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Everything posted by Edmo

  1. Saw a guy walking around with a MAGA hat at the store yesterday. Dude was a monster, like 6’8” about 300 and just ripped. I don’t believe anyone would say a word to this guy about it.
  2. I’ll be lucky to get 1000 miles. Just been a weird season, my timing has really been off. Sitting at like 800 now.
  3. Rand came up with a plan that balanced the budget with low single digit cuts. They buried that one real quick.
  4. I remember Hershel walker saying his doc told him to eat two chocolate chip cookies every day because his body fat was so low.
  5. My wife worked for kraft for years and we had a ton of it. Bought most of it around 30-40 and sold at 80 in 2016. 3G is a seriously fucked up company. I’d steer clear of any of their holdings. Some of her former coworkers are still sitting on a lot.
  6. One of my buds owns a marina. His mechanic has nothing to do most of the winter. He does all of our clutching and is really good at it.
  7. That Branson (virgin) dude is testing now as well. And some others. Seems like some healthy competition for the future of space travel.
  8. My fave part is she wants to use that 3 billion to hire more teachers and firefighters!!!! Doesn’t get it. At all.
  9. Quick 100 miler this morning. Trails are nice.
  10. Parroting the dem party mantra again. You don’t Obama because he’s black. You don’t like Hillary because she’s a women. Blah blah blah...
  11. All the cards are on the table here face up. There are no surprises. The only question is Kim really ready to deal. And the answer is no. I think it was worth a try. But it’s obvious the sanctions are hurting. We’ll see if he comes around.
  12. Kinda like when Obama was pres then eh? Tell us about all his progress with NK.
  13. Reproductive rates just dropped to a 30 year low here in the US. You’ll find the dumb one in the mirror my friend.
  14. Have you heard young folks shouldn’t have babies now because of this crisis? AOC is the gift that keeps on giving.
  15. I read somewhere March 5th for Yamaha. what about Polaris?
  16. Edmo


    He’s so wrong. Polaris snow check proves it can be done. Duh.
  17. Edmo


    Poo has had way better snow check options for a couple years now - colors, track, windshield, and accessories. You’d think the other mannys would have caught on by now.
  18. The president boasts about something. Media goes into a frenzy. People like MC get their undies all bundled up. Rinse and repeat.
  19. The cat dealer here is awesome. Gives great advice and I get all my parts and accessories there. Can’t buy a sled there though, his price is always a grand or 2 more. I get it, he just doesn’t do the volume some dealers do. I’d be willing to pay a little more to support him, but not that much.
  20. Yeah that was quick thinking. That could have escalated fast.
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