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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. She’s the only one that seems to have a decent head on her shoulders and actually wants to start moving on and doing something. So, she’s out.
  2. Because you represent the librulz that aren’t lying hypocrites and are “intellectually elite”??? PUT YOUR FUCKING BROTHER ON THE GOD DAMN PHONE YOU MORON! Dork.
  3. You can’t do anything about anything. Here or in the real world. Just sit there and take it like a little bitch. Now, go sit at the kids table.
  4. I can actually see this....on a couple levels.
  5. I caught bits and pieces of it. Damn. Huge.
  6. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Dork.
  7. “Post a picture of your house/truck!!!!!!!!!”
  8. You really sound like a happy person. Do therapists get access to therapist? Please tell me you don’t self administer therapy.
  9. Actually, more snow results in more people attending and watching the racing. Less snow has the opposite affect. Bold: You know, in a weird way....this is actually a good idea!!! Manus would have to build their machines beefier or risk having them seen being broken down and crumpled up on the side of the track.
  10. Me too! Well, from the waist to my upper thigh. I have pretty meaty calves. But still, I can make an emotional claim for this right? Slavery has upset me....more than most actual slave descendants!!! I should get something for that!!! This is idiocy defined.
  11. This is pandering for pandering’s sake. A desperate ploy on top of many others.. Can you imagine, Legislation being passed to send checks out for this? How would that even work? How would it be received? I mean...
  12. Oh, I don’t know. Dems are quite good at dictating their brand of democracy. She’s a thorn in their side. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit for them to purge her out. Their/her fans will get in line. This is how fascist movements work. “It’s for ours and their own good and the betterment of the nation.” -Said Hitler when citizens asked why the Jews were being relocated.....and his fans said, “Oh..ok then....that makes sense.”
  13. He’s an imbecile’s imbecile. He’s the guy spewing shit in the bar then when he gets grabbed...”Wut??? Wut did I do?!?! There’s no reason to get physical.” LOL....look at him protecting the DC establishment that creates the divide to do whatever they want then, blames a foreign force for it.
  14. She is a complete moron. Complete. Nothing at all intelligent about her. Her speaking out at DC with the thoughts of others isn’t “brilliant” or “intelligent” at all. She is just being covered for it because the left find her to be a media darling. Still, I love her!!!! .....and so do republicans.
  15. Well fuck. That doesn’t sound good at all.
  16. Well, I certainly don’t know too much about it but, basic supply and demand and the fact I’ve never seen this kind of build up in the ports tells me production is higher than it probably should be.
  17. Do you feel it important to show you ignorance in every thread? I guess we all need something in which we can excel. Whew! You are really good at it!
  18. But production kept up well past the slowing signs of demand. You should see the shit waiting on pick up here. I’m not even sure it is all spoken for yet.
  19. This should scare you and people like you.
  20. Slow the roll. Overproduction. The god damn ports here are flooded with pellets. Record shipping tonnage so far this year.
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