cases-5-times-204405339.html?src=rss
  18. Trudeau's new gun agenda nothing but misinformation. But under Trudeau’s watch, gun violence — driven by gangs and organized crime — has only increased. The shootings that he says he wants to stop won’t come to an end due to this legislation no matter what he claims. There is nothing in this bill to target the gangs and criminals. This legislation is aimed squarely at licensed, legal gun owners, not the organized crime networks that smuggle guns across the border, sell them or use them without care. He clearly hasn’t read his own legislation if he believes those words. This legislation will make it impossible for licenced gun owners to buy a handgun but not the criminals who will continue to shoot up our streets. Last summer, two men with criminal records and court ordered gun prohibitions shot up a child’s birthday party, the kind Trudeau says we should all be free to go to without fear of gun violence. A five-year-old was shot in the head, an 11-year-old in the leg and a bullet grazed a baby when these two men decided to start firing. Nothing in this legislation would prevent that event from happening again. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-trudeaus-new-gun-agenda-nothing-but-misinformation
  19. And our complete and utter moron continues with his power tripping ways by adding yet again another month. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/federal-covid-19-border-restrictions-extended-for-another-month-1.5925930
  20. How did you guys make out? Any tornadoes? Hopefully nothing to serious.
  21. And Atlantic Canada the last I checked. But things are looking up if this is somewhat accurate? Quite surprised, actually, CTV would report this. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/conservatives-open-statistically-significant-lead-over-liberals-nanos-poll-1.5878564
  22. Maybe you're missing my point, but then again, maybe I'm missing yours? My point was, whether it is droughts or floods, they, the global warming alarmists, still claim global warming/climate change. Basically anything out of the "norm" is blamed on MMGW nowadays and the sheep lap it right up that are too blind to see the hypocrisy. There is so much in history that is no longer being taught nor told, and because sheep believe their crooked and corrupt Liberal gov't and their funded media, what they see on T.V. is gospel to them. The Dust Bowl, also known as “the Dirty Thirties,” started in 1930 and lasted for about a decade, but its long-term economic impacts on the region lingered much longer. Severe drought hit the Midwest and Southern Great Plains in 1930. Massive dust storms began in 1931.Aug 5, 2020 https://www.history.com/topics/great-depression/dust-bowl#:~:text=The Dust Bowl%2C also known,dust storms began in 1931. Worst forest fires in Canadian History https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fires_in_Canada Worst floods in Canadian History 2.1 1879 Fort Calgary flood. 2.2 1894 Fraser River flood. 2.3 1897 Fort Calgary flood. 2.4 1902 Saint John River flood. 2.5 1915 Calgary flood. 2.6 1929 Calgary and southern Alberta flood. 2.7 1929 Tsunami Burin Peninsula, Newfoundland flood. 2.8 1948 Fraser River flood.
  23. Definitely a Climate Crisis!!!! Floods, droughts, it doesn't matter, It's all man's fault and clearly a sign we are destroying the planet!!! https://fftimes.com/features/columnists/jim-cumming-from-the-publisher-emeritus-pen/climate-change-brings-challenges-to-the-region/ https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/climate-change-reveals-dark-secrets-as-human-remains-found-in-receding-lake-mead-1.5902458#:~:text=In the American West%2C the,human remains were recently discovered.
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