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Canadian Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Voodoo

  1. Could you define "pay the piper"? Taking of children, as the classic definition? Planes into buildings? Attacks on soldiers at a war memorial, or stabbed at a recruitment center?
  2. Please don’t use eat a bullet in your posts. It triggers some to fight against firearms owners. Medical Assistance In Dying, or MAID is better.
  3. It's actually an excellent way to manage load. The alternative is to continue to upsize the distribution grid and build more generation.
  4. I might be lying on that.. Kid myself sometimes my actions don’t bother me, or lack there of. Good that they do IMO. Keeps me sane. if I actually added up all the piss poor things I’ve done, I’m a piece of shit. Then I add up the good.. I might be ok after all….
  5. I was the guy with the guns. In the neighbourhood. Up to you to do the dirty deed. Sucks dude, but you have to step up. I sleep well knowing I did what was necessary.
  6. What exactly goes through someone’s head, when they shoot someone, multiple times, without warning, when it was not a life or death threat? All my training was premised on you only use lethal force after you are absolutely sure that’s warranted, and you’ve exhausted all other options, and you will be called to account for your actions. These cats just ramp it up to murder death kill for nothing. I don’t like shooting anything, but I’m good at it and well armed. Neighbours had a sheep with a disease that needed to be “put down”. Someone hit a deer with their car, in front of my place, Wife tracked it down and I put it out of it’s misery with a 12 gauge slug. Did the local copper a solid. He’d have had to do paperwork for hours and I don’t think he was up to it regardless. Some shit needs to be shot. Again, I am your huckleberry.
  7. There has not been a single murder in Canada with an AR-15. 1/4 million owners. it ain’t the gun. Our hoodlums prefer the up close and personal touch only a pistol lovingly offers as well.
  8. That last one to the head was unnecessary. Over loud music. ffs.
  9. Cool with that. Greater good. Gonna die eventually, best be for the greater good? You’d still be a British Colony if not for the greater good.
  10. End game? That’s my major problem. No one discusses the way it finally finishes. No matter how awful it needs to be, if everyone and everything gets destroyed, have and an end game and a restart.
  11. There is a point where negotiations no longer work. In past wars, decisions were made that knew hundreds of thousands of soldiers would be killed, millions of civilians. People suck.
  12. Fishing for most if us is simply boat drinking, with a purpose. My brother dumped 15k into a fishing boat. Caught a few fish. His wife likes to have fish for dinner. Told him he should have bought a 50K bass boat. Then maybe his purchase would pay off…… I’ve got trees around my property to feed my fireplace. That will save me $100 a month in natural gas. Bought a 20’k sled to make that happen. government spending logic
  13. Kill yourself, and then what happens? Not sure how you think that works out. Need to be alive, so your orders are executed. Truman did the same thing. He lived with what he did. I can do similar.
  14. Kill them. Kill them all. Terrorists that hide amongst civilians can not be rooted out. 20 years in Afghanistan shows what cockroaches can do. If they need someone to push the button and take the blame until memories fade I'm your huckleberry.
  15. In Canada you can….only if you are a native. Whitey can’t even take it out of a safe. Diversity is our strength
  16. What if he married her? Isn't there a law about that? In Utah perhaps?
  17. Can't read it. Paywall. Think it's pretty easy to see. Overwhelming numbers against mostly helpless civilians. Anything different? Cunts will be cunty? A handful of Eh'rabs killed 3000 on 9/11.
  18. My 30 acres borders a subdivision. Most of the neighbors have trails from their 1/2 acre houses to my trails. I remember what it was like as a kid with bikes and sleds. Better there than on the street and my neighbors tree farm, that is much needed for the sled clubs. Buddy has land in half a dozen spots that has sled trails.
  19. Yep. A ground war against the fanatics would have been worse IMO, in WW2. Similar now. 20 years in Afghanistan and we accomplished nothing. The only way to change hearts and minds is to kill them. All of them. Including the next generation. Sorry if that hurts someone’s feelings.
  20. That could be used with African Americans vs whites in America. We all start at square one at birth..some do have an advantage, but that advantage can be overcome. What you do from there is all on you.
  21. I personally don’t care what deity you bend the knee before. Killing innocent people, imo, is the hard no
  22. Don’t forget the hostage babies!!
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