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Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $300,000 in attorney's fees for stiffing painting contractor

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The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.

The $6 billion in unaccounted funds poses a “significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” according to the report.


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34 minutes ago, Mainecat said:


I wonder how much the judge will order the DNC and that vicious cunt Clinton to pay to  the people that she paid to have beat up at the Trump rally's ??   :bc:

Edited by Sal Rosenberg
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35 minutes ago, Mainecat said:

There are no details here Abe,  stories like this happen all the time, some right some wrong.  They are not called CONtractors with out a reason, without hearing the details or viewing the terms of the contract its hard to get to the truth.  Judges like to side with the smaller guys, does not mean they were correct, and most judges are Dems.

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5 minutes ago, Mainecat said:

Nice diversions guys. It's a real shame you all support this thief for president.

You know i used to think... and i still do that you are just trolling of reactions. But noticing now you really just need to do your homework. None of us have ever said Trump was a saint lol and without fault but damn.... Hopefully at your advanced state you can learn to be more objective. :true:

Saying shes better because "hes worse" isnt the way to go.

Edited by Wildcat
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7 minutes ago, Mainecat said:

Nice diversions guys. It's a real shame you all support this thief for president.

No diversion Abe.  Ever deal with procurement of a $100 Billion a year corp?  Progressive payment terms and 120 days net,  penalties, and cancellation clauses.


Go back to sleep.



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5 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

No diversion Abe.  Ever deal with procurement of a $100 Billion a year corp?  Progressive payment terms and 120 days net,  penalties, and cancellation clauses.


Go back to sleep.



They were paid enough.

80% of our business is contract.  Breaking a contract is bad business.

Supporting a serial thief like you are is proof your a class A moron 

He was found guilty!

now go lay down sonny boy

Edited by Mainecat
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1 minute ago, Mainecat said:

They were paid enough.

80% of our business is contract.  Breaking a contract is bad business.

Supporting a serial thief like you are is proof your a class A moron 

He was found guilty!

now go lay down sonny boy

Have your ever done business with a 100+ billion corp Abe and had to deal with their procurement.  25% of my customers fall into that category.

Even Obama made a pledge to them to reverse the direction of forcing credit on small suppliers.

I have seen so many lean cases in the time I have been in business and I would say about half of them are justified.  Most of the costs are inflated.


The fact that someone would spend 300K to chase 34K should send a message to you, but I am sure it went way over your head.

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8 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

Have your ever done business with a 100+ billion corp Abe and had to deal with their procurement.  25% of my customers fall into that category.

Even Obama made a pledge to them to reverse the direction of forcing credit on small suppliers.

I have seen so many lean cases in the time I have been in business and I would say about half of them are justified.  Most of the costs are inflated.


The fact that someone would spend 300K to chase 34K should send a message to you, but I am sure it went way over your head.

Yes the federal government and many states.

your in way over your head here

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5 minutes ago, Mainecat said:

Condoning breaking contracts.....what next employee murders? Ahhh it's ok he was all done anyways.

fuckin Trump kooks

You go from breaking contracts to committing murder? Do you even take yourself seriously?

Edited by Kivalo
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4 minutes ago, Woodtick said:

I work for a large contractor. And we will not do any Trump projects. Fucker is well known for not paying. 

I work in automation, If I do not get paid there is zero production.  Terms and conditions are a big issue now with much larger players than Trump, I have walked away from sizable contracts we could not agree with. 

2 minutes ago, Mainecat said:

Condoning breaking contracts.....what next employee murders? Ahhh it's ok he was all done anyways.

fuckin Trump kooks

So no large private sector contracts right Abe.

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3 hours ago, Mainecat said:

Condoning breaking contracts.....what next employee murders? Ahhh it's ok he was all done anyways.

fuckin Trump kooks

Trump is such a loser. He fucking takes a risk to try to rip someone off for $30,000.00 and ends up losing $300,000.00. Kudos to the paint store owner for sticking it to him. That guy took a huge risk fighting someone who is so practiced at ripping people off as Trump is. Trump already had the Lawyers on retainer. The probably have form letter ready to fuck people over.

In the 35 years that I've been in control of our business, I've been to court twice. Both times is was assholes like Trump who were practiced at fucking people over. First time we won but of course the big winners were the lawyers. 10 meetings, 5 hours in the court room and we won $70,000.00. The lawyers took half of it. 

The next time I went after an asshole in small claims court. It wasn't worth my time but I didn't want the asshole to get way with stealing from me. He countersued, he changed venues, he wasted court time etc. In the end I won but I would have been financially better off letting him keep the money. Small claims court puts limits on your court costs so I couldn't charge my expenses to the fullest. However this jack ass had to be there the same amount of time I was and paid a lawyer to be there the whole time as well. He cost himself a fortune by being a lying cheating asshole. I figure my time in court was a public service. The more time I wasted of that asshat the less time he had to fuck other people over. He had to pay in full, plus small claims court limits on my time, plus extra expenses. In the end I get to hassle the guy on any business sites and warn people that I had to take him to court to get paid. He can't retaliate because it's true.

