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    Your mom’s double wide.


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    3 packs a Newports a day.

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  1. So because Al Gore flies in a jet just like the majority of the world’s population (easiest/fastest way to attend in person events) that’s proof climate change is a money grab? What about Greta? She’s known to sail to destinations and actively avoid air travel. How does that prove it’s a money grab?
  2. Uh huh. Sure it will. Sky high prices and interest rates will have sleds flying out the door.
  3. It was never proven to be anything more than a photo off Facebook. How is climate change a money grab?
  4. Krom’s source of all climate change information is Facebook.
  5. Keep hanging onto one single race 9 years ago that had a low snow section of the course. In the meantime here’s the WHOLE state of Minnesota last winter.
  6. I listened to that same podcast last month. Maybe pull your head out of your ass next time you listen. So tell me Iron Dog expert, why did they have spare parts on a plane if all he needed was a spare oil cap?
  7. Damn! It’s like this climate change thing is real and happening as we speak. Crazy how many people are in on the “conspiracy“. Now New York state is fucked. https://dec.ny.gov/environmental-protection/climate-change/effects-impacts The annual statewide average temperature in New York has warmed 3°F (0.6°F per decade) since 1970. The state's average temperatures are projected to rise by as much as another 3°F by 2080 with the greatest warming occurring in the northern parts of the state. Rising annual temperatures are already having widespread impacts on New York's communities and ecosystems and impacts are expected to increase. New York State's changing climate may no longer be able to support the types of plants, insects, and wildlife living in New York, particularly those in high-elevation regions like the Catskills and Adirondacks. As New York's temperatures increase, these species will extend their range north, impacting the industries and economies that depend on them such as fishing, hunting, and tourism. Across the northeastern U.S., winters are warming faster than any other season. Over the last century, average winter temperatures have increased by approximately 3°F, spring temperatures by 2°F, and summer and fall temperatures by 1.4°F. In New York, winters have warmed three times faster than summers. Warmer winter temperatures, with fewer days below freezing, are bringing more winter precipitation to New York as rain, less snow, reduced snow cover, and earlier spring snowmelt. Less snowfall and earlier snowmelt are already having and will continue to have increasing economic impacts on New York's winter recreation industry.
  8. Make sure to pull out your calendar this upcoming winter season and double check it when you don’t have any snow due to climate change.
  9. Says the guy who likes jerking off dudes more than being around women.
  10. You’re a total idiot if you think that’s all the prep that is required.
  11. It’s been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. I can’t help it that you are too fucking stupid to understand basic science.
  12. Whoa! Anderson’s Maple Syrup… no shit?! Damn!!! Talk about you top tier, big league sponsor. Are that like a regional brand only available in Quebec? I believe SnoX is also in talks with Hydrox cookies to sponsor the Pro class, that’d be completely off the chain. I also heard rumors of Great Value toilet paper being the title sponsor of the sport class.
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