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smokin george

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Everything posted by smokin george

  1. I know it was Hong Kong and they are still slant eyes. Alot of the wealth is in Hong Kong
  2. They had the opportunity to leave before the British Rule ended so fuck them
  3. Ours was gentle with kids,people and small dogs. Anybody could just walk in the house when we were home but a different story if we weren't. Friends dropped in and we were at a neighbours and they went to walk in and he went in guard mode baring teeth and his hackles were up. They closed the door and waited on the porch lol
  4. St Patty's day. We didn't let him have a green beer lol
  5. Drop them off in polar bear country and feed the bears. Make it a reality show and film the whole thing
  6. We had fish cakes and steamed broccoli last night and tonight is butter chicken over rice. Living in a motorhome has it's drawbacks with limited space in the fridge, a microwave/convection oven and a small portable bbq.
  7. We used to tell anybody that came to our house/camp just ignore him and he'll come to you. They found out quick enough once they patted him they were stuck with him. He'd nudge their hand/arm to keep petting him lol
  8. Our Dobe came from a good breeder that showed them. She was reluctant at first to sell him as we weren't into doing that but ended up putting him in shows. He won a bunch of shows and the first one we went to we thought where did he learn all that shit lol. The handler did a great job with him and he got the dog his championship and he was snipped after that and became just a pet
  9. Yes it is! So much to see with all the historical places, museums and such. We've only just begun bit by bit and if we move here we'll see lots more.
  10. I bought a 2015 disposable Kia Forte EX for cheap to commute with and put I set of plugs, a set of tires plus the snows and I set of brakes. It was a 5spd and averaged 5.3/litres/100 kms and got rid of it with 335K ( just over 200K miles). Oil changes became rare and would add a litre when the lifters clattered going around a corner lol. It owed me nothing and the guy that bought it drove it away happy lol.
  11. There's alot to see going along the coastal roads dotted with the fishing/lobster boats communities and some spectacular views.
  12. The wife and I did some sight seeing today. We took the scenic route back and the phone pics don't do it any justice. This was along the ocean below Bridgewater NS
  13. Our dobe was highly trained and obedient. He grew up with dogs coming in/out of the wife's dog grooming shop and was well adjusted. He had a couple scraps with a Golden that didnt get the hint to leave him alone but he would never attack or start anything.
  14. We definately have more fun/laughs anchored in a cove on our toon with 3-4 other boats tied together and listening to music,having a few bevvies and jumping in the water. All the doos do is fly back and forth lol
  15. Last year there was only a few seadoos on our lake and now at least a dozen. There's 3-4 assholes that have no regard for the shoreline or going by boat docks or kids swimming in the lake in front of their cottages
  16. We have a 2012 Ram Longhorn and a 2018 Ford Focus. I'll be damned if I buy a new vehicle at the ridiculous prices nowadays. Sofar both vehicles run decent and do what we need them for and hell with the Joneses.
  17. It was dock day and out in the toon anchored in a little cove. It was sunny,hot and the water temp was around 76 deg. Today it'll be another hydration day out there lol
  18. $1.83 in Nova Scotia. When we got here a month ago it was $2.15. I doubt it'll go any lower
  19. Whiplash,sore back,trauma etc etc. Cash For Life.
  20. Convection oven in the motorhome. I have my pizza oven here but waiting till the end of the month for what they call lake days to make a bunch of Pizzas
  21. Camping food! Garlic flavoured Naan flatbread,pizza sauce, mozzarella and pepperoni. Paper plates and napkins in the firepit and dishes are done lol
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