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Everything posted by Edmo

  1. So who you supporting in 2020? You getting behind AOC’s “new green deal”!!!!
  2. Divide and conquer. Lump you into a group, assign you a position, and then ridicule you. It’s the democrat way! The sheep are unable to comprehend independent thinking.
  3. Your prediction last week was a fail. Time to double down?
  4. Edmo


    I bet those temps will chase most of those FIBS right outta there!!!!!
  5. Looking at the bottom of the screen is a lot of work buddy. You need to lighten up a bit.
  6. I swear some of these libs have a hoop on their back - the msm just pulls it and they dance.
  7. Because cable news and polls are the best places to get all the facts!!!!!
  8. “And the ice loss is accelerating dramatically — a key indicator of human-caused climate change.” Don’t you love how they throw this in there. Pure speculation...
  9. They will keep this going as long as they can. I can hear the political commercials for the next election already...“This president has been under investigation the whole time in office”!!!!!!
  10. There no winners here Jim. This is the best we have. These three rose to the top of that group. Think about that... 😮
  11. I hope this is the case. I’m sure it’s hard enough for her to deal with what happened to her folks.
  12. I’ll call your scrotum neck and raise you two retards.
  13. She didn’t like Clinton much and often criticized Obama. I think she’s got potential!
  14. I don’t believe these ads change people’s minds. I think it’s a colossal waste of money. Everybody just tunes them out for the most part. It’s 99% BS anyway, what’s the point of watching?
  15. Seems as though WAPO has about as much credibility as the national enquirer.
  16. Better chance of a genie showing up at your office today and granting you three wishes.
  17. I still find it hard to believe Facebook ads tilted this election for Trump. The Hillary camp outspent Trump on this election like 1000 to 1. I think most just tune those ads right out. Does anyone really base their vote on political ads?
  18. I have no idea why Manafort would go this. That’s why I asked what you thought.
  19. Do you have a theory on how this polling data swung the election for trump? I’d love to hear it.
  20. You get to say you won the popular vote. Beyond that it has no value.
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