this is off Madison Wi craigs list, not me but I saw it.
Arctic Cat Fuel Tank Leaking? Ski-doo Oil Tank Leaking,I Have The Fix - $24
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Arctic cat fuel tank neck repair kits:
Aluminum inserts W/ Flange, There are about 6 different sizes, you must know your inside dimension of neck.
To install in the broken cracked fuel tank necks on most cats.
ski-doo oil tank inserts, these use no o rings and the best you will get, not the ones made in china!
ski-doo at 24.00 shipped
Cat Inserts start at Depending on size, as little as 65.00 shipped
Paypal accepted
do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
post id: 7005844253
posted: 7 days ago
updated: a day ago