The best thing about Trump losing this case is that everyone he ripped off in the past and will try to rip off later knows that he can lose. Just watch after Trump loses this election, he'll spend all his time in court getting sued by people. The judges will be so concerned about public opinion that they will always side with the little guys. No way they'll accept bribes to find in Trumps favour.

His next stint on reality TV with be the biggest loser and it will be all about him.

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1 minute ago, revkevsdi said:

Trump is such a loser. He fucking takes a risk to try to rip someone off for $30,000.00 and ends up losing $300,000.00. Kudos to the paint store owner for sticking it to him. That guy took a huge risk fighting someone who is so practiced at ripping people off as Trump is. Trump already had the Lawyers on retainer. The probably have form letter ready to fuck people over.

In the 35 years that I've been in control of our business, I've been to court twice. Both times is was assholes like Trump who were practiced at fucking people over. First time we won but of course the big winners were the lawyers. 10 meetings, 5 hours in the court room and we won $70,000.00. The lawyers took half of it. 

The next time I went after an asshole in small claims court. It wasn't worth my time but I didn't want the asshole to get way with stealing from me. He countersued, he changed venues, he wasted court time etc. In the end I won but I would have been financially better off letting him keep the money. Small claims court puts limits on your court costs so I couldn't charge my expenses to the fullest. However this jack ass had to be there the same amount of time I was and paid a lawyer to be there the whole time as well. He cost himself a fuotune by being a lying cheating asshole. I figure my time in court was a public service. The more time I wasted of that asshat the less time he had to fuck other people over. He had to pay in full, plus small claims court limits on my time, plus extra expenses. In the end I get to hassle the guy on any business sites and warn people that I had to take him to court to get paid. He can't retaliate because it's true.

The best thing about Trump losing this case is that everyone he ripped off in the past and will try to rip off later knows that he can lose. Just watch after Trump loses this election, he'll spend all his time in court getting sued by people. The judges will be so concerned about public opinion that they will always side with the little guys. No way they'll accept bribes to find in Trumps favour.

His next stint on reality TV with be the biggest loser and it will be all about him.

nobody reads your faggot posts ....just so you know

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2 minutes ago, Sal Rosenberg said:


I did not read that long winded manifesto of cuntiness

its nonsensical bullshit from some stupid cunt north of the border......honestly......I didnt think anyones opinion could be more irrelevant than Snowrider's but this fucking moron takes the cake

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7 minutes ago, revkevsdi said:

Trump is such a loser. He fucking takes a risk to try to rip someone off for $30,000.00 and ends up losing $300,000.00. Kudos to the paint store owner for sticking it to him. That guy took a huge risk fighting someone who is so practiced at ripping people off as Trump is. Trump already had the Lawyers on retainer. The probably have form letter ready to fuck people over.

In the 35 years that I've been in control of our business, I've been to court twice. Both times is was assholes like Trump who were practiced at fucking people over. First time we won but of course the big winners were the lawyers. 10 meetings, 5 hours in the court room and we won $70,000.00. The lawyers took half of it. 

The next time I went after an asshole in small claims court. It wasn't worth my time but I didn't want the asshole to get way with stealing from me. He countersued, he changed venues, he wasted court time etc. In the end I won but I would have been financially better off letting him keep the money. Small claims court puts limits on your court costs so I couldn't charge my expenses to the fullest. However this jack ass had to be there the same amount of time I was and paid a lawyer to be there the whole time as well. He cost himself a fortune by being a lying cheating asshole. I figure my time in court was a public service. The more time I wasted of that asshat the less time he had to fuck other people over. He had to pay in full, plus small claims court limits on my time, plus extra expenses. In the end I get to hassle the guy on any business sites and warn people that I had to take him to court to get paid. He can't retaliate because it's true.

The best thing about Trump losing this case is that everyone he ripped off in the past and will try to rip off later knows that he can lose. Just watch after Trump loses this election, he'll spend all his time in court getting sued by people. The judges will be so concerned about public opinion that they will always side with the little guys. No way they'll accept bribes to find in Trumps favour.

His next stint on reality TV with be the biggest loser and it will be all about him.

Give it a rest faggot.

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3 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

Give it a rest faggot.

What is an Arctic Crusher? Is that a fat guy on a Snow Cruiser? Tearing about the field with a 399 Kohler boasting 32hp and reaching speeds up to and including 45mph?


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