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Everything posted by ICG

  1. Coal or Wood fired ovens make for the start of a good pizza.... Yet, I have had great NY style( thin crust) in South Boston ( Tremont + W. Newton) that was too perfection. Wood / coal just wouldn't work in the city. Just now worth being sodomized, to enjoy a good neighborhood pizza shop.
  2. Business is Business . . . . Give the customer anything they want .... And Yes, let the CUSTOMER pay their own child's tuition bills. Make the school accountable to the parent / student for the curriculum & quality of class room performance. No more free programs for someone else to pay the bill
  3. Had to travel for work last Tuesday.... didn't fuel up in Conn, figured it would be cheaper in MA, or NH. Wrong, diesel was 409.9 a gallon in Southern New Hampshire. Searching for dinner I followed a road sign for a buffet..... It wasn't their, but found diesel for $3.39. a gallon. Now, I wish that I filled my 500 gallon tank. Sucks fuel prices jump before I head across the country......
  4. Good for supply side issues for Polaris... But will it stay on top, being corporate run?
  5. Air Strips and Cannabis are where the green is at..... Solar Fields and windmills aren't bad..... And, I'm open to lots of new snowmobile trails
  6. It's not scientific....but their is a torque spec for that bolts..... Remove at KOabout 10 percent over the factory torque counter clockwise...... If nothing try to get the base metal to about 300 degrees with a propane torch.... Use an infrared none touch thermometer.... Repeat above step.
  7. Oops, . . . Maybe 🤔, I had those tree's removed too soon? 😂
  8. Speaking from experience writing permits for development and green energy development, the Landowner is the person you want in your corner. They control the project through contracts, until the lease is signed .... After, the property is leased out, the land owner is bound to the terms of the contract and has lost their rights to use said leased area. The land owner can grant access around his property before designs & contracts are finalized. There may be surplus area that can't be used due zoning, size of fields v. Land Tax..... Every state + power company is different to work with. Make friends with the land owner from the get go.....
  9. Certification, is optional when you're first lesson is cutting a lobster bouy off of the Hatteras prop shafts.... Having your own recharging compressor and all the gear makes it all easy. Florida and the Caribbean were fun with clear water, New England bites, as the water is dark and murky....
  10. ICG


    That loss is in the millions of dollars per acre. . Nothing, fares well when you get hail from the size of golf balls upwards to soft balls size falling from miles above Late 1970's Windsor Locks, CT was hit with summer hailstones... Damage to cars was horrific..... Flat panels were hammered
  11. Very nice stern...not a complete barrel like a 1939 or 41, but still classic lines.
  12. Another dark day in snowmobiling history..... One more manufacturer gone...... Bring on the accelerated depreciation for used Yamahas.
  13. How is the land being worked??? You can't plow it, run a tractor over it... Zero capability to cut hay, or raise any commercial crops.
  14. It's not fraud, or wrong if you're a Dumbocrat. . . . Buying drinks near the poll, the dead voting...it's been a way of life since The Tweed Administration
  15. Is it just too simplistic to do it by eye???? that's what I've seen my local Arctic Cat do for ever....
  16. I have been looking for a new home for over a year... 1). Inventory is thin too none existent. 2). Owners seem apprehensive to list homes, as they too don't know what they can buy 3). Seeing caveats on sales contracts, that void contract if seller can't find replacement property. 4). You only have a month or so after selling to purchase or be under contract, to avoid paying capital gains taxes on the sale. 5). Seeing + hearing the same lines....people asking three times more since COVID. With 4 parcels to sell. + close on, it's almost impossible to reinvest everything economically. This market sucks to be a buyer
  17. Then Chateau Dust will bring a premium price for it's aged patina . . . . . Aged to perfection, with the perfect amount of dust
  18. Must be a tough neighborhood, when the barn dust has rocks in it.
  19. Six digits is cheap money for cars that go Seven digits at Auction..... Trouble is you can spend seven digits restoring them
  20. It's a Chinese Corporation harvesting information......
  21. Sadly, i remember the sleds parked on snowbanks around the bars in Western Massachusetts, back in the 90's.... Kind of like biker bars..... Ride from bar to bar for another drink.....
  22. A grass roots fight..... Yes, let's see more states be pro American
  23. Try that in NYC.... the kid would be facing weapons charges , attempted man slaughter, hate crimes . . . . . Sorry Bart, you should have let them take Lisa.... and waited for the police .
  24. It's not dead.... It just needs reinventing itself.... Bring back the trans / gay / & lesbian commercials & cater 100% to them..... The products image is degraded to an embarrassing level for a mass market....
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