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  2. I would order 3 extra lobster tails for dessert, she would order some sort of chocolate on chocolate on chocolate dessert......
  3. Haha.....now we're talkin....my mouth is watering........fried shrimp,shrimp scampi,lobster tail and crab legs... can't go wrong.
  4. Today started out mostly sunny for most of the morning. Clouds rolled in this afternoon, but still a nice day. We did record our warmest temp of the year so far at 77⁰. The forecast is calling for 3 days of low 80s starting on Monday.
  5. Ah yes..... he's such a grifter....fuckin idiots ....he's about the only Prez to ever actually work for and love America.
  6. CNN is ok now. tomorrow it may not be again.
  7. What’s the latest on this dude anyways? All the buzz then nothing
  8. ...... Well they gave it the old college try in this trial....F for FAILURE
  9. Baiting and spamming the forum are two different things though
  10. Something tells me you'll be dealing with the Trumps for many years to come
  11. That’s hilarious! You don’t like the answer so you keep asking over and over and over again desperately wanting it to change.
  12. No worries bro ....You're living in the Twilight zone. We got the votes
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