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Poor Little Crackhead Hunter

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  • Platinum Contributing Member
Just now, HSR said:

This is what a big tough military dude sounds like when he's crying :lmao:

Man you guys are too easy to upset. Thin skinned.

Bizarro World….you’re the one crying and making up rules as you go.

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  • Platinum Contributing Member
1 minute ago, HSR said:

OK sure, if that works for you we'll go with that then :bc:

You're already having a bad enough morning.

3 for 3 on bizarro world this morning…my morning is just fine. 

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17 hours ago, Snake said:

cfk needs to change this to HSR Sledder because he seems to be dictating a whole lot of speech.... the 1st Amendment right to it USED TO BE the whole basis for this forum....

Man, everything good is going by the way side... :sad:

Poor Snake , always crying :lol:


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