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University of Alabama Reportedly Expels Student For Saying She Hates 'N*ggers' In Viral Video


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A few of her critics promised to report Barber to her sorority, Alpha Phi. Barber didn't think this was the best idea, explaining that being in the sorority was her dream.

“I’ve wanted to be an Alpha Phi since I was f*cking in high school and nobody f*cking understands how much I love Alpha Phi," Barber said in the second clip. "And now someone wants to say I’m offensive because I said ‘n*gger?' You know what? N*gger, n*gger, n*gger. I don’t care if it’s Martin Luther King Day. N*gger, n*gger, n*gger. I’m in the south now, b*tch. So everyone can f*ck off. I’m from New Jersey, so I can say ‘n*gger’ as much as I want. N*gger, n*gger, n*gger. And if anyone else wants to f*cking snake me on my f*cking Finsta for saying n*gger?”"


In response to the video, Alpha Phi executive director Linda Kahangi released a statement that said, "Alpha Phi is a diverse, values-based organization and condemns the language and opinions in these videos. They are offensive and hateful to both our own members and to other members of the Greek and campus community ... Ms. Barber is no longer a member of Alpha Phi."

The University of Alabama released the following statement: “These remarks are ignorant and disturbing and in no way reflect the values of The University of Alabama. This unfortunate behavior has been reported to the Office of Student Conduct as it does not align with the community expectations of students at the Capstone.”

Barber herself told the New York Post that she has not only been expelled from her sorority, but also from her school. She also said that she has been getting threatening phone calls and messages.

She is currently heading back home to New Jersey, and says that she now regrets not listening to a friend who told her not to post the videos. “I’m an idiot," she said. "There’s no excuse. I did something really bad.”

“I did something really, really bad,” Barber continued. “I don’t know what to do and I feel horrible. I’m wrong and there’s just no excuse for what I did.”"

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2 minutes ago, ICEMAN! said:

You live in Minnesota though right?




And why is the U of A taking action against a student doing something stupid on social media?  Why are they restricting free speech?  

Idiocy in the education system.

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2 minutes ago, Zambroski said:



And why is the U of A taking action against a student doing something stupid on social media?  Why are Hey restricting free speech?  

Idiocy in the education system.

It seems as though not any of the "intellectual elite" understand that.   Pathetic.

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6 minutes ago, Zambroski said:



And why is the U of A taking action against a student doing something stupid on social media?  Why are they restricting free speech?  

Idiocy in the education system.

Likely because the school has a code of conduct, much the same as many businesses do.  So, while she is free to say what she likes, she isn’t free from the consequences of her actions.

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Just now, ICEMAN! said:

Likely because the school has a code of conduct, much the same as many businesses do.  So, while she is free to say what she likes, she isn’t free from the consequences of her actions.

Wrong.  That’s some liberal fascist shit right there.  And THAT’S one of many reasons your side was voted out.

These are students....not employees.

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1 minute ago, ICEMAN! said:


Actually, no, I’m right.

Took me 2 seconds to find it and it’s exactly as I said.

SBYL moron


The school should not have gotten involved in this.  Period.  This is more PC bullshit.  I wonder how long it would take to  find some conservative white bashing shit on social media from one of the students AND/or the faculty that faced no reprocussions at all.

More of our liberal indoctrination shit from our education system.  That's all this is.

And BTW, you are never really correct...you are another loser in life, imbecile in here.....ranting about another country's politics.  Another mentally weak throw away.

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12 minutes ago, Zambroski said:



And why is the U of A taking action against a student doing something stupid on social media?  Why are they restricting free speech?  

Idiocy in the education system.

Eating laundry pods is stupid, a few dumb millennials ..............This reaffirms the U S is very much a racist Country, and our Universities are under attack  by Nazi;s , white supremacists!   


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13 minutes ago, ICEMAN! said:

Likely because the school has a code of conduct, much the same as many businesses do.  So, while she is free to say what she likes, she isn’t free from the consequences of her actions.

Unless it would have been an employee of the university.  Diff rules for diff folks.

Remember the Hydro One guy who got sacked for his Fuck Them In The Pussy comment to the reporter during her broadcast and got his job back.:lol:

Clearly a dumb Libtard.



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6 minutes ago, Zambroski said:

The school should not have gotten involved in this.  Period.  This is more PC bullshit.  I wonder how long it would take to  find some conservative white bashing shit on social media from one of the students AND/or the faculty that faced no reprocussions at all.

More of our liberal indoctrination shit from our education system.  That's all this is.

And BTW, you are never really correct...you are another loser in life, imbecile in here.....ranting about another country's politics.  Another mentally weak throw away.

Boo fucking hooo

It is what it is.  Don’t like it?  Don’t go to the University of Alabama. (fat chance of that anyway lol)

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2 minutes ago, ICEMAN! said:

Boo fucking hooo

It is what it is.  Don’t like it?  Don’t go to the University of Alabama. (fat chance of that anyway lol)

Wut?  Face it.  Shit like this (institutional punishment) is what you people  crave.  It's why you want big government.  So they can punish people that say things that make you sad.

See, her idiotic rant should be dealt with by societal admonishment, not constitutional rights being hampered.  You are weak and words hurt you.  That's why I am flustering you right now.


Pathetic Canook.  

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28 minutes ago, Zambroski said:

The school should not have gotten involved in this.  Period.  This is more PC bullshit.  I wonder how long it would take to  find some conservative white bashing shit on social media from one of the students AND/or the faculty that faced no reprocussions at all.

More of our liberal indoctrination shit from our education system.  That's all this is.

And BTW, you are never really correct...you are another loser in life, imbecile in here.....ranting about another country's politics.  Another mentally weak throw away.

He was spot on correct and made you look foolish...


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Just now, NaturallyAspirated said:

He was spot on correct and made you look foolish...



Go back to the gender arguments.  Your idiocy there is about as funny as anything I've ever read from you.  And that is truly saying something.  Holy shit.  I was left speechless by some of your posts.  Now THAT is impressive!

And no.  This is yet another attempt at our educations system to squash Consitutional rights.  Now, I gotta get back to that gender thread and try to settle down from laughter to do some multi-quoting with a response.



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