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Everything posted by soeaster

  1. If you're in the Northwoods of WI, check out the Leinie's Special Ale. Certain bars have it on tap and it's a good beer. Some bars call it something different but it's worth checking out.
  2. It's just another way to avoid taking responsibility and promoting victimhood for fat people. It's not their fault they're fat! What the fuck ever.
  3. No good reason at all. It would be nice to have a balanced centrist that doesn't cater to the extreme/fringe of either side. Maybe someone that actually represents people in flyover country instead of the coastal and urban elitists. Certainly not holding my breath though. Maybe someone that will actually TRY and bring people together instead of just blustering about it. It's fun to dream sometimes...
  4. And the lefties "know" he's guilty, no question about it. If you put aside the left vs. right, just on this forum alone, and step back and look at the posts and rhetoric. It's a bunch of people from various parts of the country arguing about people they don't even know, to people they don't know. Most of the statements made on this forum wouldn't be made if the person you were making the statement to was right in front of you. The federal government has never raided a former president's private residence before. That means that either A) There's evidence he's guilty of something and they had a reasonable cause for conducting the raid. B) He's such a threat in the current political environment that the FBI has been weaponized to deal with him. If he's not guilty, then we have much bigger problems at hand. Where's the center? If he did something wrong, try him and punish him. But also, indict the others who have evidence against them, Hillary, Hunter, Pelosi, Gaetz, Cawthorn, and all the other assholes. It's no wonder people hate the current political climate, they're a bunch of fucktards. Quit with the double standard already.
  5. It actually is sad that this person thought this was a viable option. It's also sad that you can sit (wherever you are) and judge someone from afar who was clearly broken and whittle everything down to "Trumper, assault rifle, and socially conflicted zombie cult45'ers".
  6. I'll stick with my 6.2. You should try one since you said you haven't.
  7. Ok man... I'll take that as a big nothing burger response to a fear-mongering, name-calling video that's just like all the other fear-mongering name-calling videos on YouTube.
  8. I did watch the video. Thoughts on my rebuttal?
  9. Ok, I'll bite... Show me ANY mainstream news source that tells reports the whole truth and doesn't try and manipulate its viewers... Labor costs: Remember when the democratic talking points included an across the board, national minimum wage of $15/hr? Well, we're pretty much there now, at least unofficially, and in many areas, we've surpassed that and it's now on the low side. But does it contribute to inflation? "The results presented here confirm a link from services sector wages and prices to overall inflation. We find that if compensation growth accelerates in the service- producing sector, that growth is likely to show up directly as more rapid inflation in service prices. Moreover, higher hourly labor costs in services can, through their contribution to the production and distrib- ution of goods, indirectly affect goods prices. Given earlier researchers’ findings showing a link from prices to wages, even these modest initial effects may there- fore be enough to set off an inflationary spiral. Since no such effects are found to arise from an acceleration of labor cost increases in the goods-producing sector, pol- icymakers seeking to prevent a resurgence of inflation may wish to pay particular attention to hourly labor costs in the service-producing private sector." https://www.newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/media/research/current_issues/ci3-11.pdf Labor force projections: https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2015/article/labor-force-projections-to-2024.htm WHAT is the democrats' immigration plan? Democrats have control of the house. There is 50/50 in the senate with VP Harris as the tie-breaker. How are republicans blocking fixing the illegal immigration problem? Obama had both the house and senate, yet he didn't do anything about it either. The opinion that the border should be secure and that illegal immigration laws should be enforced, doesn't equate to hate and the lack of "acceptability" of people of different races and cultures. Shouldn't the people coming into this country be screened? WHY should anyone believe government talking heads about getting vaccinated when a) It doesn't prevent infection like a "classic" vaccination, b) It has shown to have no affect agains Omicron BA.5? Why shouldn't people critically think for themselves when it comes to their own healthcare? This is all fear-mongering and posturing, and both sides do it. And for the record, I'm not a republican or a democrat.
  10. Agreed, poor examples, but clearly you lack sympathy for people that have bad things happen to them because they made a choice. In some cases, I agree. In the case of serving in the military, I disagree, but it seems that you're oversimplifying things but I guess that works for you.
  11. Can we start a go fund me for missile costs? ...asking for a friend...
  12. That's a pretty awful thing to say! "You deserve to get cancer because you were around people that smoked!" "You deserve to die after being hit by a drunk drive because you chose to drive!"
  13. Why don't we expand on this and admit that neither side gives a fuck about ANY of us until it's election time?! Let's face it, the only ones looking out for the general populace are, wait for it, the people themselves. They pretend to just enough to divide people and point one of their fingers at someone else while they hold out the other hand for $$. The sooner people admit this, the better off we'll all be.
  14. https://martyrmade.substack.com/p/the-kyle-rittenhouse-trial#details This is a good listen if you're able. Might need a subscription though.
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