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USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Skidude600

  1. If I were Winchester I'd tell Biden to fuck off. That 30% would easily sell to the general public.
  2. Gawdam bunch of old women smacking each other with their purses......... Quality!!
  3. Holy crap! Did someone hack your account? That's the most coherent thing I've heard you say in a long time. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree.
  4. Well at least GM is covering it unlike Ford with their abomination of a 6.0. The actual reason I went with the HD and I couldn't be happier.
  5. Ummmm..... 180,000 on my current 6.0. No issues. Suck it, bish.
  6. What year truck? 2020? I have one on order. I haven't heard of this. Is this an isolated incident or is it becoming a major issue?
  7. Show me where the boomer touched you........
  8. Well yeah. I just saw a Lawrence Well tribute band play........
  9. When you're a mod on FS, but don't know how to use the ignore function........
  10. Well from what I have read the Daytona had a drag coefficient of 0.28, well within the average of 0.25 to 0.30 for most modern cars. But 53 years ago.....
  11. Well no shit you asswipe, but last I knew a brick has a hard time doing 200 mph. And for the record I wanted to know what it must be like to be you for 2 minutes. It sucked donkey balls........faggot!
  12. He is right. There's a difference between "the most aerodynamic" and "one of the most aerodynamic". Go back and read it you retarded phagot then kill yourself.......
  13. I had several teachers that were Korean war/ww2 veterans. Different time
  14. We need to go back to public executions.
  15. The wife has a multi-poo. He's a spoiled little shit that I tolerate. Smart as a whip, but I don't put up with growling at me when I go to move him on the bed. He learned how to fly real quick. Lol!
  16. Democrats: What's a light bulb??
  17. Must've missed that. What did you guys get?
  18. We are in the same boat. Weighing if I should continue to spruce up the primary residence and wait to sell or take advantage of the market and sell as is. Cabin up north is paid for so we have plans to retire there, but not quite ready to pull the trigger and leave the work force. Financially we could retire, but feels too early.
  19. Exactly. There's been enough gloom and doom about SS that you should be better prepared financially to retire. If you're that hard up for money that you are relying on SS to survive later in life, maybe you should rethink your hobbies like hookers, blo and snowmobiling.......
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