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Everything posted by snoughnut

  1. I’m sure that’s what every parent thought before their daughters were raped or murdered. Makes no sense how you liberal fucks can defend illegal immigration. We have enough rotten people to deal with in this country, so let’s add to the problem right? We should have a special illegal immigration tax in this country paid only by liberal faggots who want them here. Pay up you filthy retards!
  2. You wouldn’t be talking so stupid if it happened to your own daughter would you?
  3. Jesus Christ, it’s Snow Rectum light, he’s made quite the impression on you. I’m certain he’s flattered.
  4. Shteve would be Robert DeNiro in the crying lib video.
  5. It’s really a thing of beauty, just pathetic emotional retardation on display. It’s the video you show to your kids when they ask “dad, what’s a liberal “?
  6. Not with a ridiculous bill loaded with foreign aid that has nothing to with the border security. Perfect example of how goddamn stupid and filthy Democrats are.
  7. You mean when Biden was on the mic telling illegals to surge the border. Democrats like to lie and claim illegals are coming because they’re seeking asylum, that’s pure BS. They are not, they’re coming here to mooch off the system and the Democrats will oblige heavily with our tax dollars so they get their votes. Now tell us more about “grownups”. Filthy, rotten, lying Democrats are no where near the “grownups”, the pricks need to be booted to the kids table where they belong.
  8. you’re Not only are you clueless but you’re dumb as fuck, you prove it here daily
  9. It's a stupid bill but what would you expect from cocksucker Democrats. There should be no foreign aid in the bill and it's loaded with ridiculous foreign aid, dumb motherfuckers.
  10. The entire administration is a POS, traitorous filth. Every Biden voter has to be feeling extremely dumb right now.
  11. Trump will make everything great again. So much so that Shteve will even be able to afford an American dentist.
  12. The biggest pussies on the planet are ignorant liberals such as yourself.
  13. I think AC could probably retire if he really wanted to and I doubt he has to go to the Tijuana Tooth Fairy like you have to.
  14. Wrong, don't get TBP confused with you, Shteve and HSR.
  15. That's not an opinion, you give HSR so many reach arounds that he just might propose to you soon.
  16. This just might be the dumbest thing you've ever said.
  17. Most of the extremism is coming from the filthy, fascist Democrats Transgender mental retards Global Warming BS Slave Reparations just to name a few
  18. Mental illness is alive and well.
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