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Everything posted by Rigid1

  1. Happy Thanksgiving fellas
  2. Yeah, that will definitely put a bad taste in your mouth once ya find out ..
  3. What gets me is Viper set his money aside to pay promptly if he lost, and was fucking mocked for it @Deephaven Stevie Blunder is a Welcher and not a fucking peep...nada, zippo, zilch.. how friggin shitty of a person do you have to do that .Guy sets money aside to pay his debt, your a looser. Guy doesn't pay his debt .Great guy!! What in the actual fuck...
  4. I did notice that! Haha
  5. Was quite the display of their moral compass and Internet quality..
  6. That again would require you to be able to read my mind, your again stating opinion as fact.. With your back ground, I'm sure there is a diagnosis for someone who thinks like that but you seem to be avoiding self analyzing.. Anyway I'm out, I had my share of stupidity/screen time today in 40min..Have a great night spinner!! Hope all is well and your enjoying the new crib bro! 👊
  7. Awesome, another assumption spewed as fact. For you to say this that would also require nobody to ever jump ship, never have a different opinion, never switch a side, or also side differently in and entire presidential cabinet..And we all know that has happened.. Having a mental health back ground, What would the condition be called for someone who thinks like this?
  8. To make that assumption it would require you to be able to read people's/Trumps mind especially never doing an in person evaluation..I don't get why people do this, Expressing an opinion as a fact..Oddest thing I read quite often on these forums.. Super strange.. Wonder if there is a mental disorder for people who do this..
  9. I didn't have to pay that, my out of pocket was $1352..but this is why insurance is fucking crazy..15min in an operating room was $16k..15 fucking minutes.. But yeah, let's listen to the two guys in the medical industrial complex on how it's all legit..SMH
  10. I recently had some minor very common surgery 2 Fridays ago. 1 hour and 21 minutes the bill was $22k, the total for the 4 hours I was there sitting in a chair $29k..Yeah, nothing to see here folks...$55 for a cup of cranberry juice after the surgery..SMH.. Yeah the US medical industrial complex is all on the up and up..
  11. Haha, funny how that works out, definitely a nice ride.. Is it a 4sp manual?? Looked like a Hurst in it in your video?
  12. How long have you owned it??
  13. Those people aren't car people, your ride is sweet in my eyes..I can appreciate anything with 4 wheels that someone else has that they show love too..Your Nova is extremely nice, well built, and it's something I would love to have in my garage
  14. Bro, that's got some real nice chop to it! Awesome
  15. That's so awesome
  16. You kicked ass on the restoration, friggin quick with it to.
  17. That's quite the sticker collection Pete!
  18. 3 oil changes this morning(Jeep, Nissan, BMW) along with a winter tire/wheel swap on my sons 750..My son did his, my daughter did hers and the GF..I did hers for favors this evening..
  19. Shoot him a PM, he should get an email alert, I'm not really worried about him, he lost everything he predicted, more than likely doesn't want to look like a fool......Again...
  20. Those eyes!! I would be giving that dog anything it wanted if it looked at me with those.. Super cute pup
  21. Crusty Grilled cheese and soup is in the menu for this evening
  22. The mighty Falcon NX-4, a true power house of a bike. Puts the Tenere' 700 to shame..
  23. He probably should have set the wager amount aside so he could pay up upon loosing like a responsible person would do..
  24. Well this is true, I guess they look like tremendous idiots now..
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