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Everything posted by teamgreen02

  1. You have good fund options. BlackRock Equity Index Fund T (INDEXT) DFA International SCV Port I (DISVX) Vanguard Russell 2000 Val Ind (VRTVX) And none of these will fund EJ Ferrari's.
  2. One of the biggest for hire fleets out there.
  3. It is crazy the number of drivers they are short. Should have at least a coipld offers before choosing. Drivers should get top pay and have nice equipment. Freight rates are up double digits.
  4. Imagine for a second this was Clint Eastwood during a Hillary presidency. the media would be questioning his mental stability and if he would ever work in Hollywood again.
  5. Heard from some economists a slow down in 2019 based on indicators today. Don't see anyone predicting a large recession. In reality, they have no idea. Economists didn't predicted the financial crisis in 2008 either.
  6. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Comey said it was ok to mishandle classified material, as long as it wasn't done intentionally to cause harm. No reasonable prosecutor would take the case he said.
  7. Pretty simple. Those of us who stay in and keep investing will outperform those who jump in and out, over the long term.
  8. Dow almost to 25k. Hope you guys pulled everything out of the market!!!!!11!!1 Need someone to sell because I'm still buying this week, next week, the week after, and the week after that...
  9. We only get 2% of our imported steel from China. I'm sure the unofficial number is much higher with Chinese steel going through some of these others countries first.
  10. Don't forget keeping interest rates at 0 for virtually his entire term.
  11. The problem for the Saudis is they lose market share as oil prices go higher. US and Canada production costs are significantly higher than in the middle East.
  12. Yup. If an investor has the discipline, index funds and target date funds will work just fine. We don't own any actively managed funds.
  13. Large banks have been buying smaller banks for decades. The US is unique in that we have thousands of different banks, something most countries don't have. My mortgage and savings is with small banks, credit cards and checking with the big guys. The banks under $250B aren't the ones that screwed us last time. Even US Bank at $462B didn't need a bailout. It was the big guys that didn't have the assets to cover their losses and we deemed "too big to fail".
  14. My BIL is 30 and still lives at home. Pays no rent, no utilities, no food. I left home at 17. Was back for a couple summers and that was it. Can't imagine living with my parents now.
  15. My taxes go down about $5000 this year, according to my CPA. So 2500 loaves of bread I can make into crumbs.
  16. Tough to hire new people when the drug test failure rate in the rust belt is upwards of 80%. There are literally thousands of good paying blue collar jobs sitting unfilled. Don't worry, minimum wage will be $15 a hour soon.
  17. Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout By PAUL KRUGMAN COMMENT2016-11-09T00:42:44-05:0012:42 AM ET It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover? Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear. Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never. Under any circumstances, putting an irresponsible, ignorant man who takes his advice from all the wrong people in charge of the nation with the world’s most important economy would be very bad news. What makes it especially bad right now, however, is the fundamentally fragile state much of the world is still in, eight years after the great financial crisis. It’s true that we’ve been adding jobs at a pretty good pace and are quite close to full employment. But we’ve been doing O.K. only thanks to extremely low interest rates. There’s nothing wrong with that per se. But what if something bad happens and the economy needs a boost? The Fed and its counterparts abroad basically have very little room for further rate cuts, and therefore very little ability to respond to adverse events. Now comes the mother of all adverse effects — and what it brings with it is a regime that will be ignorant of economic policy and hostile to any effort to make it work. Effective fiscal support for the Fed? Not a chance. In fact, you can bet that the Fed will lose its independence, and be bullied by cranks. So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/cp/opinion/election-night-2016/paul-krugman-the-economic-fallout
  18. Complete waste of money and you need a new HVAC contractor. The local guy put in my new Daiken a/c and furnace. Said he didn't want to see it for 2 years. I'm sure if anything happens within the 12 year warranty he will cover me. I'm having him out this year after 2 years just to have things checked out.
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