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Everything posted by Skidude600

  1. My condolences as well. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but it will get better.
  2. Yup. I mean give the guy some credit and positivity for all the hard work he's put in to get where he's at. If only all the people in this country had that kind of chutzpah. Ok I'm done. Back on topic.
  3. Leave it to the two half wits of FS to screw up another thread and no I'm not new here. Good on you Kivalo. I hope everything works out for you.
  4. Thats bullshit and you know it. My son, who happens to be in the Army, says a lot of the equipment pictured is still in use in our military.
  5. What exactly is the point of having to show papers? Do they need proof that the vaccinated can still spread the virus?
  6. I find it a lot easier to debate in person than over the interwebs and as long as it doesn't get too serious and personal its all good. Personally I wouldn't let it get that far. Much easier to exhaust a bunch hot air over a beer than to take care of my cramped up, chicken peckin fingers after a debate on here anyway. You must have splints on your fingers the way you go on and on and on and on and..............
  7. Love/hate affair when going north to the cabin. Hate the traffic and the shit head downstaters that can't drive worth a damn until Bay City where it thins out a bit. Roads are great and the people alot more laid back up north. Can't wait to retire.
  8. Who wants either one. We can't even take care of ourselves.
  9. Not going to happen. It will evolve and become less potent as people build immunity much,like the Spanish flu became the common flu over time.
  10. Well you have to admit the way the article is written, the first thought is the kids were taken from their homes without parental approval and are being given the shot for the good of the people. Don't worry Mums and Dads. We will return your children when we are finished inoculating and indoctrinating them.
  11. And Nancy and her crew thought masks weren't needed and everyone should move freely throughout the country in the beginning. Leadership failed the country on BOTH sides of the aisle.
  12. Criminal in my opinion. Every last one of them needs to be brought up on charges and sent to the gulags on their dime.
  13. Ummm. Don't know where you've been, but both sides have had plenty of skin in that game. Had this not been politicized from the start you just might have seen a different attitude towards the virus AND the shot.
  14. No that would be Whitmer. Why do you think she has a scowl on her face all the time.
  15. Sorry for your loss, Zam. It truly sucks losing a good friend especially to something that has a lot of people scratching their heads. Not trying to start anything and I apologize for asking, but curious as to which vaccine he got?
  16. Well does the "vaccine" cure the flu or covid? Look up the definition of a vaccine.
  17. You are correct. The definition of a vaccine specifically states that it provides IMMUNITY from one or more diseases. Some of you have compared polio with covid which is invalid at best. While both are viruses, a individual who has been "vaccinated" for polio can no longer be infected with polio. The same cannot be said for covid or the flu for that matter. The "vaccine" for covid, while helpful, is nothing more than a therapy shot.
  18. Lok! I think I have that edition somewhere. Now I'm going to have to go find it.
  19. Yes!! The vaccinated are the real enemy. They have a false sense of security cause they got the shot and don't take the necessary precautions to protect others.
  20. My wife, who happens to be an RN, showed me this yesterday. She couldn't comment on it on fakebook without risking disciplinary action from here employer so I had her send it to me. Beat me to it. Bullshit how the narrative changes.........
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