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Everything posted by SayatodaU.P.eh?

  1. Trump just did what he did to call out the Republicans on Capitol Hill just as much, if not more, than the Dems.
  2. I hope he does veto it. Bunker Joe will just pass something else and probably worse next month anyway.
  3. So apparently they want to banish people and then try to completely corner the market? Jesus. It's almost like some ex-hcs member that was banished from there forever is trying like a motherfucker to get revenge or some shit. I wouldn't think actual professional business owners would act like this.
  4. I thought you were talking about Tommy there for a minute.
  5. Now they are the internet forum police?
  6. I know that I need to get more serious about my money. Really I use my company appointed 401k and that’s about it. I’m trying to get a small side business going in the next year or so and I’d like to put a good 1/3 of that money into something for the future. I am watching my 70+ year old parents struggle right now and it’s painful to watch. I don’t want to be in that position.
  7. Sounds like OL Stevie is still feeding VS some shit from here. Or, VS is reading here and banning people. Either way, that’s pretty shitty.
  8. I’m just trying to figure out what the fuck dog piling is. Sounds like a Zambroski sport honestly.
  9. I’m kind of on the fence with his forecasts, tbh. They use to be really accurate but don’t seem that great anymore. I still check them though. I guess I never looked at it as possibly being a money thing. I’ve met and rode with JD before. He’s a really humble and down to earth guy so I guess I wouldn’t believe it being done just for clicks or money. That’s just me though.
  10. Seems like a solid place to stay the fuck away from, IMO.
  11. You literally just described most of the people that voted for Bunker Joe. Except you forgot the part that they voted to put rich, racist, corrupt as fuck white man into the WH, again. Talk about fucking brainless morons.
  12. Those that didn’t get caught were just more sneaky about how they did it, that’s all.
  13. Half of our $2400 went to the local animal shelter. The other half is still sitting in the bank. If we get another $1200, I’m sure at least another $600 will go to the local animal shelters.
  14. It’s almost like someone pissed right off at the ex HCS admin/mod staff got the keys to that place and are running the show. 🤣
  15. A troll fighting with admins? Wow. They’re getting all sorts of Karen bitchy now.
  16. Nobody wants to talk about why ALL of our military personnel are being recalled to the states right now?
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