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1 hour ago, Jimmy Snacks said:



For a guy that calls everyone else an idiot you’re pretty fucking dumb.

You're agreeing with conjecture that is no where even in the mainstream and disputing the guy who puts up the evidence.  You really should keep the dumb comments to the minimum.  :lol: 

Edited by DriftBusta
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1 hour ago, spin_dry said:

The Chinese created a bioweapon that was less effective at killing those of European decent than of Asian decent. Then release it in china. Makes perfect sense. :lol: 

Who said the release was on purpose? Can you point that out any place wet market pom pom  boy 

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2 hours ago, spin_dry said:

It’s far more likely that the wuhan virus came from a US biolab and then released in china. Afterall, the virus has proven more deadly against Asians. Fauchi is just a cover guy for the US military. 

remember when you thought it came from a wet market? good times :lol:

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5 minutes ago, Ez ryder said:

Who said the release was on purpose? Can you point that out any place wet market pom pom  boy 

AC has said numerous times it was released on purpose.

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1 minute ago, Steve753 said:

AC has said numerous times it was released on purpose.

Link one . The woman incharge of Sars gain of function in the lab got sick and attempted to talk with a reporter and has not been seen again . But the media squashed that story in a real fucking hurry . Like a day after Trump was valued racist for wanting to stop travel in to the US 

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1 minute ago, Steve753 said:

AC has said numerous times it was released on purpose.

Because it probably fucking was. 

Until there is concrete evidence proving its exact origin you cannot prove it was or wasn't.  We may never know the whole truth. 

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3 minutes ago, Ez ryder said:

Link one . The woman incharge of Sars gain of function in the lab got sick and attempted to talk with a reporter and has not been seen again . But the media squashed that story in a real fucking hurry . Like a day after Trump was valued racist for wanting to stop travel in to the US 

Yep. Another twist people seem to forget. 

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3 minutes ago, Ez ryder said:

Link one . The woman incharge of Sars gain of function in the lab got sick and attempted to talk with a reporter and has not been seen again . But the media squashed that story in a real fucking hurry . Like a day after Trump was valued racist for wanting to stop travel in to the US 

Link one what?

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16 minutes ago, Ez ryder said:

Link one . The woman incharge of Sars gain of function in the lab got sick and attempted to talk with a reporter and has not been seen again . But the media squashed that story in a real fucking hurry . Like a day after Trump was valued racist for wanting to stop travel in to the US 

The site’s illiterate epidemiologist learned to parrot a new phrase. Gain of function. :lol: 

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1 minute ago, spin_dry said:

You can’t even spell or write in proper sentences, but you’re an epidemiologist? :lol: 

Ok wet market boy . Tell us all again how covid came from a wet market from the bats the people eat . You fought for that propaganda bullshit story for over 3 mo or was that @ActionfigureJoe 

Now tell us all about that ghost if kiev again could use a good campfire story on this chilly night 

Lemming boy 

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1 minute ago, spin_dry said:

The site’s illiterate epidemiologist learned to parrot a new phrase. Gain of function. :lol: 

Ok wet market bat boy 

At least I have been consistent in my beliefs from the get go . You just jump from 1 propaganda junk story to the next . Sort of a sad pattern to watch

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On 3/27/2020 at 10:26 AM, spin_dry said:

Right in line with Michael Osterholm’s timeline of the virus making the jump from animal to human during the third week of November. 

Shrimp vendor at Wuhan market may be coronavirus ‘patient zero’

A shrimp peddler at the Chinese marketwhere the coronavirus pandemic likely began has been identified as one of the first victims of the disease — and possibly “patient zero.”

The 57-year-old woman, identified by the Wall Street Journal as Wei Guixian, was the first person from the now-notorious Huanan market in Wuhan to test positive for the deadly bug.

She was at work Dec. 10 when she developed what she thought were cold symptoms, Chinese outlet The Paper reported. So she walked to a small local clinic for treatment and then went back to work — likely spreading the contagion.

“I felt a bit tired, but not as tired as previous years,” she told The Paper, according to a translation by news.com.au. “Every winter, I always suffer from the flu. So I thought it was the flu.”

She visited a local clinic on Dec. 11 and received an injection, but didn’t feel any better, so she went to the Eleventh Hospital in Wuhan.

“The doctor at the Eleventh Hospital could not figure out what was wrong with me and gave me pills,” Wei told the Chinese outlet — but those didn’t work either.

“By then I felt a lot worse and very uncomfortable,” Wei said. “I did not have the strength or energy.”

On Dec. 16, Wei went to Wuhan Union Hospital — one of the city’s biggest — to get checked out.

A doctor there described her illness as “ruthless” and told her several other people from the same market had already come in with similar symptoms.

Medical staff treat a COVID-19 patient at a hospital in Wuhan.AFP via Getty Images

By the end of the month, she was quarantined when doctors finally established the link between the emerging bug and the seafood market, the Chinese outlet reported.

A Dec. 31 statement from the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission revealed that Wei was among the first 27 patients to test positive for COVID-19, and one of 24 cases with direct links to the seafood market.

Wei, who has since recovered and left the hospital in January, said she thinks she contracted the infection from a market toilet in the market she shared with meat sellers and others, according to the Journal.

The vendors who worked on either side of Wei, along with one of her daughters, a niece and the niece’s husband, also caught the deadly bug, the paper reported.

“A lot fewer people would have died” in the country if the government had acted sooner, Wei told the Journal in February.

Wei may have been “patient zero” at the market, but it’s still unclear if she was the first person to ever contract the novel coronavirus in the country.

Security guards patrol outside the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.

AFP via Getty Images

Since the start of the outbreak, 81,897 COVID-19 cases have been reported in China, Johns Hopkins University data shows. Worldwide, more than half a million have been infected.

The US is the new epicenter of the outbreak, with at least 85,996 cases


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8 hours ago, Steve753 said:

AC has said numerous times it was released on purpose.

Yes it was and they had a vax ready to go in development since 2015

  The virus also contains a patented sequence that could not have come from nature.

Stay fucking clueless.

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26 minutes ago, spin_dry said:

 No it doesn’t. :lol: 

Hes really got quite the imagination. He's very democratic like. He repeats the same thing over and over, hoping eventually everyone will believe it.

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16 minutes ago, Steve753 said:

Hes really got quite the imagination. He's very democratic like. He repeats the same thing over and over, hoping eventually everyone will believe it.

Yeah except he posts facts and figures, and you just play the role of useful idiot.

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9 hours ago, Ez ryder said:

Fucker called every one who said that wet market shit was nothing but a big red ball for sheep to follow idiots . He defended that shit for at least 3 months if not more .


Longer than that. He made a thread recently in July :lol:



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9 minutes ago, EvilBird said:

More likely than your Wet Market hoax. :lol:

They eat fucking bats and various other disease carrying vermin. The wet markets has been a breeding ground for infection and disease for decades. Prove that wrong. 

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