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Everything posted by poopooforme

  1. Damn man I am so sorry. There are no words. Prayers for you and for his family.
  2. Never said that about cnn before.... Speaks for itself. The looks from axlerod is priceless!!
  3. And in other news AFJ is a brainwashed retard that laps up everything the media machine feeds him. "Yes give me more. Please daddy deadline.... MOAR!!!!"
  4. Increased the state budget by almost 50% in one year. Just when I thought the D ticket couldn't be a bigger dumpster fire this happens. TimJongUnWalz.... Fucking commie. I bought lunch through the front window of the diner downtown. Most days you could tell the gal was crying because of how terrible the .gov was to her. My haircut gal had to come over to my garage to cut my hair. I mean come the fuck on... Oh and I almost forgot I "just rocks and cows" Fuck you Walz you commie. Look what you have done to my State!
  5. Wrong fuckhead. I don't listen to the propaganda machine. Haven't in 10 years. When the elites own the media its all one big production. There are enough sheep. Glad you are one of them...
  6. Looks like Musk checked his supply of fucks to give and he was all out. That is some high level burn hes got right there. NICE!!!!
  7. I saw a meme the other day that said "Joe Biden is just as confused as Michelle Obamas gynecologist." I lol'd....
  8. Fuck off. I buy your plane ticket out of here if you think there is somewhere better to go. You don't deserve the freedom this country affords you. Fuck you you piece of shit.
  9. Then there was this one from the same speech. This shit can't write itself... 80 million votes though fellas...
  10. Open your eyes you fucking tool bag. You think this country has gotten to a better place since obummer started this mess? How about the world??? Iran is a couple weeks from a nuke. China is looking at Taiwan with drool down its lip. N Korea is testing missiles constantly. First time Israel has been shot at by Iran ever. People shouting death to America on American soil. I could go on and on.... Ya we are sure on the right track.... Fuck me no wonder why I don't come on this site much anymore. Ignorance is bliss.....
  11. WTF people are fucked in the head... Let's start by saying I don't know the gender of anyone of those things.... Fucked up
  12. just wild animals doing what wild animals do....... That is not a civilized people right there. Call me whatever names you want....
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