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USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Skidude600

  1. No shit. I get tired of the boomer this and boomer that. I'm selfish because I worked my ass off? Fuck you. My debt is my debt, no one else's and I'll make sure it's taken care of. I don't ask for anything from anyone else and I like it that way.
  2. Look. I get it. I'm not trying to over simplify the problem, but realistically what are the alternatives? For NOW, if I were going to buy a firearm or anything related to such, I would pay cash. It's still legal tender. In the future maybe it would be wise to set yourself up for the govt restrictions that are soon to come. Just my 2 cents.
  3. Well I guess if I were to buy a gun I would just pay cash.
  4. If at first you don't succeed, try try again.
  5. My guess is those 3000 people won't be buying evs any time soon.
  6. Better yet save them all and use them to start your campfires this fall.
  7. Where do you think all the trees that were cut down for solar farms and windmills went to? It's ok. Nothing went to waste.
  8. Kind of like telling you that there will only be fat chicks with rainbow colored hair and deep voices available to hook up with. guaranteed to be the best lay you'll ever have. But I suppose they could disguise their voices to sound like Jessica Alba.......
  9. Cracks me up. Buys a jacked up truck designed for off road use, then calls everyone else an inbred. If that isn't the definition of inbred I don't know what is. As far as I know being inbred is kind of like being gay. Once you are you can't go back unless of course he's an evolved inbred. That must be different.
  10. They had to do something to cover the sound of a cake mixer. Betty fucking Crocker. Do they smell like brownies when you drive them?
  11. I disagree. These tit for tat shit shows need to stop. It is doing nothing but dividing this country further along party lines and will continue to do so. What this country really needs is a total political reset.
  12. Right in front of the white house. Someone should have looked up and said "you missed try again".
  13. You guys do realize that Spin may be retired, but he's still practicing..........in here.
  14. Is "thunderstorm" a code word for taking a dump?
  15. I think he just recently got banned.
  16. So they killed a few fish. This is about showing strength, saving face after Pisslosy dare defy them and measuring any response from either the U.S. or Taiwan. China's just throwing a temper tantrum.
  17. Well at least we don't ask chicks with dicks for a blowjob in the Tesla........
  18. does this mean fake tits are a bad thing?
  19. Any citizen that shows up at a poll should have to show ID. Every time I have voted I've had to show my driver's license and they cross check it with an address list. I am then issued a ballot to vote with. This at the bare minimum should be the standing process across the country.
  20. Gawdam you're an idiot! A smart one, but still an idiot.
  21. No. That would mean I was a hairdresser and gay. In that case I would be just fine.
  22. Not that I have to worry about it anymore, but men should get paid time off for putting up with menstruating women. I mean that shit can be evil.
  23. Cops overreacted big time. Stupid to tell someone you want their id then draw your weapon because he's reaching for his id. That being said ATF agent should have set his ego aside and recognized that the cop was going to be a douche and just obeyed the commands, wait to be identified and then ripped him a new asshole. This is the type of cop that will cause problems down the road.
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